swizz216's Story - (age 23, recession, pics included)


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

You look fine with a shaved head, man. Honestly it really suits you and you look a lot happier. You really have to find something to do with your life because sitting in your room all day thinking about this sh*t isn't good. Find a job or go back to school.


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

Hey your in good company a lot of people here feel that way when they start losing their hair. The shaved head does look fine, it suits you well. just try the treatments when you get the cash, good luck


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Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

antonio666 said:
RaginDemon said:
There is no excuse for you not to have a job, I believe in God and Karma myself, but I will help people who really need help. I am sorry to say that you are not one of them.
raging demon who are you to judge this guy,did you not read is post ,he is going through a hard time,the guy probably has more courage in is little finger than you

Why dont you donate some money to the POOR guy then, idiot?


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What the hell is wrong with you Americans? Why does everyone insult their fellow ppl for hairloss? I haven't heard a single insult while I've been balding and buzzing my head. In fact, no one has even mentioned it although it's fairly obvious. I guess it's all about how you wear it. I am dwelling on it but I don't show it to anyone, I buzzed it early on and haven't tried to hide the fact that I'm balding.

And antonio666, what's your problem? Are you here just to defend users who take hairloss as seriously as you do? It seems like it, you're all over IBM and Taug although they come out pretty crazy to the rest of us.

To the thread starter: well done buzzing it, looks a lot better.


Re: Why me, why this, and why so young? (bad pictures)

person said:
Start finasteride and liquid minoxidil (not foam because you are diffuse). Apply for credit cards which have 0% on all purchases for 12 months.

Why do you recommend liquid minoxidil over foam just because he's diffuse? Liquid is a pain in the *** to apply in comparison. How come he can't just put the foam in the cap and scoop a bit out at a time with his fingers and apply to the various areas of thinning?


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Thank you for everyone's input. I hope that everyone will achieve what they're after even if that's only to look good for yourself. It sucks that this had to happen to so many of us but like I try to tell myself when I dwell on it, atleast I'm not a mutant and I have all my limbs and other appendages. Good luck everybody!


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ghg said:
What the hell is wrong with you Americans? Why does everyone insult their fellow ppl for hairloss? I haven't heard a single insult while I've been balding and buzzing my head. In fact, no one has even mentioned it although it's fairly obvious. I guess it's all about how you wear it. I am dwelling on it but I don't show it to anyone, I buzzed it early on and haven't tried to hide the fact that I'm balding.

And antonio666, what's your problem? Are you here just to defend users who take hairloss as seriously as you do? It seems like it, you're all over IBM and Taug although they come out pretty crazy to the rest of us.

To the thread starter: well done buzzing it, looks a lot better.

antonio666 is just as retarded as Taug, if not more.


i dont know where these guys are from in america but during my college experience, i hung out with fellow balding guys, and some of them didn't shave their heads which made their balding quite visible. i never once heard anyone make a negative comment about their balding, and especially not a girl. i'd hear girls talk about how they didn't want to date balding guys, etc, but this was never said to the faces of the guys.


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exactly, even if no one says anything to my face I still know whats going on and i can feel the eyeballs on my dome. You ever try hitting on a fine 22yo woman here in Minneapolis? its a joke man, they shut u down so quick u don't even have a chance. I can't find a girl that wants anything to do with me, thats how i feel cuz thats how it is. what woman in her right mind wants a bald 22yo man? none, none, none, and none. besides the strong pulse i am barely alive, dwelling on this is all there is to me now. yall read my introduction, my life is pitiful but it's all I know these days. I go to court on the 19th of Dec. and if I decide that the sentence is too long I'm not even going to go through with it. maybe God will understand and forgive me for my sin but oh well if not, atleast i won't have to go through this suffering everyday of my forsaken life. To the rest of you; Keep your chins up!


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JayMan said:
i dont know where these guys are from in america but during my college experience, i hung out with fellow balding guys, and some of them didn't shave their heads which made their balding quite visible. i never once heard anyone make a negative comment about their balding, and especially not a girl. i'd hear girls talk about how they didn't want to date balding guys, etc, but this was never said to the faces of the guys.

Fair enough. I don't know what's going on behind my back, some people might be talking about my balding but well, it's not my problem.


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it's not the balding guy that girls don't want to be around. it's the insecure guy that gets suicidal from something superficial like thinning hair.

in about 5 years, a large percentage of guys are going to look just like you. for now, just stand up for yourself instead of just taking insults. this is just people trying to feel better about themselves by attacking others. once they see that it doesn't affect you or that you'll give it right back to them, they'll leave you alone.

propecia/minoxidil might help you since you're young. concealers like toppik (which i started using a little recently) actually work very well and may help you out tremendously (highly recommend this - i have stopped wearing hats thanks to toppik). but you should give up on the hair transplant idea. i have had a good paying job for a number of years and it's still not a reality for me. really good hair transplant's are for relatively wealthy people, unfortunately. and hair transplant's that are affordable can ruin your life.

another thing to think about is whether your attitude towards life would really be that different if you had great hair. i'm betting that it would not. you'd be happy about the hair, but you'd find something else that would cause you to be unhappy. this is what you should really be working on.


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criminal property damage and trespassing. I broke my ex's cell phone because she was cheating on me. I've been on probation since 2004 for larceny and I think this is also a probation violation and I can now be charged with that larceny offense, which is a felony with a 10 year max sentence.


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I met up with some of my high school buddies, nearly 1/3 of them has very noticeable hair thinning/balding.

try to look at guys in their mid 30's, a lot of them has hair problems.


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Holy Hell, Swizz. Girls don't want to be with balding young men? Are you effing kidding me? Let me tell you something men have going for them. Woman are not shallow pieces of you know what like a lot of men are. I'll be the first to admit I pick apart woman's physical appearance the minute I see them. Do woman do this? yes, but not as much. And if they do do it, and don't like something about you physically, if you're a nice guy, treat them right, those things are forgotten in a hurry. Also realize a guy who possibly will be going to jail and who is jobless is much more of a turn off then going bald. And I'm not trying to rip on you or be a dick. But if there is anything woman crave, it's a successful man with confidence.

As men, we have it so easy in the dating department, a lot easier then woman do. Now I'm paraphrasing here from my mother and ex-girlfriends. But you're worried about one thing, your hair. Woman worry about their weight, skin, hair, nails, legs, body tone, make-up blah blah. While woman are considered to look a lot worse as they approach their 40's and get wrinkled and droopy, men become more matured and handsome! When men have a bigger or longer nose, it can be considered as more masculine. If a woman has a bigger nose it's a complete turn off. While I don't want to lose my hair just like everyone else, things could be worse.

Also, do you think woman don't realize your hair will start falling out and you'll probably be bald when you get older anyway? Yeah, you're hair is thinning and you're losing it. But one thing woman can sense is a man's insecurities. You clearly have them. I will tell you one thing, as a guy who is extremely comfortable in his sexuality. By your pictures, you're a good looking guy. Tell me, would you rather be relatively good looking to good looking, or a fugly dude with hair? Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Not everyone can be Brad Pitt.

I truly hope you aren't serious about your suicide threats and your sentencing goes in your favor. I also hope you are learning from your mistakes and you seek help outside of this message board. I am a strong Christian, I can tell you with certainty that God chooses when it's your time, not you, he is your maker. And I wouldn't risk being forgiven when it comes to time for him to judge. I'm praying for you man, hang in there!


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RaginDemon said:
I met up with some of my high school buddies, nearly 1/3 of them has very noticeable hair thinning/balding.

try to look at guys in their mid 30's, a lot of them has hair problems.

yeah its funny i met up with some of my old friends from highschool too i havent seen in about 3 years, i noticed they were all starting to thin. Its funny though because i dont think i ever would have noticed if i werent so enthralled in all this hair loss stuff, but hey, im glad i am to some degree, i probably would be way worse off by now without it.


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came out wrong, not glad that they were thinning, glad that i caught my hair loss seemingly in time to do something about it.


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Dogs3 said:
came out wrong, not glad that they were thinning, glad that i caught my hair loss seemingly in time to do something about it.

I know what you mean, some of my buddies were joking about they going bald, I realized I wasn't alone, and it was actually more common than I thought it would be.

If I can have most of my exisiting hair til I am 40, I will be happy, hopefully something better will come out.


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TheDude said:
Holy Hell, Swizz. Girls don't want to be with balding young men? Are you effing kidding me? Let me tell you something men have going for them. Woman are not shallow pieces of you know what like a lot of men are. I'll be the first to admit I pick apart woman's physical appearance the minute I see them. Do woman do this? yes, but not as much. And if they do do it, and don't like something about you physically, if you're a nice guy, treat them right, those things are forgotten in a hurry. Also realize a guy who possibly will be going to jail and who is jobless is much more of a turn off then going bald. And I'm not trying to rip on you or be a dick. But if there is anything woman crave, it's a successful man with confidence.

As men, we have it so easy in the dating department, a lot easier then woman do. Now I'm paraphrasing here from my mother and ex-girlfriends. But you're worried about one thing, your hair. Woman worry about their weight, skin, hair, nails, legs, body tone, make-up blah blah. While woman are considered to look a lot worse as they approach their 40's and get wrinkled and droopy, men become more matured and handsome! When men have a bigger or longer nose, it can be considered as more masculine. If a woman has a bigger nose it's a complete turn off. While I don't want to lose my hair just like everyone else, things could be worse.

Also, do you think woman don't realize your hair will start falling out and you'll probably be bald when you get older anyway? Yeah, you're hair is thinning and you're losing it. But one thing woman can sense is a man's insecurities. You clearly have them. I will tell you one thing, as a guy who is extremely comfortable in his sexuality. By your pictures, you're a good looking guy. Tell me, would you rather be relatively good looking to good looking, or a fugly dude with hair? Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Not everyone can be Brad Pitt.

I truly hope you aren't serious about your suicide threats and your sentencing goes in your favor. I also hope you are learning from your mistakes and you seek help outside of this message board. I am a strong Christian, I can tell you with certainty that God chooses when it's your time, not you, he is your maker. And I wouldn't risk being forgiven when it comes to time for him to judge. I'm praying for you man, hang in there!

Definitely not true.

I chatted with couple of my female co workers on this topic, and they clearly stated that they would NEVER date a balding guy.

It hurts to hear that.


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swizz....first and foremost, I genuinely mean this when I say it: You;re NOT a bad looking guy. You can certainly pull off a shaved head. Even if yuo bic it, it would look pretty good on you. In a way, I know what you;re going through. For f*** sakes...I'm going to be 30(60) soon and I've completely wasted my 20's because I thought everyone was non stop staring at my hairloss. I would give anything to have those years back, but I can't. At your age, I was worse off than you are. Why wuold you think people make it such a massive concern of theirs that you're losing your hair? Being bald doesn;t suck..its balding that sucks. It's the shock of your appearance. Once you get used to it and say to yourself "screw it, I can;t get any balder!" you'll have conquered hairloss and you can move on with your life. Take off the damn hat, shave your head and enjoy your life. You can either sit there and think about hairloss all the time, or you can have some fun. Once your Mom isn;t around anymore do you want to spend the rest of your life thinking "I'd have been williing to be a nw7 at 21 if I could just spend some more time with her!"? Seriously...get a grip. NO ONE has the right to ruin your life but you. If you're depressed or whatever...feel free to PM me, i've been there. Good luck!