study out there on tea tree and lavender oils


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The tests showed that lavender and tea tree oils may boost estrogen (a sex hormone that promotes female characteristics and is linked to breast development) and hamper androgens (sex hormones that promote male characteristics and inhibit breast growth).

could this be a good anti-androgen for the scalp??


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I`m wondering the same thing... Tea tree oil helped me to cure rosacea ....i think i will start using tea tree oil on a spot on my forearm 2 times a day for a few months to see how good antiandrogen tea tree oil really is. If it works i will try it on my scalp but man,that stuff,stinks very bad. When i`m applying it on my face i need to open the windows in the room because of the smell...

michael barry

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lavendar "supposedly" smells pretty good. Its often used with rosemary oil (anthocyandins in that, which are anti-inflammatory) in old baldness remedies stretching back into last century.

I hope you can keep testing the Tea tree oil. If it reduces the body hair there over several months, it at least works some.


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Michael,i`ll go agead with tea tree oil religiously 2 times a day.I would like to try 2 more topicals: green tea and curcumin but i`m kind of stuck .With tea tree oil i just go to walgreens and buy it but green tea and curcumin its a little tricky because i cant find too many topicals containing them.
I think i`ve read in one of your posts that you are experimenting with green tea extract.What product are you using? Are you buying it or it is homemade ?I would make my own topicals or buy them but somebody needs to tell me what product to use ,from where to buy it or how to make them .Michael heeelp!
By the way the curcumin topical it is going to be a biatch because of the color.Last week i opened up one capsule my hands were yellowish the whole day even after i washed them i few times... Could i make a homemade curcumin topical from curcumin capsules?

michael barry

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Ive warmed up some beer (not boiled and put severeal green tea bags in it for a topical. I put it in an old minoxidil container. Ive been putting it on the hair on my small left finger (Im a hairy guy). Three or four months I'll be able to tell you if that worked or not.

Curcumin will stain about anything man. There was a curcumin skin cream that I ran across online a few months back, and I considered buying it to test it out based on those hamster flank organ results.

Im going to buy some lavendar. I might even buy some thyme..........Im just nosy about this stuff and would like to eliminate them from possiblity for everyone if they dont work.......

Im trying to keep one thing in mind about the flank organ tests that had good results from green tea and curcumin however, hamster flank organs are supposed to be much more easily penetrated than our skin. I know that oils (like lavendar and tea tree) supposedly penetrate the skin fairly well....................I dont know if my beer and green tea topical will as beer may not have enough alchohol. The reason I chose beer is that it has hops and genistein and dadzien as well as barley.

After these four things...............Id say Im pretty much outta ideas.


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OK, I'll put that stuff back in my shampoo. Smells really good, but will burn you eyes if it gets in.