Tgates209's Story - ( 35/ Topicals Only (***PICS ADDED***)


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Greetings forum. My name is Tom and I've been reading through this great forum and there is no doubt some awesome information here and a lot of helpful people here - that's cool.

Well, here is my situation - I am 35 years old and noticed 10 years ago a lot more hair falling out in the shower than normal. Like alarming amounts. It slowly subsided over time and settled into a gradual process of a thinning scalp. After looking at the chart, I would say I fall somewhere b/w a Norwood 1 and Norwood 2, so it hasn't reached alarming levels yet, but as time goes by I notice it more in pictures and when I am under the sun or lights. I'm, like, "whoah, my hair is getting thin". This led me to start looking online for some answers - hence I came across this great forum. I noticed some trends - the main one being that minoxidil, finasteride, and Nizoral combination has given the best long term benefits. My issue is with ingesting drugs, especially if one can potentially harm the little friend - yikes! I am wondering where to start. I was thinking about minoxidil and Nizoral, but then hearing about shedding freaks me out so I thought maybe just start with Nizoral. I guess this is where the forum advice will come in. Should I just go ahead and start with both or just try the Nizoral?

Thanks so much in advance!

Tom :newbie:


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Re: Hello Forum. Your Input on my New Endeavor to Save My Hair

Without taking the proven drugs you are fighting a losing battle unfortunately, I doubt any of us on here would be taking them if there was a serious alternative.


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Re: Hello Forum. Your Input on my New Endeavor to Save My Hair

Don't get taken in by the side-effect scare stories of DHT-Inhibitors like finasteride, tgates. In the clinical studies negative side effects for finasteride were in the sub 5% bracket IIRC, and these forums retain more people who have problems with their treatments than happy users, for obvious reasons, which exaggerates the true prevalence of these side-effects.


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Re: Hello Forum. Your Input on my New Endeavor to Save My Hair

That makes sense about who is on the forum - I guess I wouldn't be visiting here too much if I was on a regimen that was working well. I think I'm gonna stick with Rogaine foam and Nizoral for 3 months and see what happens. If nothing, I will consider aging gracefully and not take the plunge with the oral meds. We'll see.


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Re: Hello Forum. Your Input on my New Endeavor to Save My Hair

If you can age gracefully and accept it then I applaud you, but your best option if you want to maintain is defientley Finasteride/Proscar.


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Re: Hello Forum. Your Input on my New Endeavor to Save My Hair

But don't they all help to maintain or "regrow" hair until you stop using them? I also have read on here, examples of success with topicals only.


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Re: Hello Forum. Your Input on my New Endeavor to Save My Hair

Here are some pictures documenting my starting point. My hair is wet and I just applied Rogaine Foam 5% so this is as honest as I can be.

What Norwood rating would you put me at?


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Re: Hello Forum. Your Input on my New Endeavor to Save My Hair

Here are 2 more...


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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)

Don't let the side effects stories scare you, I had slight watery sperm, and a slight decrease in libido for the first 2 weeks of treatment, and after those 2 weeks the side effects went completely away, and my hair has now stopped falling out, so I can assure you, the pills work.


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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)

The thing is, I only remember a shed thing 10 years ago for about 6 months to a tear. Then it stopped and the hair just started thinning slowly to today. I mean, I see some hair around my bathroom, but nothing alarming at all. One thing, I train in judo and brazilian jiu jitsu which involves a lot of ground grappling so my head is constantly being slammed and slid across the mat. So maybe shedding or weak hair fallout is happening during my training sessions, but I don't recall anything that caught my eye. Because of this, I am hoping that topicals only may take care of the thinning and regrow some since I'm not battling an aggressive fallout situation.



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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)

Quick update. It's been 10 days on foam and Nizoral. Just fyi, I don't count hairs or even look for them so I don't know how much (if any out of the norm) is going down the drain. I also have committed to not looking closely (counting hair type of thing) at my hairline until at least a couple months have gone by. I don't want to develop a neurotic approach to this effort.

Anyway, in passing Saturday (7/12) I have noticed a small patch on my left temple where thinning is worst has thinned out more which I would assume is a sign of shedding beginning to occur. Now my hairs in that area were getting faint and weak to begin with so I assume those should be first to go according to what I've read online. Also, my hair looks a little stiffer or something, but I'm not sure if that's because I have this product in my hair all the time - probably is the reason. I keep my hair very short anyway, so it's all good. The foam is a great styling product for me IMHO so I don't mind.

Long and short of it, I believe I am beginning to see evidence that Rogaine foam is having an effect on me. Let's hope it is for the best. I will keep you posted as time goes by.



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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)

Just a quick update. I've been using Rogaine foam and Nizoral for a little over a month now. I have taken a couple close looks at my hair along the way, but by and large I don't pay much attention. I keep it really short (basically a high and tight cut). Well, I can't really say that I see any new hairs sprouting but I can't say for sure. My hair is so short, they could've sprouted and blended in with each new buzz, but I doubt it. What I have noticed, but not 100% sure, is that my hair feels and even looks thicker and healthier in the front. I skipped foam this morning and noticed my hairline felt stronger or something when I rubbed my palms backwards through it. Also, just now I looked in the mirror and somehow the hairs that are on the hairline do not look as feeble and whispy as they did before - they look thicker and darker on the right temple. Again, this could all be my imagination, but it seems that way.

Within the first week or so I definitely had some shedding occur on the left temple where I could visibly notice as I walked past the mirror. It looked like I plucked a bunch of hairs out of that area. It is no longer looking that way, but it did happen. Maybe I got used to the look or maybe it did strengthen up - I can't say for sure, but the hairs look and feel thicker. From what I've read, this may be due in part from the Nizoral, but what do I know at this point. Will keep you all posted and after the 3 cans are gone, I will buzz my hair and take some more pictures for you.


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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)

Hi, I'm in a similar situation and the same age and don't fancy pills yet. Started liquid Regaine today and have ordered nizoral.

Took some photos yesterday and will post my own thread.

Keep us posted and good luck!!!!


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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)

It's been a while since I posted here. I kept on my regimen for several months and have some pictures that were taken randomly along the way. The first is when I first started and you can see that my hairline got beat up from starting foam and nizoral. Several months later the other pictures were taken in October at my 36th b-day party. My hair is longer and styled, but I think there were some positive results, but I didn't realize it along the way. I wrote it off as maybe the pictures were flattering, or maybe my hair being longer covered up. Then I stopped my regimen and several months after stopping my hairline hit the dumper again and it was then that I realized the products were showing results and that I needed to get back on. Let me know what you think.

Again, I am only doing foam and nizoral. For those that think success can ONLY be achieved with finasteride, please don't flippantly comment that 'it must be the length of my hair' or 'it's just the photo or the angle' etc, etc. Please take a look and let me know if you can see a difference. I believe there was.

Anyway, stay positive and encourage.



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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)


Wat is your story doing here.

Moderators, plzz move this accross to "Success stories"

Geeez, ppl are too modest sometimes.

Mate, i'm sure most will agree with me here, you have in a way got back your hairline. It may appear to be receded but its still very much there and looks awesome.


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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)

LOL - thanks for the comment. I need to put a little more info out there for viewers to give a clearer depiction. My first pics were taken with very short hair and my hair was wet so it looks very bad. When I go out I always blow dry my hair and add a cream pomade called Garnier Surf Hair. This gives me much more body. So the combo of styling and longer hair definitely improved the appearance in comparison to my original pictures. That being said, once I stopped, the temples went back to the point where I was, like, where the heck did my hair go. It's thin and broken up now where, as you can see in the latest pictures, it was much more solid. I know for sure now that progress was made. Someone PM'ed me on my routine, so below is what I shared - for what it's worth to anyone else...

"I used minoxidil every day twice a day for sure. So be sure to keep on that. Several weeks in it looked like someone took tweezers to my hairline! I didn't freak out but it was disheartening, yet I saw it through.

I used nizoral about 3 times a week. I couldn't do much more because of the irritation - I would get these pimple-like things on my scalp. Not a lot though. However, I train in judo and jiu jitsu so my head is always being irritated from the rubbing and grinding on the mat so that surely made the problem with the pimple things worse. Nonetheless, I stuck with 3 days/week. On off days I use a tea tree oil soap as part of my anti-fungus defense because of grappling (ringworm and stuff from the mats and other people) - I wash from head to toe in it. I read that it can be good for the scalp too so all the better. I think it's called Dr. Bronners, it's orange and I get it at Whole Foods which is an organic supermarket. It really strips everything off your skin - good stuff. On the days I used nizoral, I would first wash with plain VO5 then the nizoral. I wanted to be sure my scalp was clean first. VO5 is a very basic shampoo (costs $.99 for a big bottle) so there's not a lot of room for residue and all. I would then lather in the nizoral and leave it in for the duration of my shower.

One other thing, I keep my hair cropped short so that makes easy access with the foam and also I use less shampoo! I only happened to let it grow out during the time of my b-day and when I looked at the pictures I was pretty happy. Again, it wasn't until I stopped that I was convinced progress had been made.

Just as in judo/jiu jitsu or any sport, you have to stick with it before you can look back and realize your progress. I need to do the same with my hair. Hopefully you do the same. Keep me posted."




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Re: 35 Y.O. Starting Topicals Only (***PICTURES ADDED***)

your hair looks improved by your pictures

your hairline has thickened to the point of undetectable "hair loss"

very encouraging results with min and nizoral alone


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I think one would be dependent on any of the treatments because once you stop any of them, your hair falls out again.

The thing about finasteride is the side effects generally have to do with below the belt whereas minoxidil may be a headache. I live with headaches and neck and back pain because of the type of training I'm involved in so an extra headache was a wash. I don't think I've ever heard of finasteride increasing sex drive, but more power to you man.

I may change my tune when I hit 40 anyway! Thanks for the comments.


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finasteride upped my sex drive for a good 6 months and now its back to almost normal but still above average....

Nashville Hairline

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Results look good although your wet hair in the baseline pics made it look worse than it was. Still, you are an inspiration to us non-finasteride users!