Temples Of Doom


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I tried a different haircut yesterday, consisting of a more dense number on the sides (#1), and a higher than usual number on the top (#4). I have been using Rogaine twice daily on the hairline and temples for about 3 months now, and it seems to me that I continue to fill in. Here are some pictures from my right and left temple. My left one has always been the lazier one, but they are both improving drastically.



I have been off Propecia since May, and have stuck to Saw Palmetto only since then. Let me know how I'm doing guys!



Senior Member
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The right temple looks excellent. Left temple still has some weak hairs up front, but your short 'do keeps it on the D.L. nicely.

Lookin' good.


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hey x...any side effects from the saw palmetto? everyone keeps talking about how it has the same sides as dutasteride but without the benefits


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Looks good X! your hair is short so if you have any temple recession all you would have to do is let it grow an inch or 2 to cover up any recession. Keep up the good work, your pics motivate us all.


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Yous da man xzel, you iz da man!!!

...and they all payed homage to the God known only as MINOXIDIL.

Fookin WHOOP that male pattern baldness's SORRY ***!!! :rockon:


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My Regimen
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why did you stop taking propecia?

and you don't even look like you're losing your hair! good work

vodka by the gallon

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you said you wanted to leave one side of your hair a little longer on one side to help camophlage. unless this is done so disscreetly that you can not even tell then i dont think it would look that great. cuz i cut my own hair and i can ALWAYS tell when parts are longer then the other. and it bugs me cuz i think other people might also notice and think im trying to cover up. so i try to keep them almost the samr length. but my hair is quite longer then yours. the only reason why i say not for you is because on shorter hair you would be able tell more. plus you have grown so much more hair back that i dont think its nessasery to do that. im sure you will grow more hair there soon any ways,you think.

also you said you stopped Propecia. would you say minoxidil alone is working quite well for you?


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Good job XL. I quit finasteride too, but mainly for my own piece of mind, not any obvious side effects.

I'm still taking SP, but only 160mg 4-5x/week. I've decided I dont want to put any hormone modulators in my body at this point. I figure the dose of SP I take is low and probably does little, but at best it may help some.. Hell, its cheap!

I added Prox-N to the mix to help ol' minoxidil out. Its got NANO and copper peptides along with several other SOD's. I figure it cant hurt. I'm only using it 3x/week cuz its fuking 60/bottle. Will keep you posted how well it does.


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Your hair looks great. It doesn't look like you're balding at all. Your forehead is better than mine, and your hair looks thicker too. I think you should grow your hair out a bit, you'd probably look good.

hair mchair

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Theguy said:
Your hair looks great. It doesn't look like you're balding at all. Your forehead is better than mine, and your hair looks thicker too. I think you should grow your hair out a bit, you'd probably look good.

Keeping your hair short helps with minoxidil applications. I think that's X's motivation.


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hair mchair said:
Keeping your hair short helps with minoxidil applications. I think that's X's motivation.

Although having short hair is neat and comfortable for Rogaine application and maintenance, I really wish I would be able to grow my hair. I just hate it when it starts growing out and the itching intensifies. Still, I believe that having longer hair hides and makes better appearance our of receeded temples and hairlines. I think I will keep an indefinite #3 and zero guard on the sides. Right now I have about a #1 guard and blade faded sides...



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Ehh... Why are you so obsessed with your hair, it looks great! Are you sure youre balding, cause you dont seem to have the male pattern baldness pattern.. Have you tried to quit minoxidil and everything and see if your hair is got thinner? I know that you probably know best, but it doesnt look like youre thinning at all... Most my friends who dont have male pattern baldness dont have youre thickness.


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looks excellent, hopefully in a year I will be remotely close to that, good posts, good to see you return after such great results...


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Yeah, now I just hope it holds up. That seems to be the most important part; keeping what you have, not trying to re-grow what you have lost...
