Taking this very hard


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Well, I won't do this argument anymore. You are right, and are in a much more horrible situation, and what was i thinking! There happy now? :)

But FYI, hanging with women "my age", uhm they still say comments like "oh and thank god he has his hair" or "ugh, too bad he is balding though"
so don't think women get more accepting with age :( I have heard women in their 20s also say they don't care about hair, so honestly I think it just depends on the woman.

In any case, best of luck with your male pattern baldness fight since you are right, it is much harder for a 20 something man. :hairy:

TourdeForce24 said:
juststarting said:
project_hate said:
It's deffinetly a let down when losing hair :( , but man you are 35 and just starting..I was losing hair when I was 18.. It wasn;t noticable until I was 23-24.. Now 27 .. You should thank the gods it wasn;t earlier.. 35, hell , that would be better than losing it early :evil: ....Just a thought.. Either way it sucks for every one, but at an early age it's really tough. Friends all still have hair this and that..Never helps having friends that joke about it either :roll: ....Life sucks then ya die...

Oy, here we go again, with the "oh its not so bad at your age. Now at my age its so much worse" attitude. Hate to say this, maybe later age helps, but at 33 and just starting this is hitting me very hard too and I am bummed being a norwood 1.2ish.

Drives me nuts this attitude, you know what? Hair loss at any age is painful. Pain is pain, and when its your pain that's the worst pain "anyone" can have :) Just my 0.02...

Dude, you had ten more more years of full hair than I will have. Ten years of carefree hair, hair blowing in your face in the wind without looking like Gollum. Women at your age are more understanding. Superficial coeds aged between 19-24 with lip gloss and dreams of their idealized "perfect" man coming over to rescue them just don't understand male pattern baldness. They think you are sick or something. Seriously. Conversations with many of my female friends have confirmed this. Case in point. A girl friend of mine looking at a picture of a guy with a Norwood 5 or so in the school newspaper said, "Ew, that is disgusting. What a loser." Girls are just so stupid sometimes.


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TourdeForce24 said:
juststarting said:
project_hate said:
It's deffinetly a let down when losing hair :( , but man you are 35 and just starting..I was losing hair when I was 18.. It wasn;t noticable until I was 23-24.. Now 27 .. You should thank the gods it wasn;t earlier.. 35, hell , that would be better than losing it early :evil: ....Just a thought.. Either way it sucks for every one, but at an early age it's really tough. Friends all still have hair this and that..Never helps having friends that joke about it either :roll: ....Life sucks then ya die...

Oy, here we go again, with the "oh its not so bad at your age. Now at my age its so much worse" attitude. Hate to say this, maybe later age helps, but at 33 and just starting this is hitting me very hard too and I am bummed being a norwood 1.2ish.

Drives me nuts this attitude, you know what? Hair loss at any age is painful. Pain is pain, and when its your pain that's the worst pain "anyone" can have :) Just my 0.02...

Dude, you had ten more more years of full hair than I will have. Ten years of carefree hair, hair blowing in your face in the wind without looking like Gollum. Women at your age are more understanding. Superficial coeds aged between 19-24 with lip gloss and dreams of their idealized "perfect" man coming over to rescue them just don't understand male pattern baldness. They think you are sick or something. Seriously. Conversations with many of my female friends have confirmed this. Case in point. A girl friend of mine looking at a picture of a guy with a Norwood 5 or so in the school newspaper said, "Ew, that is disgusting. What a loser." Girls are just so stupid sometimes.

Exactly my point...More time with hair...Sure it's painful for all of us..BUT we the ones who went through it at 19-25 brackets get hit harder , then someone 30 or older. Just the truth man


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project_hate said:
Exactly my point...More time with hair...Sure it's painful for all of us..BUT we the ones who went through it at 19-25 brackets get hit harder , then someone 30 or older. Just the truth man

Yep, this I can agree with about being fortunate on age. But I disagree (and get irked) when people say *their* depression is worse...


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traxdata said:
rapidfrontal said:
You would be almost certain to get positive results IMO.

Did I miss something? What is IMO?

...In My Opinion...[/quote]



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Folks, I've been noticing recently that we all are getting just a bit frazzled with our common respect for each other. If you see something that you don't agree with eeeeeesh! don't reply with a flame post or slam this or that member because you don't agree with them. Instead, state your position and leave it at that. You're strong enough that you don't have to be right all the time right?:)


Hair loss at seventeen

No girls would date me when I'm 18 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 19 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 20 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 21 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 22 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 23 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 24 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 25 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 26 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 27 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 28 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 29 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 30 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 31 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 32 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 33 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 34 (due to severe hair loss)
No girls would date me when I'm 35 (due to severe hair loss)

That gives me 17 years before I had hair loss. Let us assume people start dating at 16. That gives me TWO years of palying the dating game.

TWO years of cuddling
TWO years of kissing
TWO years of passionate sex on the back streets of cars
TWO years of girls looking into your eyes saying 'I love you'
TWO years of waking up in the morning next to warm soft body
TWO years of oral sex
TWO years of moonlight dates
TWO years of candelit dinners
TWO years of ejaculating all over her face
TWO years of kinky bondage games
TWO years of saying 'yeah, I've got a wonderful girlfriend'
TWO years of getting sweet text messages from the one you love

Hair loss at thirty five

* No girls would date me when I'm 35 (due to severe hair loss)
* No girls would date me when I'm 36 (due to severe hair loss)


If we assume that your 'desirability' with the women goes down when your hair starts dying, then that puts you at 35. Assume you started datign at 17, that gives your 18 years of dating women. It gives you

Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of cuddling
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of kissing
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of passionate sex on the back streets of cars
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of girls looking into your eyes saying 'I love you'
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of waking up in the morning next to warm soft body
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of oral sex
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of moonlight dates
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of candelit dinners
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of ejaculating all over her face
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of kinky bondage games
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of saying 'yeah, I've got a wonderful girlfriend'
Eighteen (thats NINE TIMES MORE) years of getting sweet text messages from the one you love

I migth therefore assume, in a normal world, that you would have had NINE times more enjoyment from life than myself. Nien times more oppurinity to engage in activities we, as men, love.

Yet despite all this, you have the cheek, the raw audacity, to state 'it hits you the same'. Well words can't say how dumbfounded, bewildered I am when you make such a statement. You've had life experiences. You've known the joy of a women flirting with you in a club. Us youngies haven't.
Yet you say it 'it hits you the same'.



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The producers of finasteride advise patients to take 1 mg propecia everyday. I am not sure why Socks advised you to take the 2.5 mg dose every three days.
I have been on minoxidil and finasteride for about 4 months and have had very good results in that time. Of course I am maybe a norwood 1.5 with slight diffuse thinning, as I cought this early and for me good results is thickening and a little regrowth.
I get occasional feelings of decreased labido but these effects could strictly be in my head. I think the medication is effective with minimal risk. In fact, as I walk around I see men balding and I want to go up to them and tell them to start the minoxidil/finasteride combo because I am convinced that they would see an improvement. You cannot expect your hair to improve overnight or that you will go back to looking like you did 10 years ago.