Switch from Propecia to dutasteride?


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Having given 6 months on PRopecia and no slowdown do you recon dutasteride could be worth a shot..i'm getting almost as despondent as Taug and a number of others.

I want to do the hair transplant but as I cannot slow this loss down I feel uncomfortable doing that as much as my image is detiorating rapidly.

Better to look crap for a few months then start to look good again..at the moment I have nothing to look forward to other than downhill... :(

Worried about sides from dutasteride as I suffered bad from finasteride with tiredness.


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Trouble is things are downhill so fast in 6 months and I should have seen somethin by now....I was only lookin for slowdown...seems to have speeded up loss..unbelievable I could lose so much trying to do something about it.

I see you are phasing in dutasteride..hows that going.

I just need to do somethin more now..another 6 months i'll be slick bald and it'll be too late. finasteride had to harsh a side for me at full dose so probably my lower dose is helping it not be effective,


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Nick4441 said:
Trouble is things are downhill so fast in 6 months and I should have seen somethin by now....I was only lookin for slowdown...seems to have speeded up loss..unbelievable I could lose so much trying to do something about it.

I see you are phasing in dutasteride..hows that going.

I just need to do somethin more now..another 6 months i'll be slick bald and it'll be too late. finasteride had to harsh a side for me at full dose so probably my lower dose is helping it not be effective,

I notice you're on a very small dose, so it may be advisable to start taking the full recommended dose (1mg/day) of finasteride before considering dutasteride, which inhibits DHT far more completely so is more likely to cause sides. So far my switch to dutasteride is going OK, touch wood!

I've started writing this without referring back to your regimen, so I assume you may be using other elements of the Big 3 as well?


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I was on the full 1mb for 2-3 months but the sides were too much so I had to reduce dose, now I am on 0.25mg it is o.k. I cannot go back to 1mg...I get so tired and so much brain fog I would lose my job..I needed 14hrs sleep taking 1mg.

Sometimes sides are different on dutasteride or may not even get them is my hope. The half life is long too so you can take it every few days. Are you doing 0.5mb per day?

I gave up with minoxidil, just too much hassle to keep that up for life. Pills are easy to keep up for life as is nizoral shampoo twice a week. O take a hair multivitamin too.

My hair has gone to sh*t last 6 month on finasteride, can't believe it, so thinking about the Laser comb too as that's safe and no sides. I cannot even get hair transplant really as its deteriorating so quickly. So depressing.


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If you couldn't stand the sides on 1mg finasteride, I have a feeling that dutasteride will hit you like a ton of bricks :freaked:

dutasteride is pretty hardcore, I'd love to get on it myself but even 1.25mg finasteride makes me feel tired - nothing unbearable, but noticeable nonetheless.

If the tiredness is linked to the DHT inhibition I would be asleep for days after taking dutasteride (very long halflife).

I think that I'm going to bite the bullet after my current stash of finasteride has run out (in about two months), and swallow a dutasteride pill, see how I am. The worst that could happen is that I'll have a nasty week or two if I don't tolerate it well, but it's a risk I'm prepared to take to save my hair :wink: and it's not as if it's going to kill me now is it... and I can go back to finasteride if it doesn't work out.


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dutasteride 0.5mg/day compared pretty well to finasteride 5mg/day in the phase II trial. Obviously these were small treatment groups and you see statistical anomalies in the results, but I think the two drugs are pretty comparable in terms of sides, which is a little counter-intuitive given that dutasteride inhibits so much more DHT.

Decreased libido: dutasteride 0.5mg/day 0%, finasteride 5mg/day 4%
Impotence: dutasteride 0%, finasteride 1%
Headaches: dutasteride 6%, finasteride 3%
Fatigue: dutasteride 1%, finasteride 3%


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nick 4441,

avodart in my opinion is like taking asprin,people say it is a strong drug.
it makes me laugh,if i thought it would improve my hair i would take 10mg a day of the stuff,20 times the recomended dose and still be confident that it would have little effect


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Nick4441 said:
Trouble is things are downhill so fast in 6 months and I should have seen somethin by now....I was only lookin for slowdown...seems to have speeded up loss..unbelievable I could lose so much trying to do something about it.

I see you are phasing in dutasteride..hows that going.

I just need to do somethin more now..another 6 months i'll be slick bald and it'll be too late. finasteride had to harsh a side for me at full dose so probably my lower dose is helping it not be effective,

the shed you are seeing is from coming off the spectral DNC. It gave you extra hair, but you continued to bald even though the DNC was hiding it. When you came off the DNC, you shed everything it gave you. This was a few months after starting propecia, so you thought the propecia caused the blame. Just stay on the propecia and nizoral. You can add the DNC again if you want, but the propecia is the most important part.


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The spectral DNC I only did for a month and that was back in December and it was only the receded areas where there was little/no hair. So pretty sure its not a shed.

I'm convinced I have a bad reaction to finasteride - this Hyperandrogenicity. Which has evelevated my testosterone substantially and despite it lowering DHT its been killing my hairline. My bad sides of tiredness and having to reduce dose were possibly another indication that my body is telling me it doesn't like it.

Think I might try coming off it for a couple of weeks and see. I have persevered 6 months and I can see i get worse every hairwash as hair comes out never to be replaced.

dutasteride as you say would probably put me in a coma if I got sides on that too