Struggling To Deal With The Bad Hand.. How To Cope?


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Guys i'm 24 years old and still to this day i'm struggling to deal and cope with the bad genetics i was born with.

I know, I know, there are people worse off than me. I know , I know, that you know guys who are "ugly" that can get girls and so on....however none of these things make me feel any better.

Women are attracted to tall , dark handsome men. This is a fact.

Women are attracted to men with nice eyes, skin colour, defined face and a full head of hair.

I am non of these things.
I'm short, naturally pale with dark circles under my eyes. I also have very weak features (small/no chin/jaw) and receding hair.

I workout and eat well. I can talk and make people laugh but at the end of the day girls are just not attracted to me.
I feel like life is so unfair. I mean, couldn't i have all these flaws but at least be tall? or at least have blue eyes or have 1 fricken redeeming feature?

At what age do you get over this?


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I'm living with the same thing. I have been trying to get over this for the last 2 years and have nothing to show for it. I'm around 3 years older than you and have not gotten over it yet. In my opinion, you should expect things to get worse before they get better. I'm thinking of giving up on working out, having a good job, being intelligent etc. There's no just no way out when you're bald.


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Guys i'm 24 years old and still to this day i'm struggling to deal and cope with the bad genetics i was born with.

I know, I know, there are people worse off than me. I know , I know, that you know guys who are "ugly" that can get girls and so on....however none of these things make me feel any better.

Women are attracted to tall , dark handsome men. This is a fact.

Women are attracted to men with nice eyes, skin colour, defined face and a full head of hair.

I am non of these things.
I'm short, naturally pale with dark circles under my eyes. I also have very weak features (small/no chin/jaw) and receding hair.

I workout and eat well. I can talk and make people laugh but at the end of the day girls are just not attracted to me.
I feel like life is so unfair. I mean, couldn't i have all these flaws but at least be tall? or at least have blue eyes or have 1 fricken redeeming feature?

At what age do you get over this?

After marriage..
Don't ask me how will you find the girl? :p


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Get a plan to better yourself. If working out isn’t getting results think about cosmetic surgery like Lipo suction to help you attain a better body..

Maybe a spray tan to improve your complexion colour. There is plenty you can do to improve yourself buy better clothes, carry yourself better with good posture.

Just do research it’s not hard google ways to improve your looks. Don’t just dwell on what you don’t have. Improve what you have to the absolute maximum. The woman will notice I promise you my friend..


Experienced Member
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im the same age and the answer is you dont. if you are born genetically inferior you will struggle through out your life, thats how society and life mechanics work unfortunately.

i cope with existential thoughts, that there is no universal justice in this world, only relative, and you could be much worse than you are right now. on sensual level you might not have endorphins going through your body just form thinkin aobut it, but on rational level you have to remind it to urself and somehow keep moving if u have a direction.


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How do you cope? Boils down to two things. Improve your physical appearance by improving your health, working out and cosmetic surgery. Second, you must learn to accept yourself without regret or worry. Difficult to do by yourself so I suggest you consult a professional therapist. You are not alone and this is what they are trained to do. Best of Luck.


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I hate to spoil the party but working out doesn't work and never has. The result of working out is that men tell you what great you're in but women are oblivious to it. The point is that the women do not want to compliment you because you might get the wrong idea that they are interested. As for cosmetic surgery, I have not tried it. But people on here tell me that I have the masculine facial structure, good jaw etc. in photos. It hasn't helped one bit. The only such surgery that would help would be a hair transplant and I'm not a candidate. Born inferior, live inferior.


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I've been dealing with this too. Short, balding, dark circles. Life simply has nothing to offer people like me. I'm at the stage of life you're supposed to be spending time with your significant other and building your career. But I simply do not have acces to those things. The world has deemed that I do not meet their standards, and there's no amount of work I can do to change that.

There's this whole level of challenges that I've faced that your average person will never have to deal with or think about. Seriously I'm so over anything this world has to offer me. I just want to rot in my bed till I die.


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Having success with girls obviously is important to you and I can’t tell you otherwise.

Maybe ask yourself whether you are just looking to be happy with your life or you are specifically looking to be popular with the girls and can’t imagine being happy without it

Sometimes we can’t comprehend the possibility of being happy when we don’t get what we want. Think about it, how crazy is it that often we just flat out refuse to accept the second best option when our favorite option is not available?


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I've been dealing with this too. Short, balding, dark circles. Life simply has nothing to offer people like me. I'm at the stage of life you're supposed to be spending time with your significant other and building your career. But I simply do not have acces to those things. The world has deemed that I do not meet their standards, and there's no amount of work I can do to change that.

There's this whole level of challenges that I've faced that your average person will never have to deal with or think about. Seriously I'm so over anything this world has to offer me. I just want to rot in my bed till I die.

Don't think like that.
Never Live life with feeling of missing anything.

Even if you are not liked today,time will come when people need to take notice of you.
If you really think you deserve more,is better than others,you will surely get that if you work for that.
There are many people who have been through extreme struggle to do something beautiful.
Without struggle,don't deemed yourself as unworthy.
There is possibility someone will notice your efforts.
Restart yourself.

Heinrich Harrer

My Regimen
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Guys i'm 24 years old and still to this day i'm struggling to deal and cope with the bad genetics i was born with.

I know, I know, there are people worse off than me. I know , I know, that you know guys who are "ugly" that can get girls and so on....however none of these things make me feel any better.

Women are attracted to tall , dark handsome men. This is a fact.

Women are attracted to men with nice eyes, skin colour, defined face and a full head of hair.

I am non of these things.
I'm short, naturally pale with dark circles under my eyes. I also have very weak features (small/no chin/jaw) and receding hair.

I workout and eat well. I can talk and make people laugh but at the end of the day girls are just not attracted to me.
I feel like life is so unfair. I mean, couldn't i have all these flaws but at least be tall? or at least have blue eyes or have 1 fricken redeeming feature?

At what age do you get over this?

You would kill it in rave parties tho :)

For serious answer my friend: lifting weights was is and will always be a giant waste of time. Girls don’t give a sh*t about muscles. They appreciate an athletic, proportionate body with good posture. How do you achieve that? Swimming and physiotherapy.

Your face looks like sh*t. How to fix? Cosmetic surgery. Custom chin and jaw implants, mandibular and also cheek / malar implants. You’re not the first or the last person to have them done. Expensive though.

Your face skin looks like sh*t. How to fix? Remove moles, with a co2 laser and only on the surface, then put silicone gel and don’t let sun see you. Boom done. Acne scars? Laser skin treatment, annoying but it will do the trick. Boom, done.

Other face improvements? Beard and eyebrows. How? Shave with a razor EOD like a man, beard will grow thicker and faster, even though they tell you it won’t online. Eyebrows thin and sparse like a sick person? Check thyroid and have an eyebrow FUE transplant on a very very VERY good surgeon. Go for straight eyebrows, curved ones are for chicks. Boom, done.

More improvements? Laser the pubic area so when the girl goes down on you she won’t choke on your 10y old pubes. Boom done.

Want more? Fix blatant skeletal issues such as pelvic tilt and knock knees through physiotherapy. Finally you walk like a man and you ooze confidence. Also now you can wear pants. Boom done.

Your bald head still angers you: order custom made baseball caps with a smaller and narrower front. Don’t ask me where. But boom done.

Last thing: go out and socialize, if you can’t do it just force yourself by finding a part time job in a coffee house or bar, something that forces you to speak to people. Boom done.

That will be 50€


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You would kill it in rave parties tho :)

For serious answer my friend: lifting weights was is and will always be a giant waste of time. Girls don’t give a sh*t about muscles. They appreciate an athletic, proportionate body with good posture. How do you achieve that? Swimming and physiotherapy.

Your face looks like sh*t. How to fix? Cosmetic surgery. Custom chin and jaw implants, mandibular and also cheek / malar implants. You’re not the first or the last person to have them done. Expensive though.

Your face skin looks like sh*t. How to fix? Remove moles, with a co2 laser and only on the surface, then put silicone gel and don’t let sun see you. Boom done. Acne scars? Laser skin treatment, annoying but it will do the trick. Boom, done.

Other face improvements? Beard and eyebrows. How? Shave with a razor EOD like a man, beard will grow thicker and faster, even though they tell you it won’t online. Eyebrows thin and sparse like a sick person? Check thyroid and have an eyebrow FUE transplant on a very very VERY good surgeon. Go for straight eyebrows, curved ones are for chicks. Boom, done.

More improvements? Laser the pubic area so when the girl goes down on you she won’t choke on your 10y old pubes. Boom done.

Want more? Fix blatant skeletal issues such as pelvic tilt and knock knees through physiotherapy. Finally you walk like a man and you ooze confidence. Also now you can wear pants. Boom done.

Your bald head still angers you: order custom made baseball caps with a smaller and narrower front. Don’t ask me where. But boom done.

Last thing: go out and socialize, if you can’t do it just force yourself by finding a part time job in a coffee house or bar, something that forces you to speak to people. Boom done.

That will be 50€

Some of these things don't work. If he goes swimming, he'll look skinny and weak with his height. Muscles don't mean a thing to women but having a swimmer body won't make a lick of difference.

The facial structure and skin stuff won't work because pretty much every bald guy except this guy has excellent skin, eyes, eyebrows, beard, facial features etc. It didn't help them.

"Improve your posture". Just lol. Everybody has excellent posture when women are around. It doesn't help one bit.

Lasering the pubes is not going to make any difference for obvious reasons.

The only thing that could work is socializing. If that doesn't work then you just have to hope that a hair transplant or treatments can help you. If these two don't work, then it's definitively time to give up, like most of us here.

Heinrich Harrer

My Regimen
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Some of these things don't work. If he goes swimming, he'll look skinny and weak with his height. Muscles don't mean a thing to women but having a swimmer body won't make a lick of difference.

The facial structure and skin stuff won't work because pretty much every bald guy except this guy has excellent skin, eyes, eyebrows, beard, facial features etc. It didn't help them.

"Improve your posture". Just lol. Everybody has excellent posture when women are around. It doesn't help one bit.

Lasering the pubes is not going to make any difference for obvious reasons.

The only thing that could work is socializing. If that doesn't work then you just have to hope that a hair transplant or treatments can help you. If these two don't work, then it's definitively time to give up, like most of us here.

swimming helps by building a more pleasant, aesthetic body. No it won’t make you skinny.

Lasering pubes will make a huge difference for his confidence, plus not everyone can put a razor down there and avoid rashes and ingrown hair.

Your comment on the facial features makes no sense. Of course they will work if done correctly plus they are permanent and not fillers.

Swimming is excellent cardio and builds a proportionate body in time. Regardless of age.

The one you lol about is the one you shouldn’t. Everyone including you and me have at least one issue with posture. The good news are that with the help of a good physiotherapist, the changes are going to skyrocket his appearance, confidence and overall balance throughout the day. If you haven’t walked five blocks with knock knees, knee pain, pelvic tilt and lower back pinch, upper back syndrome and forward neck, you probably shouldn’t be talking. Physical issues become psychological issues quickly.

And finally, if the guy doesn’t need those to socialize then good for him. That’s the point. But if he or someone else does need tips, I gave some.

Your suggestion for him is to try once to socialize and if it goes wrong to roll over and die. That’s very bad advice and you say “like the rest of us” as if you say “well I failed so might as well drag more into my misery”.

No. Absolutely not. Giving up is never an option.


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swimming helps by building a more pleasant, aesthetic body. No it won’t make you skinny.

Lasering pubes will make a huge difference for his confidence, plus not everyone can put a razor down there and avoid rashes and ingrown hair.

Your comment on the facial features makes no sense. Of course they will work if done correctly plus they are permanent and not fillers.

Swimming is excellent cardio and builds a proportionate body in time. Regardless of age.

The one you lol about is the one you shouldn’t. Everyone including you and me have at least one issue with posture. The good news are that with the help of a good physiotherapist, the changes are going to skyrocket his appearance, confidence and overall balance throughout the day. If you haven’t walked five blocks with knock knees, knee pain, pelvic tilt and lower back pinch, upper back syndrome and forward neck, you probably shouldn’t be talking. Physical issues become psychological issues quickly.

And finally, if the guy doesn’t need those to socialize then good for him. That’s the point. But if he or someone else does need tips, I gave some.

Your suggestion for him is to try once to socialize and if it goes wrong to roll over and die. That’s very bad advice and you say “like the rest of us” as if you say “well I failed so might as well drag more into my misery”.

No. Absolutely not. Giving up is never an option.

I agree with the sentiment at the end of your post and realize that i was wrong to suggest it. Advising somebody to give up is not valid advice.

A short guy who swims is going to look skinny in clothes. The swimmer body only works when you're tall. Swimming is good cardio, excellent for health and everything. But if he's wanting to use it to build a body that will attract women...well then he'll look the same in clothes if he just does nothing. Absolutely do swimming for the other benefits though.

Why exactly does he need to laser his pubes and why exactly does he need confidence? Neither seem relevant to the troubles that he is having.

If he lifts then he won't have issues with posture because modern lifting programs are designed to balance the load on the various postural muscles. Of course, swimming and a few mobility drills achieves the same result more easily, but I'm just saying that posture isn't going to help much. If he lifts, he already has it covered.

How would you recommend a guy socialize if the part time coffee shop thing isn't an option (full time work commitments etc.)? I'm asking for myself.

I'm not saying that the facial feature surgeries won't work. They will. I'm saying that there's no reason to expect that improving his facial features would make any difference. Ask the people on this board with a good head shape, good facial features, good body, good social skills etc. but an unsatisfactory life because of baldness.

Heinrich Harrer

My Regimen
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I agree with the sentiment at the end of your post and realize that i was wrong to suggest it. Advising somebody to give up is not valid advice.

A short guy who swims is going to look skinny in clothes. The swimmer body only works when you're tall. Swimming is good cardio, excellent for health and everything. But if he's wanting to use it to build a body that will attract women...well then he'll look the same in clothes if he just does nothing. Absolutely do swimming for the other benefits though.

Why exactly does he need to laser his pubes and why exactly does he need confidence? Neither seem relevant to the troubles that he is having.

If he lifts then he won't have issues with posture because modern lifting programs are designed to balance the load on the various postural muscles. Of course, swimming and a few mobility drills achieves the same result more easily, but I'm just saying that posture isn't going to help much. If he lifts, he already has it covered.

How would you recommend a guy socialize if the part time coffee shop thing isn't an option (full time work commitments etc.)? I'm asking for myself.

I'm not saying that the facial feature surgeries won't work. They will. I'm saying that there's no reason to expect that improving his facial features would make any difference. Ask the people on this board with a good head shape, good facial features, good body, good social skills etc. but an unsatisfactory life because of baldness.

PR in clubs, dishwasher or coffee serving in coffee places, hotel receptionist, bartender. If you’re too scared to serve coffee, start by doing the dishes. Once you get used to being with people, that feeling of fear goes away.

I’ve seen bald guys on the street who triumph normal hair guys. Fact. So if you can’t bring your hair back, why worry? Focus on improving the rest of your face and body and everyday life. I find that when I don’t have free time and I’m involved in things I like, I don’t think about hair. When I have a lot of free time and start thinking, hair does come to mind so I might post here or check new therapies or even look in the mirror. My advice is be occupied and surrounded by people as much as possible and you WILL see improvements. That’s how I do it. Truth be told we all suffer from hair loss and feel robbed at such a young age and we would give our left nut to go NW0. But like some old saying goes “if the problem can’t be solved, worrying about it is pointless”.


Established Member
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What about hair transplant? Its very good investment later,better than other plastic operations.For height and handsomnes u cant do much,i know people undergoing plastic surgery and they dont look much better,someone even worse.


Established Member
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And for muscles,women do love them,i started going out more often now,and having success every weekend.But very bulky body,thats not so much attractive.Focus on shoulders and back as women love this body part the most


Senior Member
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hair means nothing... it's all in your head

and don't even bring the argument that in every grocery hair products sections is bigger than bakery section...