Teenage/Young man hair loss appearance and confidence?


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Hi guys, I'm now 19 going on 20 and I started to loose my hair at 17. For my age I find this so embarrassing and difficult to deal with. I've been on a treatment of Propecia 1mg daily and Minoxidil 5% daily for almost 7 months now with only little results. It's so annoying having to do the treatments everyday but without i'll probably go bald :/ I also don't feel comfortable taking them as you don't know what they really doing to your body inside. Does anyone else feel this way? I was never to bad looking before I started loosing my hair but right now I feel my looks have got soo bad. I'm probably a Norwood3 with all thinning frontal and thinning crown. This seems to make my forehead look a lot higher and I also seem to have more bags under my eyes but that's probably because I'm worrying to much which is stupid really! I'm a very sporting person and I just want to feel more confident. I play Football (Soccer) and Tennis regularly and also train in the gym 2-3 times a week. I'm meant to start University after this summer but I feel so nervous about going. The majority of people will be confident and have lovely thick hair and the latest styles :'( Girls won't even look at me because I'm balding at 19! I know a lot of people say it's personality that counts which is true but unfortuantley in todays society looks count for an awful lot. I'm not so bothered about if i'm ugly or good looking I just want a nice head of hair!! haha! I know there is people worse off so I shouldn't complain but it's so devastating and depressing. Ideally I love to get a FUE transplant and that would fix my hair perfectly if it went well and then i'd drop Propecia and Minoxidil to about 2 or 3 times a week (In a dream world) :( Like my hair on the sides and back is super thick but I can't even spike it up at the front now it's so thin. Does anybody else or teenagers here have the same problems as me? I'd give anything to just have a straight hairline and thicken crown and front!!!! Haha! But its soo annoying though like none of my friends have not lost a single hair yet. I don't get bad jokes at all, it's just a personal thing really but its so sad :( Thanks guys :)


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My Regimen
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Man I can understand your pain, I started losing mine at age 14. I have left very few hair on the top and sides and back are getting thin too. As you have thicker hair on the sides and back, getting a decent head of hair back through transplants shouldn't be problem for you!.. I wish I had a classic male pattern baldness.


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Maybe i'm to young for a transplant :( Sorry about your hair too man that's soo unfortunate! :( Keep strong buddy


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I'm like you man, I noticed my hair loss at the end of my senior hair in high school, and it's been thinning since. It still bothers me, people say it "does get better with time".. but I think that's only because your getting older and more people start losing their hair so it becomes "acceptable" in that sense.

Not too many people mention anything to me, but I know they're doing that out of sympathy.

I just graduated university, and let me tell you it kept me back from a lot.. I'm still learning how to deal with it. I didn't join any clubs and barely went to any parties... at least I didn't let it affect my grades (that's the most important thing, I sucked it up and managed to pull a 4.0/4.0 GPA during my last two years from a 3.0).

The thing that kills me most is how embarrassing it is, and how I try to avoid people from my old high school. I was one of the more popular kids in high school (not to be arrogant lol) and always was the guy that girls liked .. it's funny how things change.

I'm been in a relationship for the past couple of years, and the thing that kills me the most is hiding everything from my girlfriend - i.e. depression, taking these pills, putting on minoxidil. She knows obviously knows I'm balding but she chooses to not say anything as well. When we started dating, at least I was able to gel my hair but now I forgot what gel even feels like! It's a pretty shallow way of thinking, but even if she doesn't care, I'm embarrassed for her.. Who would sign up to date a bald guy so young? I know her friends had to have mentioned it to her .. and don't get me started about meeting her parents .. been delaying that as long as I can.

But yeah, I don't know the point of this post.. Just a rant I guess. On the plus side, there is this ONE other completely shaven bald guy I see at my University... I always see him hanging around with girls, and seems pretty popular around campus.

I guess I just never learned to fully accept it yet.


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You're ignorant minoxidil doesn't cause that! Plus looking at his freaking hair he doesn't even have male pattern baldness why would he be on minoxidil?!?!?@#!?!@#$?!@#?$!@#?$!@?#$!@?#$!@?#$


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You're ignorant minoxidil doesn't cause that! Plus looking at his freaking hair he doesn't even have male pattern baldness why would he be on minoxidil?!?!?@#!?!@#$?!@#?$!@#?$!@?#$!@?#$!@?#$

some guys use minoxidil just in case if they think they have male pattern baldness.


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No proof that minoxidil actually gives you a wrinkly face. Tons of proof it increases hair growth. Case closed.


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Wrong is going on with the wrinkly scalp dude?!?


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Being bald(ing) sucks dick, dont let anyone tell you that you have to be 'okay' with it. You have a right to feel like ****, i guess just hope and pray a new treatment comes out soon or start saving for a hair transplant.

Work on improving yourself in other areas and be thankful that you have now become somewhat humbled by life ;), **** aint fair son better get used to rolling with the punches.

uncomfortable man

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Almost there barca?


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Hair loss or thinning of hair has been common not only to adult but also to young men and women out there. A positive outlook is important to make you feel better. I believe that there will always be a solution to make you look presentable although you may feel worried about hair loss. There are so many means that one can do to look good especially now that specialists have been developing new products when it comes to hair loss remedies and they are really worth it.


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I'm been in a relationship for the past couple of years, and the thing that kills me the most is hiding everything from my girlfriend - i.e. depression, taking these pills, putting on minoxidil. She knows obviously knows I'm balding but she chooses to not say anything as well. When we started dating, at least I was able to gel my hair but now I forgot what gel even feels like! It's a pretty shallow way of thinking, but even if she doesn't care, I'm embarrassed for her.. Who would sign up to date a bald guy so young? I know her friends had to have mentioned it to her .. and don't get me started about meeting her parents .. been delaying that as long as I can.

Be grateful that you have her for the time being. If the two of you break up, that's when you'll really start to worry; what young woman is going to willingly date a young balding guy? Being young and balding is basically just asking to be instantly rejected without even having a chance to show off any confidence or 'play the game' as guys privileged with hair would tell you (but its mostly bullsh*t because its just a way for them to keep you at the bottom of the totem pole).

Pray for a cure dude, cuz there's nothing coming out soon to reverse this misery we've been dealt.