`~^<The Eunuch>^~`



I recently had the oppertunity to see a very interesting documetary about Eunuchs.

Eunuch: A castrated male (no testicals)

What was interesting is people suffering from hair loss have asked about castration and its effect on male pattern baldness and it's comparison to DHT inhibitors or antiandrogens. Some have even considered having it done as a treatment option for male pattern baldness. The topic was not discussed on the documentary but some of the men (who chose to castrate themselves by the way) discussed the hormonal changes that took place in their bodies. One man talked about getting hot flashes and other femanine occurances. What I noticed was really not much of a change from who they were before which suprised me. Their voices remained the same, their body weight and tit size remained unchanged. The men stated they lost their sex drive and aggressiveness towards sexual appitite but they could still be sexually aroused. One man (who castrated himself by the way, withOUT anisthetic) takes male hormones to achieve erections. But nothing else was really different.

Oh, and none of the men seemed to be suffering any hairloss but this may be unrelated for some reason.

I think us hair loss "freaks" need to stop worrying soooo much about the latest hair loss treatments because they are really unharmful. People and animals have been getting castrated since the dawn of tool making and it is not known for a complete absence of Testosterone and therefore DHT to have any harmful effect whatsoever. I find it crazy when hair loss freaks worry and complain about side effects from Finasteride or Dutasteride or even oral Spironolactone (Aldactone).

Just thought I would share.


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Hmmmm ... that's kind of a good point.

HOWEVER I will add the people experience some pretty nasty side effects (cheifly gyno) just from the shut down of their natural testosterone (after using steroids for example).

Who knows what other drugs and side effects these eunuchs get??? I mean if you chop off your own balls you've obviously got a strange view on the world to begin with. You already mentioned that one of them was on male hormone therapy to acheive erections.

1.25mg of finasteride stopped night-time erections (considered a sign of a normal, healthy erection) and also considerably lessened my sex drive. The third side effect was probably just a placebo but I also felt a little anxious and uneasy while on it.



Actually the men in the Documentary didn't get Gyno or any serious side effects whatsoever. It sounds like you had more side effects on a little bit of Finasteride than a castrated male if you even experienced genuine side effects. Also these men have in no way a strange view on the world. They all seemed to be very healthy minded and they knew very well what they were doing. They simply didn't want testicles anymore. Each man on the documentary had a different reason for castration but each reason was legit. Keep in mind most of the men were homosexual.