Suffering from Folliculitis Decalvans, please help


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Hello everyone,

Guys it isn't FD that most of us are suffering from its HS (Hidradenitis Suppurativa). Please research and seek help.

It's possible some people are confusing FD with HS. However, HS is usually found in areas where the skin rubs together (legs, armpits, breasts) or in skin folds.


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Man I have suffered for over 10 years. I wish I treated it early. Well I didn’t and now I have scarring and bald spots. It’s s so depressing I’m always wearing hats. When it’s off all I feel like is that people are just looking at my head. Just recently I tried this shampoo called cln. I have never had this much relief ever. All the antibiotics,topicals, injections. That have been prescribed for me did what this shampoo has done for me. It cleared it up no more bleeding, the sores are healing. I guess my hair loss is permanent which sucks but I have regained control of my scalp. I’m hoping for the day that I can shave my hair off once everything heals. I just hope the scars don’t look to bad to do so ugh.
How long after using the CLn shampoo did you start seeing results?


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Here’s how I got my folliculitis decalvans under control...

First of all, let me just be clear about this. I’m not exactly cured of that horrible decease, I just found a way to make the symptoms go away as long as I keep up with my daily routine, which doesn’t involve any kind of remedy or drug. All I do is shave my head every day (twice if I can) using an electric shaver, and then I clean/exfoliate my scalp with cotton soaked in water. I also moisturize with a little bit of vegetable oil... no creams, no chemicals, no shampoo, no soap, nothing.

That being said, don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t easy at all at the beginning. I remember there was a lot of bleeding, burning, itching, reddening and pain. But after a few weeks, the symptoms started to disappear and my skin began healing, and after a year or so there were no more signs of the decease apart from a few scars that keep getting better and better with the help of dermarolling. After a couple of years, I also resorted to scalp pigmentation in order to cover the parts of my head where I’ve lost my hair permanently. It’s not perfect, of course, but it’s way better than it was before and I’m slowly getting closer to living a normal life, which seemed absolutely impossible for a long time!

Again, just to be clear, I’m not really cured because if I don’t keep up with the routine the symptoms will reappear, I know that for a fact. And unfortunately I can’t guarantee any of you out there that this method will work for you, I’m just sharing my experience hoping that maybe I can help someone make their life a little better and put this nightmare behind. But even if it doesn’t work for you, I still think it is worth trying considering it’s an all-natural “treatment”.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful, and let me tell you just one more thing... please don’t give up, no matter how much you’re suffering or how lost the battle against folliculitis decalvans seems! You have to keep fighting and trying different things until you find whatever works for you!

I wish you the best of luck and a prompt recovery!!! Be strong!