Taking The finasteride Plunge + pics.

30 Is The New 20

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Hi all,

Just received my big shipment of Finpecia (Cila Brand from United Pharm) which will be replacing my Saw Palmetto daily dose. I've been using Tricomin and nizoral 3x week for the past 2 years. Actually, I used Amer Crew spray and Serum before Tricomin which I think actually worked better for me...As far as the finasteride, based on all the studies on dosage, I'm going to stick with .25mg every morning.

My temples have been receding very slowly, but they've gotten to the point where I'm going to try finasteride and see if it works for me...

I'm about a Norwood 2.5ish, below are some pics.

Any comments would be appreciated...

Will update soon.




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Established Member
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your hair is not that bad man, you are prob a Norwood 2 not a Norwood 2.5

if you ar elookin for maintenance then finasteride will be great!


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I would say you are a NW2 as well, you have frontal thinning in the male pattern baldness pattern however.


Looks like NW2 combined with some diffuse thinning behind the hairline

30 Is The New 20

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Fair enough, NW2 it is. I just went through a pretty hard winter shed, so these pics really show my hair at its worst. Hopefully the .25mg of finasteride will help with few sides. If I can stay at this level for the next 5 years, I can't complain.

And speaking of sides, even when I was on saw palmetto, I could of sworn that there were times when I felt sexual sides. I think its just a placebo effect, and I'm sure the same will happen with finasteride. What can I say, some nights the sex drive is stronger than others due to sleep/stress/etc...


30 Is The New 20

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Hi all...

20 days later I am flushing my finasteride pills down the toilet. My libido is down to zero, no more morning wood, itchy left nipple and soreness and weak erections. I'm not even interested in banging my hottie girlfriend as much, so NO THANKS. Lets hope these sides disappear soon.

Those of you who maintain hair growth while experiencing zero (and I mean zero) sides, god bless you.

Those of you who continue medication while experiencing sides in order to 'ride it out' are INSANE.

Looks like rogaine foam and tricomin until HM gets here for me.



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What no girlfriend pics? :shakehead:
Sorry about the bad sides but to all the others 2% is what the studies say.


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Did you complete lose your libido or you couldn't get it up after poping finasteride for 30 days?


again, maybe i'm nuts, but if you really value your hair, why not take generic cialis or v**** to counteract the drug sides if the ed is all you're getting? if it's gyno, sure, stop the drug, but sexual sides can be treated with other drugs

i mean people don't stop chemo because it's painful. they can take pain relief. and no i'm not comparing cancer to hair loss.


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JayMan said:
again, maybe i'm nuts, but if you really value your hair, why not take generic cialis or v**** to counteract the drug sides if the ed is all you're getting? if it's gyno, sure, stop the drug, but sexual sides can be treated with other drugs

i mean people don't stop chemo because it's painful. they can take pain relief. and no i'm not comparing cancer to hair loss.

I used v**** as an enhancer when I started taking finasteride a yr ago, I thought I was getting ED.

Now I can perform without v****, I am not sure if it was psycological affect of finasteride or v****.

30 Is The New 20

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First 5 days on finasteride I was a walking hard-on then it went down-hill from there, so to speak. Within 10 days my libido went to almost zero and I needed serious stimulation just to get busy with my gf. That and I really noticed that I was just limp all day with little interest in vagina. Scary thought, huh?!

v**** helps to get the blood flowing (used it twice when my sides first hit) but the interest level is still the same.

Anyways, I'm hoping that my sides will subdue within the next few days.

If anyone is worried about United Pharmacies finesteride, don't because it is some powerful sh*t.

I really hope this tenderness in my left chest goes away soon. I just can't believe how fast these sides hit me!!


RaginDemon said:
JayMan said:
again, maybe i'm nuts, but if you really value your hair, why not take generic cialis or v**** to counteract the drug sides if the ed is all you're getting? if it's gyno, sure, stop the drug, but sexual sides can be treated with other drugs

i mean people don't stop chemo because it's painful. they can take pain relief. and no i'm not comparing cancer to hair loss.

I used v**** as an enhancer when I started taking finasteride a yr ago, I thought I was getting ED.

Now I can perform without v****, I am not sure if it was psycological affect of finasteride or v****.

my guess is psychological boost from v****. knowing it's available if you need it is a big boost