The Disappearing Male


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With all this supposed feminization that is happening to modern males you would think male pattern baldness would be less common and yet it seems male pattern baldness is more prevalent now than ever before.


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baller234 said:
With all this supposed feminization that is happening to modern males you would think male pattern baldness would be less common and yet it seems male pattern baldness is more prevalent now than ever before.

That is what makes me think that estrogen plays a huge role in M.P.B.


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You know I'm pretty sure Bryan or someone else has posted a study that shows when estrogen is applied to a balding male scalp follicle in vitro, it has a beneficial effect and not a negative one.


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How would anyone know whether male pattern baldness is more common now than before? When was "before"?


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The pollution or the contamination of the food chain with estrogen has been known for a very long time, this is nothing new.

If you live in a western country, the problem isn't as bad as you think it is. The West got it's sh*t together and got rid off most of the pollutants. The water resources in Western Europe are cleaner now than they were in the 70s, I presume the US follows a similar trend.

However, if you happen to live in the developing world, who do most of the dirty work for the Western consumers, you'd better watch out what you eat and drink.


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Thanks for the video... I actually watched the whole thing

I think the part that really affects us baldies is the part at the end where john kerry goes at the spokesperson for the fda. The spokesperson pretty much admitted that the fda only takes into account studies funded by industry as opposed to independent studies. It's a big deal to us baldies on treatments because a lot of us consider our beloved finasteride and minoxidil to be "safe" since it got the fda approval. Something to think about before we continue to recommend finasteride to every balding guy out there.


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misterE said:
That is what makes me think that estrogen plays a huge role in M.P.B.

Sure, estrogen probably plays a role in male pattern baldness, alright, just not the one that you think it does! :)

Estrogen has been shown to stimulate the growth of balding scalp hair follicles in vitro, and estrogen in various forms (real estradiol, or the mostly inert 17a-estradiol) has been used for a long time in topical lotions to fight male pattern baldness, especially in Europe. To say that "estrogen plays a huge role in male pattern baldness" (in the way that I know you mean) seems patently and palpably preposterous. Pure puerile poppycock.


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High estrogen means low testosterone. High estrogen and low testosterone is called estrogen dominance. Research andropause.


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misterE said:
High estrogen means low testosterone. High estrogen and low testosterone is called estrogen dominance. Research andropause.

Bryan knows more about this than you. Sorry.

In fact, Bryan should be a mod, and you should be banned, because what you are doing is harmful and irresponsible.


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misterE said:
High estrogen means low testosterone. High estrogen and low testosterone is called estrogen dominance. Research andropause.

That's IT? That's all you have to say in reply to my post about how estrogen stimulates the growth of balding scalp hair follicles in vitro, and how topical estrogen treatments for male pattern baldness are fairly common in Europe??

God, I just HATE it when anti-estrogen enthusiasts ignore what I say about the medical evidence. Makes me go a little CRAZY.


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J Invest Dermatol. 1993 Jul;101(1 Suppl):98S-105S.
"Sex hormones and antiandrogens influence in vitro growth of dermal papilla cells and outer root sheath keratinocytes of human hair follicles." Kiesewetter F, Arai A, Schell H.
Department of Dermatology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

Anagen hair bulb papillae, interfollicular dermal fibroblasts, and interfollicular keratinocytes isolated from fronto-parietal scalp biopsies as well as outer root sheath keratinocytes from plucked anagen hairs were separately grown in subculture for 14 d. The effect of different concentrations (2.4 nM-17.3 microM) of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and the antiandrogens cyproterone acetate or 17 alpha-propylmesterolone on growth behavior of the mesenchymal and epithelial cell types of the hair follicle were comparatively studied by means of growth curves, cell doubling times, and 3H-thymidine incorporation. For control, all cell lines were subcultured in hormone-free medium. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (345 nM) significantly reduced proliferation of papilla cells compared with dermal fibroblasts (p < 0.01) and outer root sheath keratinocytes compared with interfollicular keratinocytes (p < 0.01), as well as compared with cells cultured in control medium. Low concentrations of 17 beta-estradiol were ineffective, whereas doses of 180 nM 17 beta-estradiol increased the growth velocities of all cell types, especially of papilla cells, compared with dermal fibroblasts.[snip rest of abstract, which doesn't pertain to estrogen. I've made my point soundly.]

optimus prime

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Thickandthin said:
misterE said:
High estrogen means low testosterone. High estrogen and low testosterone is called estrogen dominance. Research andropause.

Bryan knows more about this than you. Sorry.

In fact, Bryan should be a mod, and you should be banned, because what you are doing is harmful and irresponsible.

A little harsh. The purpose of this forum is for people to discuss different theories. Even if he is wrong.


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An estrogen related? hormone, prolactin, could be a causal factor in the pathology of male pattern baldness and prostate enlargement. :sobbing:

Why It Is Done

A test for prolactin is done:

To find the cause of abnormal nipple discharge, or if a woman is not having periods (amenorrhea) or if a woman is having a hard time becoming pregnant (infertile).

In a man when a pituitary gland problem is suspected. Also, a prolactin test may be done to check levels if a man lacks sexual desire or if he has a hard time having an erection (erectile dysfunction). Prolactin levels may be checked when a man's testosterone levels are really low.

Human Scalp Hair Follicles Are Both a Target and a Source of Prolactin, which Serves as an Autocrine and/or Paracrine Promoter of Apoptosis-Driven Hair Follicle Regression


The prototypic pituitary hormone prolactin (PRL) exerts a wide variety of bioregulatory effects in mammals and is also found in extrapituitary sites, including murine skin. Here, we show by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistology that, contrary to a previous report, human skin and normal human scalp hair follicles (HFs), in particular, express both PRL and PRL receptors (PRL-R) at the mRNA and protein level. PRL and PRL-R immunoreactivity can be detected in the epithelium of human anagen VI HFs, while the HF mesenchyme is negative. During the HF transformation from growth (anagen) to apoptosis-driven regression (catagen), PRL and PRL-R immunoreactivity appear up-regulated. Treatment of organ-cultured human scalp HFs with high-dose PRL (400 ng/ml) results in a significant inhibition of hair shaft elongation and premature catagen development, along with reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis of hair bulb keratinocytes (Ki-67/terminal dUTP nick-end labeling immunohistomorphometry). This shows that PRL receptors, expressed in HFs, are functional and that human skin and human scalp HFs are both direct targets and sources of PRL.

Our data suggest that PRL acts as an autocrine hair growth modulator with catagen-promoting functions and that the hair growth-inhibitory effects of PRL demonstrated here may underlie the as yet ill-understood hair loss in patients with hyperprolactinemia.

People with high DHT sensitivity have much body hair, balding scalps, and are flabby and weak, with less musculature...

Some are bald, fat, body-hairy, with leaky man-breasts and swollen prostates.


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According to Dr. Doris Rapp MD, the worlds leading Pediatric Allergist and Specialist in Environmental Medicine, the overflow of estrogen in the foods and environment is the reason so many young men born since the 1970’s look, sound and act feminized in their physiques, voices, mannerisms and sexual preferences. (1,2). The soy formula had since 1973 is a major contributor to this process and to men reaching Andropause earlier than previously. Each bottle of soy baby formula contains 5 to 8 birth control pills worth of estrogen! (3). One simply cannot feed a boy that much estrogen (or any estrogen) and not expect there to be trouble! (4). At infancy and toddlerhood, is a time when infant boys are supposed to have the testosterone level of an 18 year old! This high testosterone level in boys 3 months to 3 years old produces the sexual differentiation in the anterior pituitary needed to tell a boy he’s a man.

So now, the men who were fed the first soy formulas as infants are in the 30-35 year old group. They are wandering into doctor’s offices asking for v****. But the answer to the changes they see and feel cannot be had with a pill that merely improves circulation. Andropause is a time when a man’s hormone production begins to change during the planned obsolesce the body has that ultimately leads to death. Anti-aging medicine tells us that it is testosterone and progesterone that begin to lag in men at andropause, while estrogen production is increased. It is dopamine and oxytocin levels that begin to lower in the brain while prolactin levels increase. How is this planned obsolesence? The answer is simple.

Higher estrogen causes inflammation. Today, medicine is worried about the hormone created by body fat that creates inflammation. That hormone is estrogen, specifically the Estradiol and Estrone variants of human estrogen. Medicine knows that inflammation is the root cause of most all non-infectious disease (i.e. diabetes, heart disease, lung fibrosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s etc.) as all have as their starting point inflammation. After they start, it is continued inflammation that drives the development of these conditions. Physiology knows, even if medicine refuses to admit the fact for reasons of liability, that it is estrogen that drives the formation of fibrosis diseases in women (i.e. endometriosis, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease etc.). It is this estrogen dominance that creates the chronic inflammation that in both sexes decreases the size and diminishes the function of our internal organs as we age. By our 70’s, our internal organs have shrunk to 1/2 or less of their young adult previous size. This is so significant that in med school anatomy it is taught that this fibrosis is actually what kills us all as the visceral dysfunction it causes leads us to chronic disease. (5)

Andropause like menopause is a time of very low or no testosterone and progesterone production (progesterone is what protects testosterone and keeps it from turning into estrogen and keeps both from becoming Di Hydro Testosterone). The only hormone being produced in any substantial amounts is estrogen and with it the signs of estrogen dominance and estrogen's conversion into DHT appear:

Lack of morning erections when awaking. (Testosterone is made between 2 and 4 a.m. and 2 and 4 p.m.). No morning erections equals no testosterone production that night).
Smaller less stronger and less frequent erections, with an overall shrinkage of penis size.
Hair loss from the head while there is, Increased hair growth on back
Gynocomasty (beast development in men or “man titsâ€)
Loss of muscle mass,
Loose saggy skin
Loss of mental drive, (i.e. no get up and go. Testosterone is the anti depression “I’m invincible†hormone. As we know from PMS estrogen is the hormone of depression.)
Lowered or lack of libido
Smaller less pleasurable orgasms,
Lowered volume of ejaculation,
Back pains,
Generalized weakness,
Swollen prostate.



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Wookster, care to explain how estrogen converts into DHT? Exactly which enzyme is responsible for that?


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Bryan said:
To say that "estrogen plays a huge role in male pattern baldness" (in the way that I know you mean) seems patently and palpably preposterous. Pure puerile poppycock.

amazingly applied aliteraton