supplements that increase energy levels

Quantum Cat

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I'm very lethargic/tired all the time, and I sleep a lot - I don't know if this is caused by finasteride or other medications I'm on - and my depression doesn't help. I'm trying to find ways to boost my energy levels naturally.

obviously there's caffiene, but since that's a drug, it's not good to become dependent on it

I hear a lot about Ginseng and Gingko Biloba, and that's something I'm going to try. I've also had Yerba Mate recommended to me.

any other suggestions?


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I'm very lethargic/tired all the time, and I sleep a lot - I don't know if this is caused by finasteride or other medications I'm on - and my depression doesn't help. I'm trying to find ways to boost my energy levels naturally.

obviously there's caffiene, but since that's a drug, it's not good to become dependent on it

I hear a lot about Ginseng and Gingko Biloba, and that's something I'm going to try. I've also had Yerba Mate recommended to me.

any other suggestions?

As natural energy boosters and anti-depressants I would recommend lifting weights at the gym twice a week and going running/swimming twice a week also....

I've tried Ginseng, gingko and various supplements and I find them expensive and very uneffective, especially given the price, they're definitely not going to address the root cause of your low energy levels.

Quantum Cat

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yeah I know exercise helps - I do go running sometimes, when I can face it. It helps in the short term, like immediately afterwards, but in the long term I still seem to be afflicted with chronic fatigue and lethargy.

I do have hypothyroidism but I take meds for it, so that supposedly shouldn't be causing it, but who knows?

I'm about to come off the antidepressesnts, so that might help. I'm very reluctant to quit the finasteride though, because it's really helped stabilise my hair


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CoQ10, PQQ, B-Complex, Sub-lingual B12.


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I tried them all. Get your methylation going.. Methylcobalamin Vitamin B12 sub-lingual, L-Methylfolate .. L-Methylfolate is just awesome... expensive but god.. with TMG or SAM-E.. Will help to get your dopamine.serotonin . Never forget your iodine/selenium.. with plenty of magnesium.


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yeah I know exercise helps - I do go running sometimes, when I can face it. It helps in the short term, like immediately afterwards, but in the long term I still seem to be afflicted with chronic fatigue and lethargy.

I do have hypothyroidism but I take meds for it, so that supposedly shouldn't be causing it, but who knows?

I'm about to come off the antidepressesnts, so that might help. I'm very reluctant to quit the finasteride though, because it's really helped stabilise my hair

Gotta be honest, don't know an awful lot about anti-depressants myself, but I did read that taking SSRIs ~(including prozac) in the morning apparently often leads to fatigue and lethargy during the rest of the day, so maybe research your particular drug and find out if the same happens there.

With regards to finasteride, I have periods sometimes where I feel I'm lethargic and a bit fatigued but I'm not sure if this is just imagined... still if it was caused by finasteride, then it is almost definitely to do with the Testosterone/Estrogen ration being unbalanced, so the easiest and most natural and sustainable way to rebalance the hormone ratio is to lift heavy weights, especially squats (great exercise for boosting T levels) and take zinc supplements to prevent T converting into estrogen.


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PQQ is in my daily regimen, but mostly because I am currently in need of mitochondrial biogenesis supplementation (outside of that which is "genesis'd" through exercise).


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I am on the PQQ bandwagon as well from Vitacost.... Taking it with TocoQ10 , L carnitine, R-Lipoic acid, Glisodin and bunch of others supplements..

Best Supplements that I tried so far.. Pantethine boost Coenzyme A..Lower Cholesterol Level
Glisodin boost SOD..twice a day Protects against oxidative stress and UV..
Liposomal Glutathione... Boost every other supplements as the same time... Bad ***!
Tocotrienols Need to be overdosed.. but Delta-Tocotrienol by itself seems to be better
Pregnelologne the micronized form.. boost my brain dramatically!
Vinpocetine.. focus like no tomorrow!
L-Lysine/Proline Vitamin C intake.. Keep your Lipoprotein A in check.
L-Metylfolate.. Feel alive when taking it.. Boost dopamine/Serotonine and Nitric Oxide..

and yeah eat Avocados! You won't believe your skin! I eat 2 a day during my supplements intake with Coconut oil!! My skin is softer than a baby arse!

Quantum Cat

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I love avocados but 3 times out of 4 when I cut one open it's either - too hard, too stringy or bruised and nasty.


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PQQ and CoQ are for Mitochondrial support / biogenesis.

Without exception, endurance training and weight lifting does the same or more. Keep that in mind. Nothing replaces exercise. PQQ/CoQ with exercise is optimal.


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Ubuquinol & PQQ!


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You can take Vitamin B50 or B12. Which boost the energy level fast also recommended by the doctors. There are so many different supplements out there that claim to increase energy levels, but which ones actually work? It’s often said that there’s more than one way to skin a cat, and the saying applies to increasing your energy.


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acetyl-l carnitine does it for me

I love avocados but 3 times out of 4 when I cut one open it's either - too hard, too stringy or bruised and nasty.

I can relate to that :)