The Flake


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Guys how many of you get flakes from using liquid minoxidil? I've been using it once per day for a month and a half now (kirkland) and it's causing some maasive flakes. Does anyone know how to stop this?


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Does your scalp itch? If so, it sounds like you're suffering from contact dermatitis or seborrheic dermatitis. Some people say Nizoral helps the contact dermatitis, but Nizoral can also cause contact dermatitis. You may also want to try a moisturizing shampoo, but I'm not sure if this will work or not. If it's seborrheic dermatitis, you'll want to use Nizoral or another anti-dandruff shampoo.

However, I wouldn't think the flakes from contact dermatitis would be that large as compared to seborrheic dermatitis (or what most people think of as dandruff). which actually induces the flakes. I guess if you're scratching your head a lot, you may induce large flakes to appear in your hair and shoulders.


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Hey retropunk, nah it doesn't itch, this is literally just from using the liquid form of minoxidil, it kinda forms a layer on the scalp where it dries, turns white and flakes off. It's just annoying coz it aint nice having massive white flakes in your hair.


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Ahh, well, I've never used the liquid, so maybe someone else would have better insight.


Yeah it did that to me aswell, especially when I applied it to my hairline. Massive white flakes... dunno if that can be helped, it's just one liquid minoxidil weaknesses.


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Hmm, well I'm trying ways to stop it. I've tried revita, piroctone olamine, nioxinm apple cider vinegar and t-gel with salicylic acid so far, trying head and shoulders tomorrow. Maybe it's just something that your scalp gets used to? If not it's pretty annoying, I've got like 6 kirkland bottles so I have to use them!


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I've never used the liquid but i think i've read somewhere on here that the flakyness goes away with time. Just regurgitating.


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I think I experienced the flakes when I started but it went away after a couple weeks? My memory is not so good since I started 4 years ago.


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The flakes were really getting to me so I switched to the foam twice a day. They've gone away but that pisses me off so much, I've got loadsa kirkland and I possibly can't use it. I'll give it another try, maybe the key is to shampoo every day if you're using the kirkland so you shampoo the buildup away.


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chino20 said:
The flakes were really getting to me so I switched to the foam twice a day. They've gone away but that pisses me off so much, I've got loadsa kirkland and I possibly can't use it. I'll give it another try, maybe the key is to shampoo every day if you're using the kirkland so you shampoo the buildup away.
Count your blessings - and don't look a gift horse in the mouth. :lol:
I was using liquid for about five years, no problems till about four months ago with flaking, itching AND redness, so I cold turkeyed usage for the four months, lost a lot of hair and out of desperation tried the FOAM...
now, NO PROBLEMS and as an added benefit, it leaves the hair more full
and in only five days noticed 50% reduction in hair fall out.
I think foam is the answer for all, make the switch! Try it! :)
Oh, and if it's any consolation to you, I tossed out six new bottles of
liquid. :D