styling product


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I know this is not related specifically to hair loss however, I know I would undoubtedly get some good responses from you guys. I was wondering if any of you could recommend a good styling product for a short, messy hair style. I would like something that does'nt leave the hair too hard or too shiny, but is still able to provide some good texture and hold. As always thanks.



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if you want messy or that bed head look.......what i do sometimes which saves time also...get a shower at night then put paste in your hair(i use loreal paste)...then go to sleep when you wake up...bed head.........i always use paste though by could also use wax or pomade...but to much of that makes your hair look worse cause it gets it to greasy


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garnier fructis styling serum great for the DRY messy look... apply it and mess your hair up with your hands for a while until it dries. also blowdry.

you could also try their shake effect spray gel (pretty weak hold) i think thats what youre lookin for

try their putty too but this shits ultra sticky... dampen it out with some water.

the real good thing about garnier sh*t is that THE SMELL LASTS AND SMELLS GREAT! cheap also

serum = more of a coconut fruit smell

the rest = burst of long lasting fruity scent


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Best product I've ever used for a messy, matte finish is Sebastian Xtah Crude Clay. It's literally a clay paste that has a really hard hold, a matte finish, and makes your hair look healthy. It's kickass, I rarely use anything else.


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I highly recommend using the method that uses for his frontal hair. He describes it in detail in his ''s story' thread. I use this method for my entire top of my head, not just the front, and have been extremely happy with it.


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Great to hear it works for you Shed! I swear by it. Works like a charm.


fish paste


Uiskii to Biiru

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Try using Got2b Glued Spiking Glue; it will work well for your intended style, as the name implies. I think that it is actual glue (though I'm unsure); however, they put some extra stuff in there to make it smell less offensive. It will hold your hair solidly, no matter how you style it, until you wash it out. If you want to make your hair look/feel less hard, just apply it only after rubbing it into your hands first (works well for me).

The Gardener

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A friend of mine back in high school liked to style his hair in big spikes. He said that the BEST styling product to hold his spikes was, believe it or not, unflavored jell-o. He'd buy a package and use it for 5 or 6 stylings by making small batches of it. Basically, he'd put the powder into the water, mix, but instead of putting it in the fridge, he'd put it into his hair. I sh*t you not. The best thing he liked about it is that it held amazingly, and was VERY water-soluble and washed out very easily each evening.


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Where do you get L'oreal Paste? Online or at a store and can you give me the store or websit....Thanks


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i use that and it works wonders..i think its way better then wax or pomade ..but others may disagree


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thanks guys,

I actually used the xtah crude clay in the past and found that it pulled my hair out and really dryed it out. Seeing as how I am loosing my hair I eventually abandoned that, I'm now using Amer. Crew Matte, I found that it has the same benefits of the xtah crude clay, but much more managable providing a softer hold and not drying out the hair as much. Although, I think the Loreal paste is definately worth a try

not me!

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I just picked up some l'oreal " out-of-bed whipped gel"

Not bad stuff. Works pretty damn good with Dermatch too. Haven't tried it with Toppik, though.