t sal worked for me.

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i just took a shower about a few hours ago and used t sal for the first time and i must admitted that i didn't sratch my head once since then. ususally i would scratch after a few hours of shampooing specially after using nizoral but t sal had done the trick for me. i wanted to make sure if the flakes were gone so i lightly brushed my hair and only a fraction of what used to come out did. not even the original t-gel made my scalp feel this good. i think iam gonna drop nizoral until i fully stop the itching and flaking because nizoral just made things about 2x worse as far as flaking, itchy and drying out my hair and scalp.

so if nizoral anit working for you, i recommend you try t-sal not t-gel.


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Hey there newguytothisforum,

I am also looking to start using the T-Sal to stop my itching and flaking. I have been using Nizoral 1%, but it hasn't stopped the itch. Do you use your everyday conditioner after the T-Sal? Thanks
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nope just the shampoo and i have just used it only once and it had really done the trick for me becuase the itch is almost gone and the flakes are barely there anymore. after using nizoral i would see flakes on my hair and once my hair dried, all hell broke lose. i was scratching like a dog. i think nizoral dried my hair even more.