Suedeheid My story with pics


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Hi i've been on the board for a while and thought i'd get some advice from you guys. My story is i first noticed i was losing hair at 22. I noticed a thin patch on my right temple just above the hairline.

From then to 24 hair got worse. I always found it difficult to classify my hairloss because it was diffuse. I think i'm a norwood 5A. By this time i was getting comments from friends and family. It was around this time i tried Propecia for around a month (I was know more about hairloss now to know this this was probobly no long enough) Anyway i noticed i didn't get a hard as i used to get so i quit.

Just after this aged 25 i started on regaine and have continued with this. It appears to make no real difference to me. I also bought the lasercomb and tried that for a year. I found it reacted badly with the regaine and cause flakes on my scalp (not attractive) so i stopped. I didn't find the lasercomb any good to be honest.

at 30 i tried Propecia again for 6 months. I was worried about taking it again after the first time which is why i held off for so long. Just about the same story with the Propecia again, major problems in getting hard after being on it for 6 months. I think it has taken me around the same amount of time to get back to normal after trying it.

Now after shaving my head gradually down from a 3 to a 0 grade. I am still depressed about my hairloss and wish i could do something about it.

I think from reading the boards that i would be a bad candidate for a transplant due to being a diffuse thinner.

Has and body got any advice

Thanks ... 888ba5.jpg ... 497ug7.jpg ... 805ip9.jpg


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So you've been using Regaine for six years? And you haven't seen any difference? I would have stopped after a year ..

anyway, the only thing I can recommend you change is get the Rogaine Foam. it's so much better.

maybe look at dutasteride instead of finasteride? And are you still using nizoral?

are you completely bald in the NW5 area or just thin?


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Thanks for the reply

I think the regaine slows down the hairloss. When i started balding it was at the front. The back wasn't too bad at first it's getting thinner now and more noticable now i cut i shorter, it looks worse. Also my hair is or was blonde on top ,darker at the sides.

I'm a bit scared about using dutasteride after a bad experience on finasteride.

Just thinning in the back. haven't tried the foam yet not sure where to order it in the UK. Still using Nizorl. I've got some pics up now.


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I hate to say it bro, but with advanced hair loss like that, you should go for the shaved look. There is always hope though, hopefully HM will come out in the future.


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i think it might be a little late to get on dutas or propecia now or maybe not i don't know,i think you probably would be a good patient for a transplant although i think your head shape is perfect for the shaved looks ,i think you really suit the shaved look ,you have a great head shape


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HM is the only way...until them just keep the shaved look.


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What do you think about a transplant. Looked at Hassan and Wong work which looked pretty good. Do you think i'd be a good candidate?


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suedeheid said:
What do you think about a transplant. Looked at Hassan and Wong work which looked pretty good. Do you think i'd be a good candidate?

I am not expert, you should consult a derm and a hair transplant specialist, GL bro!


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Wait for HM to hit the market. Just make sure you have fresh cash available. I suspect it won´t be cheap. :lol:


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peakhair said:
Wait for HM to hit the market. Just make sure you have fresh cash available. I suspect it won´t be cheap. :lol:

they estimate it to be somewhere close to 100k...I know I can't afford that even when its out.


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GlasgowCelt said:
Don't mind me asking what is HM?

hair multiplication

my understand its like hair cloning?


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damn, RD, thats expensive, didnt think it would be that pricey? Where did you here that ? :freaked:


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CHL24 said:
damn, RD, thats expensive, didnt think it would be that pricey? Where did you here that ? :freaked:

Just an estimatation. I could be way off but I figure it will be close to that price.