Suggestions - Retrograde Alopecia - Sides From Topical finasteride And Oral Min


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I am 34, Norwood 2, some diffuse crown thinning and retrograde alopecia with 25 percent miniaturisation in the donor area. I was diagnosed in December 2019 by a well-known hair transplant surgeon.

Overall, my hair does not look bad at the moment, but will obviously worsen if I do nothing. I saw the hair transplant surgeon because I wanted a hair transplant to bring my hairline back to Norwood 1 (I have a large forehead which makes the recession look worse than it is unless I grow my hair out).

hair transplant surgeon prescribed 2.5% topical finasteride and 5mg oral minoxidil. I had to stop oral minoxidil after 3 weeks due to chest pain (couldn't split the pills and lower the dose to 2.5mg because they were made by a compounding pharmacist). I tried one application of topical finasteride and experienced groin pain after 2 days, which I could deal with. Then I had severe, unbearable ballache 1 day later, which slowly went away over the next week.

I asked the hair transplant clinic rep if I should try the topical finasteride again and push through the sides. He said no, and that while.some discomfort is normal, severe pain is not.

Thinking my next step may be to try lower dose topical finasteride. I know this will not deliver maintenance. Although my general pattern loss (receding hairline, thinning crown) is not super aggressive, the retrograde alopecia is. I know that I may need to lower my expectations and just try to slow it all down.

Would really value any advice.