Such a fast recede! What can help?

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Probably not much, just need to vent! I started thining 6 months ago and the past 3 months hve atsrted receding...but recently seems more. Not to people, but to me. Have been on propecia and doing minoxidil for one month..i know it's too soon, but what else can i do in the meanwhile? I also do the nizoral, and vitamins include gse, biotin, msm...anything else to try?


Established Member
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Like Axl says, "just a little patience." :)

You will likely see things improving in the next 1-3 months or so. Just chill, you're doing all you can, and in all likelihood the treatments you're on will work and be all you need.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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I agree with what Niles says, stick with it. By the way, if you haven't already, read the article on shedding that the webmaster posted at the top of the discussion list on this forum. It specifically addresses shedding and the one month stage of your treatment, it is quite normal and nothing to be worried about. In fact, it is a sign that the chemicals in your treatments are starting to take effect. Patience!


Dude, just hold on for the ride, because it's going to be a bumpy one. Just also reassure yourself that without he treatment you would be going to sh*t anyway.