Summer stress anyone?


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Well, its summer time and i have a beautiful girlfriend who looks crazy hot in a bikini but i'm finding every reason not to go to the lake (i live by 2 with in 15 minutes)
My hairline is pretty jacked up. i probably have like 4 inches of my original hairline left and the rest is receeded, while my right side when wet looks fine but my left temple is competly jacked up. I have just been styling my hair for the past 8 months of my relationship different so she can't tell.
I am amazed that she hasn't been able to tell. I have tried to find ways to tell her but i just can't. I don't think i could bare her looking at me differently and im compelely stressed out about this. Im on the regimen + some but nothing really seems to help. Everything is bad and i guess im scared that once this beautiful girl sees what i got going on with my hair i'll lose her and then just go into a full on depression for the rest of my life.

I guess im posting this to ask if anyone else hides there hairline from there girlfriends and if they have ever had to tell them and how they responded. She says she loves me but i guess im very vain and don't know how much i believe in love do to having such a heavy heart over this balding condition. I'm about to hit 24 and ive been going through this since i was 19. I have been able to skate by the last summers but this one im with a girl im crazy about and im afraid im going to let her down due to this damn curse.


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How long have you been with this girl? Do you think she thinks that you are physical perfection?
Everyone has flaws she is not going to leave you after seeing your hair looking bad when it gets wet.
This type of self doubting can only lead to obbsesive behaviour and harm your relationship, dont let that happen. Try to behave like a normal confident guy.


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its you she likes not your hair. If you had been going out with her for 2 weeks then you might have reason to be concerned but she knows you now and a bit of hairloss is not going to break you up....Just keep confident as that does show and would not be good. Try to ignore your problem when your out and be confident and you'll be fine.


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Trust me, you'll find the right moment to mention it to your girlfriend. If you watch tv with her a lot, there's going to be many opportunities. I remember I first brought it up when we were watching King of Queens and Carol mentioned to Doug that his hair was thinning. I then said something like, "hmmm, just like me", which led to a whole conversation about me going bald. And I didn't mean to bring it up at that moment, I just blurted that line out without even thinking. So that's why I say to not worry about finding the right moment, it will be brought up eventually. But if you aren't really open with your girlfriend, then make sure you deal with that first. You should be secure with who you are and not be afraid of what your partner will think of you.

So what happened when I told her? Well, at that time, she just laughed. But she wasn't laughing at my hair loss, just the fact that I thought I was balding considering my hair was so thick. However, forward three years later, I bring it up again and this time she doesn't break a smile (lol, not good at all). She said she didn't believe me before, but now it was getting very noticeable. She then suggested to just buzz it shorter (I was buzzing with a 2 guard at that time) and to not worry about it.

After that, she teased me a lot about the hair loss. But trust me, it was all in good fun. We both would tease each other about some things that would be considered off-limit, but the fact that we don't make those things off-limit helps us to become more secure with ourselves.

If you're with your girl long enough and you two are in love, then I can assure you that she won't be bothered by your hair loss. Chances are, she already noticed and is just waiting for you to bring it up when you feel ready. It's sort of like that gay friend who thinks he's fooling everyone to thinking he's straight, but really, everyone's noticed for as long as they've known him and are just waiting for him to come out.


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roman83 said:
Well, its summer time and i have a beautiful girlfriend who looks crazy hot in a bikini but i'm finding every reason not to go to the lake (i live by 2 with in 15 minutes)

to really help you, we are gonna need to see pics of your girlfriend in her bikini. Sorry to break this to you, but its neccessary.


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If she leaves you becuz of your hair she aint no keeper anyways


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just more worried about acting different myself more so then how she will treat me.
She is a great girl and i don't think this will cause a break up but just last night we were watching "Americas Got Talent" and 2 bald guys go up on stage to do a titty dance and shes all like eww, i'm eww too but not the point. Then these guys take theres shirts off for the titty dance and she is like "they are in good shape for being bald" what the hell is that. Im like what does being bald have to do with the shape you are in. I call her superfical but inside im like well this is really gonna suck.
I really don't think she has noticed anything cause she is not the type of person to keep things to herself. The whole situation is just getting more stressfull. I honestly volunteer to work weekeneds now just to keep away from telling her.
I honestly feel like i'd take every day i can without saying something then doing it just go get off my chest and then wonder if it effects how she looks at me or more so how i look at myself.

Im very vain, but i want a hot girl, i feel like if i lose this one then its down hill from here. She has a lot of other great qualities too. But i guess it just comes down to me wanting to be me and not some guy who is hiding. But if you are on these forums i guess you all know exactly what i mean.

sucks for us.


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I'm guessing that you are a long way off from being as bald as those tiity dance guys. If you ever get there you'll be about 45 anyway and by then she wont look so hot either.


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s.a.f said:
I'm guessing that you are a long way off from being as bald as those tiity dance guys. If you ever get there you'll be about 45 anyway and by then she wont look so hot either.

funny yet true

I say you just go right ahead and tell her.