The fight starts here - advice welcomed!


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Having never really thought about hairloss I was taken aback when last year (February 2007 to be exact - when I was 27) my dad said to me you're going a bit thin on top like me! So I went upstairs and had a look at my crown and sure enough there was definitely a little bit of thinning going on up there!

I kind of ignored it for a year, as I didn't think it was particularly noticeable and in fact only one other person has mentioned it to me since, other than my dad. However in March of this year I decided to start doing something about it, as it was definitely getting worse, and started applying Spectral DNC-L twice a day and using their Revita Shampoo. I can't be certain but it seems to have made a slight difference so far, as in I did used to get a fair bit of hair coming out when I washed it and when I applied gel/wax, etc, but no longer get this.

Anyway I have done some reading round on this forum which has proved very useful and am now considering increasing my regime to something along the lines of:

Spectral DNC-L
Revita Shampoo

Then maybe two or three of the following natural supplements - Pygeum, Nettles, Saw Palmetto and MSM

So my questions are, and I apologise if they are answered else where on this site:

  • Does this seem like a fairly comprehensive regime? Or is there anything I should add/remove?

    I intend to go to my Doctors to get a prescription for propecia/proscar? I know you can buy it
    direct off of the Net, but it is advisable to speak to your doctor first really isn't it?

    Essentially is there any difference between Proscar and Propecia, other than Proscar is 5mg of Finisteride and Propecia is 1mg?

    What are people's experiences of Spectral DNC?

    I'm thinking about getting some nanogen in the meantime just to cover up the area that is slightly thinning, have any of you guys used this?

I have posted a couple of photos, so you can see my situation.

Finally its really refreshing to read these forums as it has made me realise that what I was initially resigned to can be avoided (or at least significantly delayed!), so thanks to everyone who posts on this forum, I have found it invaluable.


  • 08) August_06_2008_small.jpg
    08) August_06_2008_small.jpg
    67.1 KB · Views: 149
  • 02) Phone_June 08_small.jpg
    02) Phone_June 08_small.jpg
    70.3 KB · Views: 154


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hello mate
i have a similar amount of hairloss to u except mine is more spread out. Looks like ur a diffuse thinner too, get on the famous big 3 of propecia, minoxidil and Nioxil - i have been on then for 9 months now and have regained a little density
Good luck!


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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same hairloss pattern as mine except i didnt do anything about it until it got really bad... get on the big 3... if you dont then look at my baseline pics and thats what your hair will look like if you dont...


New Member
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Thanks for your comments guys, much appreciated.

Well I'm on Spectral DNC which contains 5% minoxidil and amongst other things aminexil SP94, retinol, tricolsan, and various other compounds, and I'm also using Revita Shampoo which contains Ketoconazole, apple polyphenol, caffeine, copper peptides, msm, emu oil and other bits and pieces. So I guess I just need to add the old Proppy to my regime really?

Was thinking about getting some other vitamins/supplements to add more weight to my regime - any particular suggestions?


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Received my finasteride from Dr Ashcroft yesterday and started on it this morning, so will see how things go over the next few months.

Am also thinking of switching from Spectral DNC to Kirkland's minoxidil, due mainly to the fact that Spectral is expensive and a bottle only lasts about 20 days, rather than the month it is supposed to.

Any thoughts? Will Kirkland essentially do the same job as Spectral DNC (which contains 5% minoxidil amongst other things)?


Senior Member
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It will, the main ingredient in spectral DNC is minoxidil anyway, the other stuff in are nice but not really needed. Kirkland minoxidil is good and cheap