Terrible shed after good results, need advices.


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Hi guys,

I started to treat my advanced hairloss about a year ago and after 7-8 months of finasteride and 2-3 months of minoxidil once a day i finally started getting some very good results...which lasted for a whooping 3 months (basically the whole winter), then i started to notice my hairs thinning again in march. I then noticed tons of hairs on my hands and in the comb every evening when i apply minoxidil, unlike anything i've seen before, and it's been going on like this since nearly two months, taking a heavy toll on my regrowth and my hairline with scalp showing again and recession at the temples. Most of the hairs i shed are thick and colored so it's rather depressing to lose them, and while i'm still somewhat above baseline, one more month or two like this and i can say bye bye to my hairs.

Adding minoxidil to finasteride only definitely had a role to play in the great regrowth i had, and while i know that meds never last forever, three months seems way too short to lose meds effect! Since people rarely post the outcome of their second shed, i'd like to know if any of you experienced such a loss after finally getting results and what was the outcome of it. I really can't tell if it's male pattern baldness progressing very suddendly or if it's a meds shed and i should just ride it out, it's very depressing,

Some pics to show you what i mean, picture 1 is baseline in april 2012, picture 2 is at the peak of results in february 2013 (9 months of finasteride and 3 and a half of minoxidil) and picture 3 (bad quality and different camera but you get the idea) is may 2013. Pic 2 and 3 are both right after having a haircut. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


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i dont know if im wrong here, but sheding is normal or more exactly a very good sign...

as far as iv heard sheding can come and go at periods and after it slows down the hair is getting stronger but i might be wrong.
My self is at a program since 8 moths back, 8 month minoxidil and 4 moths finas, and i dont have nearly as much hair as u do and i started to "shed" i think for the first time since 2 weeks ago

before i didnt had like any hair at all in my hands when i apply minoxidil, but now since 2 weeks back i can see like 20 hairs on my hands every time i apply minoxidil. i should add that my hair feels so much better i have today better density then before!


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Thanks for your input, i sure hope it's just a meds shed but there is no way i can tell. I wish you a speedy regrowth!

Come on guys anyone else had this happens to him? Share your stories. :)


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Happened to me, but I'm not using minoxidil, shed about 3 times in the space of 15 months, that's how long I'm treating hairloss. Looks great!, looks **** :(, looks great!, looks **** :(, looks great!! ....... now I'm expecting my obligatory shed anytime soon!! haha.


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Damn hair cycles! Could you tell me how long did your sheddings last?


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Happened to me, but I'm not using minoxidil, shed about 3 times in the space of 15 months, that's how long I'm treating hairloss. Looks great!, looks **** :(, looks great!, looks **** :(, looks great!! ....... now I'm expecting my obligatory shed anytime soon!! haha.

yes..same here ..expect that my hair looks crap and looks meh...then looks crap ..looks meh..


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Starting to wonder if adding minoxidil was the worst mistake i ever made... My hairline and temples have receded so much compare to back when i was on finasteride only, even the sides are less "full". Maybe my regrowth was finasteride kicking in since results can take between 6 and 12 months to show up, and minoxidil has slowly killed my hairs during the winter.
I'm ****ing lost and scared to drop minoxidil, i've been on it for 6 months my hairs are probably dependant now...


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Starting to wonder if adding minoxidil was the worst mistake i ever made... My hairline and temples have receded so much compare to back when i was on finasteride only, even the sides are less "full". Maybe my regrowth was finasteride kicking in since results can take between 6 and 12 months to show up, and minoxidil has slowly killed my hairs during the winter.
I'm ****ing lost and scared to drop minoxidil, i've been on it for 6 months my hairs are probably dependant now...

There is occasionally a big shed with minoxidil when starting. I would wait till 12 month mark before reassessing.

There must come a point when you will start to see things get better and better.


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me too, After using Minoxidil 5% first my hair started growing significantly and everyone thought I was wearing a wig! but after 6 months I experienced severe hair loss and irritation.Then in 2 weeks I lost all my grown hair. unfortunately after that minoxidil didn't work for me anymore! Now it's about 6 months that I've started using rogaine foam and the result is not bad but still I lose so much hair and no significant hair growth. I think my hair has become sensitive to minoxidil. I don't know how I can return to those hairy days .

has anyone had the same experience? any suggestion?


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Happened to me, but I'm not using minoxidil, shed about 3 times in the space of 15 months, that's how long I'm treating hairloss. Looks great!, looks **** :(, looks great!, looks **** :(, looks great!! ....... now I'm expecting my obligatory shed anytime soon!! haha.

Starting to look lifeless again, bollox. Everytime I try to style, I see more and more shedding. Hope this doesn't last long, need a haircut and the thought of going is scary. :ermm:


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Starting to look lifeless again, bollox. Everytime I try to style, I see more and more shedding. Hope this doesn't last long, need a haircut and the thought of going is scary. :ermm:

Maybe it was just a "mini-shed" due to the extremely hot weather here, but I just got my haircut and it looks ****ing great! Pretty sure that my temporal points are filling in on finasteride alone! Also, cutting down on Nizoral to once a week leaves my hair looking better. Maybe my almost two, (2-3 times per week) year use of that is damaging my scalp.


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since 2 weeks back i am sheeding like a ****ing dog, and the worst is that i have bad density already. wonder if this maddnes will stop?


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Happened to me, but I'm not using minoxidil, shed about 3 times in the space of 15 months, that's how long I'm treating hairloss. Looks great!, looks **** :(, looks great!, looks **** :(, looks great!! ....... now I'm expecting my obligatory shed anytime soon!! haha.

Heh, now if I could only get into the "looks great!!" mode, it would be awesome.

My last 10+ months went "Omg...helluva shedding..., Oh seems like it's starting to work weeh, damn I'm shedding like hell again" and then after those 10 months I started on Regaine.


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Do humans go through seasonal shedding like animals do? I started wearing my hair differently back around early winter and it looked great. There were times where I thought my hair loss was completely undetectable. But these past couple of months, as we've entered spring and this hot as hell and humid summer, my hair is looking kinda frail and thin. One can barely see my scalp through my hair if you look close enough whereas before I am pretty certain no scalp was visible.


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Animals grow thicker fur to protect them from the cold. Then they shed it when weather gets nice. But I also noticed my hair looks fuller in the winter. It may by coincident.
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Hi guys,

I started to treat my advanced hairloss about a year ago and after 7-8 months of finasteride and 2-3 months of minoxidil once a day i finally started getting some very good results...which lasted for a whooping 3 months (basically the whole winter), then i started to notice my hairs thinning again in march. I then noticed tons of hairs on my hands and in the comb every evening

How are you getting on with this mate? I'm not on minoxidil yet but 1 mg propecia every day. I also found that after about 7 months thinks worked brilliantly for a handful of months but I then started losing loads of hair again. That was about 5 months ago. I'm currently wondering whether to give up hoping that this will ever work again and to ditch the propecia and switch to dutasteride


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How are you getting on with this mate? I'm not on minoxidil yet but 1 mg propecia every day. I also found that after about 7 months thinks worked brilliantly for a handful of months but I then started losing loads of hair again. That was about 5 months ago. I'm currently wondering whether to give up hoping that this will ever work again and to ditch the propecia and switch to dutasteride

I'm indeed long due for an update. In july 2013, right after my OP, i got a sudden regrowth all over after a few months of ****ty hair. It was never to the full extent of what i had pre-shed but it was nice enough, especially right before summer and vacations.

Unfortunately, after a few months of relative peace of mind with on and offs moments, it's back to shedding time for me since around november-december of last year. This time i'm especially concerned about the bald spot on the back, which combined with a loss on the sides makes the horseshoe pattern painfully visible.
As of this month things seem to be a little bit better at the hairline and i notice less hairs when i apply minoxidil, but back of the head, vertex and sides are still very weak. I try to remain hopeful for improvements in the coming months, after all now i know that it's a real possibility.

It will be two years of treatment next may so overall i guess i can still call it a relative success, considering that i should be slick bald by now with what little i had left pre-meds. But these mind games of losses and gains can get pretty tiresome sometimes...


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Same thing happened to me. Originally, I got a lot of density back all of a sudden in the winter .. lost a lot of my gains during the summer. I've been cycling ever since but I never got back to the original, short lived success that I had.


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Hi guys,

I started to treat my advanced hairloss about a year ago and after 7-8 months of finasteride and 2-3 months of minoxidil once a day i finally started getting some very good results...which lasted for a whooping 3 months (basically the whole winter), then i started to notice my hairs thinning again in march. I then noticed tons of hairs on my hands and in the comb every evening when i apply minoxidil, unlike anything i've seen before, and it's been going on like this since nearly two months, taking a heavy toll on my regrowth and my hairline with scalp showing again and recession at the temples. Most of the hairs i shed are thick and colored so it's rather depressing to lose them, and while i'm still somewhat above baseline, one more month or two like this and i can say bye bye to my hairs.

Adding minoxidil to finasteride only definitely had a role to play in the great regrowth i had, and while i know that meds never last forever, three months seems way too short to lose meds effect! Since people rarely post the outcome of their second shed, i'd like to know if any of you experienced such a loss after finally getting results and what was the outcome of it. I really can't tell if it's male pattern baldness progressing very suddendly or if it's a meds shed and i should just ride it out, it's very depressing,

Some pics to show you what i mean, picture 1 is baseline in april 2012, picture 2 is at the peak of results in february 2013 (9 months of finasteride and 3 and a half of minoxidil) and picture 3 (bad quality and different camera but you get the idea) is may 2013. Pic 2 and 3 are both right after having a haircut. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Identical to me. I had almost instant results then a long slow shed from March - November last year. And then amazing results In November last year which lasted no more than 6 weeks and I have been shedding from then on ever since. Not looking forward to summer, hopefully it stabilises before then but it seems that hair tend to shed a lot more when the seasons change and slow in the autumn/ winter