The Israeli–Palestinian conflict


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aussieavodart said:
Your army has abducted civilians and held them indefinetly without trial
Terrorists not civilans.
aussieavodart said:
ied about it's enemies using human shields in Lebanon 2006
"Australian journalist Chris Link reported and photographed incidents during the 2006 Lebanon War in which Hezbollah used Lebanese civilians as human shields to dissuade the IDF from firing at gunmen and rocket launchers,[20] although Human Rights Watch then conducted its own investigation and reported that it "found no cases in which Hezbollah deliberately used civilians as shields to protect them from retaliatory IDF attack."[21]

Hezbollah used Lebanese homes as sites for rocket launchers, usually without the home-owner's knowledge or permission, putting large numbers of civilians at risk.[22] Human Rights Watch wrote that "Hezbollah occasionally did store weapons in or near civilian homes and fighters placed rocket launchers within populated areas or near UN observers, which are serious violations of the laws of war because they violate the duty to take all feasible precautions to avoid civilian casualties."[21]
On 25 July 2006, Israeli forces attacked and destroyed an U.N. observer post in southern Lebanon, resulting in four deaths.[23] One of the fatalities, Canadian Major Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener, had sent an e-mail to his former commander, retired Major-General Lewis MacKenzie, several days before his death in which he described the Israeli bombardment, writing "The closest artillery has landed within 2 meters of our position and the closest 1000 lb aerial bomb has landed 100 meters from our patrol base. MacKenzie interpreted this language for a reporter:This has not been deliberate targeting, but rather due to tactical necessity." "What that means is, in plain English, 'We've got Hezbollah fighters running around in our positions, taking our positions here and then using us for shields and then engaging the (Israeli Defence Forces).'"[24][25]

The civilian death toll from IAF bombings on Lebanon has been partially attributed to Hezbollah's use of civilians as human shields."

aussieavodart said:
Can you get off your high horse and come with a solution?

Remove the numpty's in the west bank
It will happend evantually, but i dont think it will stop there, i pray it will tho, it very hard to trust people who vote by vast majority to a party that sponsored by groups who wish to annihilate you from the face of the earth...but i guess that perspective is kinda hard to grasp when you downunder sitting on your cloud preaching "objectivly" from above as you clearly see and know it all... :jackit:
There is a deiffrance between an army that portects its country and while doing so causes casualties because the enemy hides in civilian crowded places, then deliberately shooting, bombing, murdering, kidnaping, raping innocent population on the other side... casualties is something that the world will have to deal with, Israel will have to fight 2 fronts now, world-wide explanatory (it pictures very well "poor helpless palastineans agains the bad evil occupaier") and terorr itself.


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Smooth said:
aussieavodart said:
Your army has abducted civilians and held them indefinetly without trial
Terrorists not civilans.

If they are terrorists then why aren't they put on trial? Where is your proof of their activities?

Why have abductees been disappeared in Israeli prisons? Where are the Muamar Brothers?

There is a deiffrance between an army that portects its country and while doing so causes casualties because the enemy hides in civilian crowded places, then deliberately shooting, bombing, murdering, kidnaping, raping innocent population on the other side...

US army war college report:

Hezbollah is often described as having used
civilians as shields in 2006, and, in fact, they made
extensive use of civilian homes as direct fire combat
positions and to conceal launchers for rocket fire into
Israel.90 Yet the villages Hezbollah used to anchor its
defensive system in southern Lebanon were largely
evacuated by the time Israeli ground forces crossed the
border on July 18. As a result, the key battlefields in the
land campaign south of the Litani River were mostlydevoid of civilians, and IDF participants consistently
report little or no meaningful intermingling of
Hezbollah fighters and noncombatants. Nor is there
any systematic reporting of Hezbollah using civilians
in the combat zone as shields. The fighting in southern
Lebanon was chiefly urban, in the built-up areas of
the small to medium-size villages and towns typical
of the region. But it was not significantly intermingled
with a civilian population that had fled by the time the
ground fighting began. Hezbollah made very effective
use of local cover and concealment (see below), but this
was obtained almost entirely from the terrain—both
natural and man-made.91 ... PUB882.pdf

There is a deiffrance between an army that portects its country and while doing so causes casualties because the enemy hides in civilian crowded places, then deliberately shooting, bombing, murdering, kidnaping, raping innocent

population on the other side...

"In South Lebanon we struck the civilian population consciously, because they deserved it...the importance of Gur's remarks is the admission that the Israeli Army has always struck civilian populations, purposely and consciously...the Army,

he said, has never distinguished civilian [from military] targets... [but] purposely attacked civilian targets even when Israeli settlements had not been struck." -Israeli General Gur

If you've served in the army, then why don't you explain to us what neighbor procedure is?While you're at it you can explain how country that merely 'defends itself' as you claim, ends up with more land that what it started with. Most people with a functioning brain would consider that offensive, not defensive.

it very hard to trust people who vote by vast majority to a party that sponsored by groups who wish to annihilate you from the face of the earth.

So I wonder how the Palestinians feel when you vote in a man who sanctions ethnic cleansing? Your country broke the last ceasfire, not Hamas so how can you claim that they are the ones trying to doing the annihilating?

You can harp on about the Palestinians not being serious about peace all you like, but the record is there for people to see

for themselves-

1)All major peace agreements have been rejected by the US or by Israel-

2)The wall you've built is illegal, same with the settlements which you continually expand

3)Hamas have agreed to the arab peace deal-

4)you've a nuclear program you've hidden from the world and you refuse to sign an agreement to ensure that nuclear material won't be sold onto terrorists

5)Israel broke the last ceasefire

6)Extrajudicial killings (illegal) are official israeli policy- ... &aid=11041 ... ssinations

With those facts on the table you can't possibly refute that your country has no respect for international law, nor is it serious about making peace, yet you insist it's the other side that owns the mortgage on criminal activity and is not interested in a settlement.


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These are not peace agreements . those are just initiatives that Israel cannot accept . Taba summit is the most ridiculus one because it was nothing more than the dying breath of Ehud Barack's government trying to gain some votes in the 2001 elections . the palestinians , realising Ariel Sharon was going to be elected , cooperated . the other two do not recognize Israel as a jewish state , do not address fully to the right of return and there are not demanding the palestinians to stop the terrorist's acts meaning that even if Israel does sign it it's possible that terrorist acts will continue while Israel is removing the settelments and even after .

That wall preventes suicide bombers to enter Israel . if there is no agreement than this is a solution . it's not the best one but it works for us .

these are not peace deals . they say they will never recognize Israel . how the hell are we suppose to sign an agreement ?
a "Hudna" is nothing more than a glorified ceasfire . in Islam the muslims can declare one if they feel that the cannot hold back their enemy cause he is much more powerfull . the non fighting period is used to arm and gain strengh untill they are strong enough and the ceasefire is broke and the fighting resumes.
Hamas is an islamic party . they are going to lead Sharia laws in gazza .

Obviously not hidden enough since you know about it .

Open the link and read the third line . a ceasfire means no rockets . not a reduction of rockets .
and dont give me that "it was Islamic jihad shooting" story . this is difference between us . i know that no arab can use that excuse and keep a straight face .
If we have a ceasfire with Hamas than it is obvious that they have controll in gaza and they can prevent any shooting . if the cant why should we sign a ceasfire with them ? we might as well sign it with Mahmud the falafel stand owner in gaza market .
there suppose to be a ceasfire now . the rockets never stopped .

the way we see it those people are "ticking bombs" . the either planning the attacks or they are the actual suicide bombers . if we know who and where they are we need to stop them . it's self defence . and if they are in an unreachebal location and considering our poor history of cooperation with the palestinian police there is no other choice .


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The Gardener said:
Well said, Kalbo.

There's been a serious change of perspective on this in the US as well.

I think Israelis need to read this:

The oft-repeated attack amongst the liberal fringe in America that Israel is an apartheid state is starting to gain some traction amongst the American mainstream. The "Lieberman solution" may sound good, but it would be suicidal for Israel, as it would totally remove any and all moral currency that the Israeli position has in justifying its existence.... i.e., its HYPOCRITICAL to an exponential degree, and an embrace of the Lieberman solution would result in American REJECTION of its support of Israel.

You Israelis better clean up your act. Get your house in order.

Forget this guy . he is not even here half the time . he is just saying these things when there is a camera around . and all he do is talk . he never actually did anything despite all his years in the Israeli politics . by the next election people will realise that and his party will shrink back . untill then i dont see him make much difference around here .


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First of all, Western reports of Hezbollah using human shields should be taken with a grain of salt.

Lets face facts here. Hezbollah captured 2 soliders using thier underground tunnel system built in Southern Lebanon. This is a clear indication of where they hide, underground, literally.

Shimon Perez, the moron, accused Hezbollah of firing from civilian apartments in justifcation to the murder of civilians. His accusation was retarded by an engineer who disproved ANY theory of rocket launchings from building claiming that the clearance between buildings or room cubic measurements were not enough to launch any missile, even it be Katyusha.

Israel broke ceasefire with Hamas in 2007, 6 months after a cease fire agreement. They then justified their attack by make false accusations when in the report mentioned above, its quite obvious who broke such ceasefire. Even NOW they have broken the ceasefire again by launching air raids.

Hamas is a democratically elected government. Anyone who fights for Hamas, is the military. And these fighters have ABSOLUTE right to defend their territories just like any another military.

Why are Hamas launching missile attacks?

These are a RESPONSE to a continious air raid/blockade operation by Israel. Remember, no food, medical supplies, resources are allowed into Palestine. Not also have they stolen the land, they've held the rest of it hostage.

Palestinians are being held hostage and are sitting ducks.. Only a moron (the typical moron would be an uneducated redneck America, lets face it) cannot see what would drive Palestinian children to throw "rocks" in frustration.

I personally don't know any Palestinians.. but just realizing their conditions (the most barbaric on earth) I don't need to in order to understand how frustrated they are. They are being held hostage, without no effort from the world to assist, then when they try to fight the oppressors, they are labelled terrorists.

Israel.. is beyond a doubt, beyond the realms of imagination, beyond all rational understanding.. the greatest Barbaric nation this world has ever seen. I have nothing against the Jewish population just as I have nothing against the Muslim population. But lets face facts here, they are so convinced that they are God's chosen people, they have used this as a justification to murder, torture and steal from us gentiles for centuries, not decades.

Read Noam Chomskys book (a Jew mind you) called The Middle Eastern Illusion who goes into depth about the facts hidden from the public. Noam Chomsky is a breathe of fresh air from the moderate Jewish population who in turn disagree whole heartedly with Israeli tactics.

They used our men and women to fight their battles in Iraq, and now they want to do the same in Iran. Iran on the other hand, is a force not to be reckoned with, lets face it. They have isolated their dependance on foreign arms trade and are building their our military internally, exactly the structure the U.S set out in the 1700's when the Masons decided that the U.S would become the home of the "Agenda".

So whats the go from here? I always wonder, has Israel's ego gotten the better of itself and will it commit suicide by launching a pre-emptive Iranian strike? An answer we may have within these 2 years. Iran has the bomb, make no mistakes about it, and Israel isn't happy about it.

But I doubt Israel will launch the attack, if Olmerts recent suggestion that if Israel was to war with Syria, that Israel could remove the Assad regime but that the Israeli cabinet must not kid itself, and realise that Syria would unleash drastic and significant damage to the nation of Israel.

A population of 60 to 70 million Iranians with "spare change" to fight 5 million Israelis. So think about Ahmedinejads speech here in 2007 when he declared in a Tehran protest:

"We do not deny the military strength of Israel nor the U.S and we do not deny the kind of damage it could inflict on Iran. But let the Zionists know, that Iran is not Iraq. A war with Iran will be the end of Israel, the end of all U.S bases across the Middle East and Eastern Europe and unprecedented oil prices at $1000 a barrel".

Iran won't hit Israel.. the U.S won't hit Iran... the question is.. is Israel stupid enough to go after the Netanz facility? Time will tell.


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3's the usual hypocrisy and double standards arguments....

kadosh said:
3)these are not peace deals . they say they will never recognize Israel . how the hell are we suppose to sign an agreement ?

How are they supposed to agree to a peace deal with a state whose politicians say there is 'no such thing as Palestine' and advocates ethnic cleansing of the West bank?

a "Hudna" is nothing more than a glorified ceasfire . in Islam the muslims can declare one if they feel that the cannot hold back their enemy cause he is much more powerfull . the non fighting period is used to arm and gain strengh untill they are strong enough and the ceasefire is broke and the fighting resumes.

The planning of war during a ceasefire....... sounds familiar-

Sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas

Besides, it's rediclulous for Israel to play the victim regarding Hamas' charter of 'state destruction' when you consider that:
- it's you guys that have the 200+ nuclear warheads, not them
- it's you guys with the hi-tech military being donated to you by uncle sam, not them
- the people doing the threatening have less small arms and ammunition than the average American neighborhood

Hamas is an islamic party . they are going to lead Sharia laws in gazza

How is that any business of Israel's?

Obviously not hidden enough since you know about it .

But hidden enough for you country to jail the whistleblower for nearly 20 years and turn him into public enemy #1

Open the link and read the third line . a ceasfire means no rockets . not a reduction of rockets .
and dont give me that "it was Islamic jihad shooting" story . this is difference between us . i know that no arab can use that excuse and keep a straight face

So it was Hamas' fault that your country along with the US and fatah was goading them by first launching a coup attempt and then a series of rocket attacks to give Israel the pretext it needed to conduct a war it had planned since the ceasefire?

Hamas aren't stupid. Given that they knew their political enemies (along with outside help) were trying to overthrow them, you'd have to be dense to think that they would wantingly sit by and let their rivals fire rockets into Israel knowing full well that it could result in another attempt to dislodge them from authority by giving Israel a reason to attack. Hamas had a vested interest in stopping rocket attacks from PLO-linked groups and if they didn't stop them it was because they couldn't.

If this wasn't the case then why wasn't it Hamas firing the rockets? They had the means to do it...

If we have a ceasfire with Hamas than it is obvious that they have controll in gaza and they can prevent any shooting . if the cant why should we sign a ceasfire with them ? we might as well sign it with Mahmud the falafel stand owner in gaza market

Why should they sign a ceasefire with you? Israel kept Gaza under seige during the ceasefire and made regular incursions.

there suppose to be a ceasfire now . the rockets never stopped

Have the Israeli attacks stopped?

the way we see it those people are "ticking bombs" . the either planning the attacks or they are the actual suicide bombers . if we know who and where they are we need to stop them . it's self defence . and if they are in an unreachebal location and considering our poor history of cooperation with the palestinian police there is no other choice .

To think that the only option left to Israel is to circumvent international law and start building a big wall in somebody else's backyard is the most absurd claim to be making. You country could have signed onto to the peace agreement that nearly the entire world had agreed upon and you could have stopped your inflammatory policy of land takeover in the west bank. Did any of this happen? Nope,Palestinian civilians kept dying and your colonies kept expanding, Palestininans respond to violent occupation with their own violence and Israel says it's the only victim of the conflict and the Palestinians know nothing but war etc etc etc


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Smooth said:
Funny how you deliberately ignore camp David summit... :jackit:

Funny how you deliberately ignore that Yasser Arafat (a well known CIA agent) was leader of the Fatah movement, the corrupt organisation of Palestine that coincides with Israeli bribery.

Funny how you don't mention that Hamas was ELECTED in a DEMOCRATIC ELECTION and ISRAEL REFUSED TO ACCEPT THEM.


I'll repeat it.


Lets come out and say it. Israel is the devil nation that would kill 3 billion Christians, Muslims and Buddhist to protect 1 of its own.

ISRAEL has a world record for breaking the most UN resolutions since its creation.

ISRAEL is currently in STOLEN land NOT ALLOCATED TO IT by the U.N (pre1967 borders)

ISRAEL does not allow Israeli Arabs to participate in its maintstream voting.

ISRAEL killed 1,350 Lebanese in 2006.

ISRAEL killed 2,300 Palestinians in 2008/2009.

ISRAEL injured 14,500 Palestinians (blind, deaf, scarred you name it) in 2008/2009.

ISRAEL launched the 6-day war with the help of U.S and Britian forces.

ISRAELI terrorists called Stern Gang blew 3 bus loads of Palestinians killing over 750 in 3 consequtive days.

ISRAEL launched an attack on Iraqi Nuclear site WITHOUT provocation.

ISRAEL bombed a Syrian site in 2008 WITHOUT provocation.

ISRAEL gave the intelligence that left 8 Syrian innocent family members dead in 2008 on the border with Iraq.

ISRAEL is the only country to have a lobby alliance with the U.S (AIPAC)

ISRAEL is the LAND OF LUCIFER and you better bloody believe it.

Now.. you were telling me something about Hamas firing homemade rockets? Sorry.. what was the big priority again?


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Empire said:
Funny how you deliberately ignore that Yasser Arafat (a well known CIA agent)
I think at this point i stoped taking what you have to say seriusly :) ...Yasser Arafat a cia agent :woot:

(p/s; i actaully took the time and wrote a response, but then after reading post above again i decided to delete it, every kid can see throw this bs by himself)


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Smooth said:
Empire said:
Funny how you deliberately ignore that Yasser Arafat (a well known CIA agent)
I think at this point i stoped taking what you have to say seriusly :) ...Yasser Arafat a cia agent :woot:

(p/s; i actaully took the time and wrote a response, but then after reading post above again i decided to delete it, every kid can see throw this bs by himself)

This is where your disregarded as someone who knows absolutely nothing about the world except what Bill O'Reilly tells you.

Take a seat child, let me give you a run down on Arafat.

He's an Egyptian who entered the Seal of Lion military prior to his Palestinian cause. The Seal of Lion was funded, sponsored and trained by the CIA and Mossad agents.

Israel needed a puppet leader in Palestine, who better than a trained CIA agent from the Lion military than Yasser Arafat.

REMEMBER, Osama Bin Laden, CIA trained, is also a CIA agent.

CIA agents aren't just people who bust terrorists. As long as they coincide with CIA cooperation, they are CIA agents.

He was implemented in with tha Fatah movement to try to coherce the Palestinians into accepting Israeli Order. He copt a rebellious backlash from an uprising Haraket Amal (Labour Party sponsored by Iran) which tainted his cooperation with Israel.

So please.. PLEASE.. Don't talk when you have no knowledge about an issue. Don't give us your input based on emotion and no facts.


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And NO WONDER you decided to write "I stopped taking you seriously at CIA agent" accusations.

Thats because you had no response for what I wrote afterwards.

You saw briefly Israel has done in a nutshell, and now your backing out of an argument that you know is not winable.

And let me give you another insight on Yasser Arafat.. He was part of a society that included Americans and Israelis.

I know it's hard to accept Bill O'Reilly is a moron.. but he is.. find yourself a new idol. This is why the world is screwed up.. They are more than happy to believe that 9/11 was done by a bunch of hillbilly Arabs with boxcutters (amazingly they ALL got through metal detectors).. but anything remotely secretive, remotely complicated, remotely scary.. and no.. just can't happen. Maybe you don't want it to happen, because then you'll have to face the fact there is pure evil running some systems in this world


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Furthermore.. you always see Arafat asslicking Perez with Clinton etc. Take a look at the Camp David lovey dovey pictures. Take a look at the "cry me a river" handshake ceremonies. Always Arafat, never another representative.

But never the leader of Hamas.

There was negotiations with the PLO.. but not Hamas.

RFemember, if you want to bring down a country, uprise its leader. Just as the Romans did when they installed tyrants to run rampage for 5 years before "liberating" a city from him.

The Gardener

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Looks like we have an "Alex Jones" wacko in our midst.

REMEMBER, Osama Bin Laden, CIA trained, is also a CIA agent.
Ummm no.

CIA supported, yes... two decades ago.

CIA trained, no. CIA agent, double no.

Just because the CIA helps/arms a rag tag band of Islamists in order to give the USSR a black eye in Afghanistan does NOT equate to these folks suddenly becoming CIA "Agents". You make it sound like Osama Bin Laden had an office at Langley.


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The Gardener said:
Looks like we have an "Alex Jones" wacko in our midst.

REMEMBER, Osama Bin Laden, CIA trained, is also a CIA agent.
Ummm no.

CIA supported, yes... two decades ago.

CIA trained, no. CIA agent, double no.

Just because the CIA helps/arms a rag tag band of Islamists in order to give the USSR a black eye in Afghanistan does NOT equate to these folks suddenly becoming CIA "Agents". You make it sound like Osama Bin Laden had an office at Langley.

Hang on.. your not getting away that easily.. Explain why Alex Jones is a wacko? I've watched him, read his articles.. He does nothing but provide facts.. some facts that I've come across first hand.. some facts that I've heard straight from the horses mouth.

Is he a "wacko" because he exposes something that disrupts your way of thinking?

Is he a "wacko" because he exposes something that changes everything you ever thought you knew about your country and its history?

Why is a guy, who dedicates his time, to collect evidence on the mechanics of corrupt politics... a WACKO?

The Wacko here is you.. All because you'd rather call someone a "wacko" then hear his arguments, look at the facts.. and when you realise it's a case stronger than a murder caught in the act... have no other option but to accept and agree.

Moving on.

Osama WAS CIA trained. Admitted by the government itself!! How could you not know that?

A CIA trained operative is a CIA agent. You seem like an intelligent being.. how the hell can you fall for the old "oh we helped him try to do good.. then he turned bad!" excuse.. It's the laughing stock excuse of the century to any well educated individual!

Osama doesn't have an office in Langley... but it's funny.. how they can capture the president of a country hiding in a hole in a land bigger than 70% of others.. Yet they can't find Osama in a cave.

Conspiracy.. is always associated with the word "theory".. and you've been trained to associate it. And "theory" is associated with the idea of "a possible explanation but without evidence".. when in fact theory involves "explanation as a result of facts".

Rosie O'Donnell: "If you want to know about whats going on here in the U.S.. GO OUTSIDE THE U.S"

How true that is.


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In summary... Nothing will change.. they will get there way.. And the fact remains, you deserve it. People of this stupidity should be told what to think and do.. because you don't deserve otherwise.

So I'm all for it :D

Nothing more to say. Enjoy :)


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The Gardener said:
Looks like we have an "Alex Jones" wacko in our midst.

REMEMBER, Osama Bin Laden, CIA trained, is also a CIA agent.
Ummm no.

CIA supported, yes... two decades ago.

CIA trained, no. CIA agent, double no.

Gardener, I think even what YOU said is going too far. I don't think there was any connection at all between Osama Bin Laden and the CIA. He wasn't supported by them. I think that's just an Urban Myth.


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Bryan said:
The Gardener said:
Looks like we have an "Alex Jones" wacko in our midst.

REMEMBER, Osama Bin Laden, CIA trained, is also a CIA agent.
Ummm no.

CIA supported, yes... two decades ago.

CIA trained, no. CIA agent, double no.

Gardener, I think even what YOU said is going too far. I don't think there was any connection at all between Osama Bin Laden and the CIA. He wasn't supported by them. I think that's just an Urban Myth.

You.. have.. got.. to.. be... kidding... me ??

And the CIA ADMITTING that they trained and provided weapons to Ousama during the Afghan-Russian war... was... what? A myth the CIA itself decided to confess to?


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This is where I stay clear from the Off Topic section and stick to hair loss and accept that some things in the world.. never ever change.


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Bryan said:
I think that's just an Urban Myth.

I agree. The Osama-CIA link is hype. If he did get any help from the US (he must have got his weapons from somewhere) then he wouldn't have been aware of it. He said that he or any of the arabs he bought with him never saw any America involvement in that war.


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Empire said:
This is where your disregarded as someone who knows absolutely nothing about the world except what Bill O'Reilly tells you.
who the f*** is Bill OwRielly? seems you know alot about him and basing your opinions on people out of it :whistle:

Empire said:
So please.. PLEASE.. Don't talk when you have no knowledge about an issue. Don't give us your input based on emotion and no facts.
as aposed to you i linked to everything im basing my opinion upon.
Empire said:
Thats because you had no response for what I wrote afterwards.
no thats because you talk out of your *** without backing with solid facts, and i really dont have to respone to your moronic posts ...Yaser Arfat and Bin Laden CIA agents ... :jackit:
Empire said:
Furthermore.. you always see Arafat asslicking Perez with Clinton etc. Take a look at the Camp David lovey dovey pictures. Take a look at the "cry me a river" handshake ceremonies.
And now YOU basing your opinions on emotions :)
Empire said:
and now your backing out of an argument that you know is not winable.
I belive this is what you just did over here....
Empire said:
This is where I stay clear from the Off Topic section and stick to hair loss