Switching to dutasteride, loading phase etc


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I'm Norwood 3.5. Been on finasteride for a while without any success I'm afraid, I'm now going for heavier artillery. I came over this article: http://www.regrowshair.com/non-surgical- ... ng-charts/ Since I feel I'm in a bit of a hurry to stop my hair loss I'm considering to take 1.5mg for 10 days which according to the graph in the article will save me a lot of time since it will inhibit the largest amount of DHT the fastest. If that will do good to my hair or not is yet to be seen but at least it will be my best chance as I see it now and if I won't respond to dutasteride then I'm pretty much screwed I guess.

This is just one article though without any references, what I'm looking for is more scientific sources (where did they get their data from in the article etc) and also experiences from people who have done the same thing.

So basically, if you know about more articles which deal with dutasteride and especially doing a loading phase then I'll be thankful if you could direct me to them, also experiences from fellow members at HairLossTalk.com would be much appreciated so I can make my decision whether the "waste" of a months supply in 10 days is worth it and what I shall expect from the loading phase and dutasteride in general.

I hope my questions aren't too general and that some of you guys are holding some good information to share.

Thank you peace out.


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I don't know what you are talking about "bro-science type deal with creatine". :dunno:

What I meant with loading phase was to take a bigger dosage of dutasteride at the beginning, it is clear if you check the link I posted. If that's not the correct term for it in English I apologize and understand your question.


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Nobody suggests a 'loading phase' for finasteride, I don't see why dutasteride would be any different.


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It's not mandatory in any way but judging from the article and some stories I've read on various forums it seems like it will inhibit more DHT faster. If your hair is falling of quickly a month or two is a big deal. Apparently dutasteride won't reach its full potential directly, the same is probably true for finasteride, that's probably a part of why you have to wait so long before you can judge whether it works or not. One thing that puzzles me though in the chart: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/ ... alysis.jpg is that the black line is supposed to be finasteride but it's just a straight line meanwhile the different dutasteride dosages are curves. Does anyone have an idea why it is so? The y-axis is supposed to be the DHT inhibited.