Teporterfield's Story -(31 /Newly Diagnosed and freakin out)


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Hi. I am a 31 year old female who just yesterday found bald patches on the back of my head. I went to an urgent care center last night and was told it is alopecia areata. They prescribed a cortisteroid cream, which I applied for the first time today. I have an appointment Friday with a regular Dr. for further testing. My mom had this happen to her around 30 years ago. Her patches grew in and never returned. She attributes mine to stress and thinks the same will happen to me. I was absolutely devastated to find these. One is just larger than a quarter, another is just larger than a nickel, and the third is on the top of my head but hidden by the way I part my hair. It appears to either have stubble growing back in or maybe they were broken off, I don't know. I am now nervous that the trauma of finding bald patches yesterday is going to cause more to occur, if they are in fact stress related. I feel lost and scared.


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I had the same thing happen to me back in August. I was fixing my hair and an I found a small bald patch the size of a quarter. I went to the doctor and he told me it was most likely hormonal and due to stress. I was under a great deal of stress and exercising a lot. I did not have health insurance so i could not start the cortisone shots. I ended up losing all my hair. I don't want to scare you but that is what happened to me. I just recently started getting the shots in my scalp and hopeful it will work. You said your mom had the same thing. What happened with that. My derm said that it is heredity and that someone in my family must have the same thing. I don't know that many people in my family so I don't know. Did your mom lose all her hair or did it eventually stop?? Does your hair fall out really easily if you tug on it gently around the bald spot? How is your treatment with the cortisone going? is it working.