Sudden hair loss with stinging, itchingm burning


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I had something like that in 2019 after applying oil on my scalp. It was almost as if I had put acid on it, burning and itching everyday for months. The shedding was insane, and I suspect this triggered my seb derm, which I still have flare ups here and then nowadays. I'll never put coconut oil on my scalp again, never
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Guys this is me and in guessing alotttt of others too, the constant inflammation!

I believe it's due to unbalanced pressure cutting off oxygen supplies like how when you crack your knuckles/neck, I get popping around my jaw/side of the head where the bloodflow to the scalp is (as a side note balding people who do self messages mention this cracking sensation) This pressure build up occurs and I believe the cause of this is due to bad digestion in the stomach and trapped gas (stress/poor diet and not enough good bacteria/too much bad causes this) which then rises to the top of the system.....which would be exactly where we bald and the reason for the hairloss pattern! This gas becomes trapped here, not allowing oxygen to flow because of the pressure difference.

I know that if I breathe deeply using my diaphragm I can feel the pressure easing (this is also the reason for high blood pressure which we know goes hand in hand with bald men) and oxygen reaching my scalp and it begin calming.

There is 100 percent something in this and I believe I may be on to the underlying reason of balding and it really should be looked at closer, especially with dht being converted higher in low oxygen level which is the end result.
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Any updates? I still have this unsettling movement under my scalp like hair is moving... electric zaps... tingling... numbing... burning... all the good bois.

I can't be any happier :) my life is great and I'm living to the fullest. FCUK YEAH!


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Have you had any dental work done recently? I had and still get the burning and itching/stinging.. but, 6 or so years ago I had exactly what you are all describing. It was like a switch flipped.. rapid hairloss, tingling, bruised feelings on my scalp burning. All that... it sort of subsided but took a year and I still have itching and what not. I will say, I used to get certain pains and if I moved my jaw to crack it, it would relieve the pain..


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at this point in time, it appears to me to be a vasoconstriction issue, from androgens & aldosterone. i have currently silenced it with AR & MR antagonists, plus a nitrous oxide agonist. it will take some time for me to narrow it down further. however I can say that Abiraterone (androgen & cortisol synthesis antagonist) did not address it.
Damn that sucks man. I’ve tried everything including spironolactone and oral
Minoxidil. Oral minoxidil worked VERY well for hair but destroyed my face so I had to quit. Also, at a point, everyone will realize that having no sex drive and gyno isnt happiness..


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Guys I am onto something here and need more of you to try it, I'm saying that all of this is caused by low oxygen levels this cascades to high dht and then permanent hairloss. Now this is an open account of what's helping, warts and all.

Update my scalp no longer itches hardly at all, seb derm has basically vanished.

My theory - any factor which causes poor oxygen flow to the scalp, in my case and probably many others, I believe I have 2 main causes of this;

The first being incorrect breathing and not using the diaphragm (this is caused by poor digestion), I can not stress this enough your stomach should expand on breathing in and you should feel your diaphragm press down, this pressurises your body and removes trapped gas especially if you keep your diaphragm down and continue breathing in. I'm not talking about light burps here I'm talking the dwarves dug too deep, balrog from the deep fuckers! Release some of this and see how much better your scalp feels, also things like neck/jaw cracks are related to this (arthritis as well but that's a theory for another forum), Trapped gas is soooo underrated and I think causes many immune issues along with my next point.

The second thing in my case is candida, which we all know and love as flem/mucous, this makes it's way into sinuses, air passages and our natural reaction is to tense up muscles where it is present (I didn't realise I was doing this until they started to relax) this causes our air passages to not relax and we do not draw breath into our lungs because valves like our epiglottis are permanently tense covering our windpipe,
How I am fixing this, use a high quality expensive tooth paste, I have an electric toothbrush with a small head on it, I literally use the brush to clean all my mouth and throat not just the teeth, I was amazed at how much stringy mucous I have gotten out from the back of my throat and how much better I feel! Then use listerine after.

Really I understand how all this sounds abit off the wall crazy but just try it for a few weeks and if it helps pay it forward and make sure to comment, I'm certain low O2 is the cause of hairloss and the high dht is just the byproduct of this.