Taking Propecia and Rogaine need advice


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These boards are great for asking advice. Appreciate it in advance.

So I have been on Rogaine for 7 years, seen decent results over the years. I am 34 and my father was completely bald by this point so feeling good. I feel like Rogaine has not worked that great over time, I guess it worked as advertised "slowed down the loss" but about a year ago, I added Propecia. Seen good months and bad months on Propecia. I haven't noticed "shedding" like others have claimed, at least not to the severity of finding 100s in the shower. However, I noticed month to month it seems like it is very full and hardly bald to months where it looks really bald. I guess just not paying attention to the shedding.

Anyway, the real question is, has anyone effectively dropped Rogaine after switching to Propecia? The Rogaine itch is hard to put up with and want to know if I drop Rogaine but maintain Propecia, can I expect hair loss as typical to someone who ONLY uses Rogaine then quits. Does that make sense?