Sudden shed 2 years into oral Fina, 2 weeks into topical Fina!


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Greetings! Long time reader, first time posting.

I have a question toward those with experience in hair loss, or anyone with 2 cents to leave. (Brief summary at the bottom)

I had my hair thinning since the age of about 16 with a Norwood 2.5 hairline having developed by the age of 18, which was when I noticed and learned about alopecia. Therefore, for 2 years now, I've been on:

- Generic proscar (~0.6 mg EOD)
- Random natural supplements (on and off)
- Nizoral (on and off)

Most fina has done for me was strengthen my follicles. It went from LUMPS in my hand after running it through my hair to not even being able to yank hairs out anymore and my hair felt healthy and alive. Even without any noticeable regrowth, ever. Though I've recently spotted that my norwood 2.5 hairline not only hasn't improved, but the middle of the "peninsula" in the front even appears slightly thinner (scalp peeking through without light! - wasn't the case before treatment)
Hence why for 2 weeks now, I've been on:

- Stemoxydine with 1.25 mg fina tablets dissolved in it EOD (applied along the hairline only)
- Zinc pyrithione shampoo (H&S) EOD (to better accommodate for topical finasteride)
- Iron supplements (unrelated experiment, unless it plays a role?)

Roughly since starting the above three, my hair has begun a heavy episode of shedding, similar to that I would go through before any treatment and I'm growing increasingly concerned.

All that said, my question would be: Does anyone have an idea as to why this sudden shedding, despite my 2 year mark on finasteride could be happening? Could it possibly have to do with topical finasteride? I'd suspect so since it's the strongest addition to my otherwise modest regimen, even though I can't see how anyone could experience shedding just 2 weeks into treatment.

On a related note:
I wanted to stretch out finasteride as a mono-treatment for as long as possible, slowly but surely adding new treatments so as to avoid exhausting every option early on by having my body adapt to them all. Sadly though, with this newfound shedding and my apparent loss of ground despite 2 years on fina, I'm now willing to throw the first-tier kitchen sink at it, which would mean to:

- take finasteride in normal dosage ED or even start dutasteride
- do minoxidil with microneedling
- use Nizoral regularly

Later on, and God forbid, if the big three was to lose effectiveness, I would resort to what I call the second-tier kitchen sink; treatments such as RU, CB and the like.
Wondering if anyone could give any thoughts or a blessing on my short and long-term plan? Or should I just increase fina to normal dosage and see if that helps my thinning hairline? Perhaps that, Nizoral, AND microneedling? As much as I crave the luscious regrowth of minoxidil, I'm still hesitant toward it, as I find it too huge of a commitment, with its results way too dependent and sensitive in the long run.

> 21/M - NW2.5 since 18
> 2 years on fina @ ~0.6mg EOD no shed nor regrowth, just stabilization
> hairline still thinned just slower, norwood possibly progressed
> 2 weeks ago I began topical finasteride @ 1.25mg EOD (stemox as vehicle), Zinc pyrithione shampoo (H&S) EOD, Iron
> since about 2 weeks, sudden major shed
> Help.gif

Thanks to anyone if you've made it down here, even more so for any input!

Have a swell day!
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I was reading or listening somewhere that the shed could be due to all the hair dependent on those "drugs" having a similar or same cycle thus leading to a mass shed.

Don't quote me on that.


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Adding new stuff to your regime can always cause a shed from what I've read here, that's why it's suggested to start up slowly and not all at once. It could also simply be that your follicles' sensitivity to DHT has increased these last 2 years and you have begun to shed more because of that. Upping the dose to 1 mg oral finasteride everyday could solve that, or adding Minoxidil if you want regrowth.


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Thank you for your thoughtful feedback. My main concern remains my front thinning despite Finasteride.

I’m going to start by trying finasteride in proper doses ED. If sides don’t turn up and my hair was to improve, I’ll postpone minoxidil. I just want to prolong each addition to my treatment as long as possible, putting off the kitchen sink for as long as I can.

In the meantime I’ll continue researching inflammation and ANY means to tackle it. Lots might dismiss the all-angle-approach to combating Alopecia but I have huge faith in it.

Thanks again for your replies, I might report on my case as time goes on, all the while any comment/discourse is still welcome.
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