Strongly Considering Propecia, Thoughts?

Jimmy Jackson

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I am 25 and I receded at my temples a bit around 3 years ago, since then my hairline has not really gone any further back, if it has it has been extremely slow and not really noticeable. I didn't begin any treatment for my hair as it didn't really change but in the last couple of months I have noticed thinning out of nowhere, something I didn't previously have once corners had receded. This thinning seemed to happen out of nowhere at the front of my hairline, I started taking photos of my hair in general, especially under flash lights and can see my scalp sometimes, this does however depend on lighting, sometimes I take photos and I cannot see anything but hair it's weird. Despite this my hair still feels and looks thick. None of my friends think I have a receding hairline, nobody has ever said anything to me, when I have mentioned it they think I'm being stupid. If anything, I have received comments telling me how thick my hair is, even recently, and that I have thick ginger locks.

I recently went to my doctors and expressed my concerns, he told me that my scalp appeared a bit red and gave me some special shampoo for this. He looked at my hair and said it didn't appear to be thinning, he told me that some thinning is natural with age and most men don't keep their teenage hair. He mentioned I may have telogen effluvium and he gave me another appointment for blood tests to rule out other conditions. I have been quite depressed for about 5/6 months due to some issues which has led me to therapy so this could contribute to hair loss but I am still convinced I have male pattern baldness.

Anyway, I am strongly considering taking finasteride, I am in the UK and was wondering if anyone would recommend it and had success with it on their frontal hairline? Are there any particular brands that are better than others and did anyone experience any side effects?

You can see from my photo's below I am probably around a Norwood 1.5 - Norwood 2? In the last few months I have had these long hairs growing along my hairline but away from it and 'sticking out' kinda thing if that makes sense. It should be noted I've always had a large forehead, even when I was young and my hairline was straight, if I pulled my hair back I'd get the odd comment about it here and there.

I am obviously still in the early stages with hair loss so would like to tackle it now for greater success. Picture 1 is from September 2016, Picture's 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are from April 2017, picture 3 is with the flash on and no scalp showing, picture 4 is pulling hair back to reveal scalp under flash light. Picture 5 obviously just hair down at fringe.

I am absolutely terrified at the thought of going bald, it has made me feel down since my temples receded around three years ago.


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My Regimen
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Are there any particular brands that are better than others and did anyone experience any side effects?
As long as it is legit, any finasteride "brand" will do.
Side effects: most people don't have those; a minority has sexual side effects, especially related to semen density and quantity.

Jimmy Jackson

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As long as it is legit, any finasteride "brand" will do.
Side effects: most people don't have those; a minority has sexual side effects, especially related to semen density and quantity.

Thank you. Judging by my photos, would you advise I consider taking some?


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Thank you. Judging by my photos, would you advise I consider taking some?
To be honest your hairline does not look bad at all. Hair looks thick. Probably the temples are not the thickest in the world, but it may be your natural hairline and that's it.
If I were you I would take same pictures in six months and evaluate. By now, I would not take finasteride.

Oh but then I read this

"I am terrorized to go bald"

If this is your "phobia" and you feel your temples are receding for real, then ask your doctor for propecia. It is not totally unjustified.

g.i joey

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Definitely worth a try man, if your hair means anything to you, there's a strong possibility you can get on this drug, keep yournhair and not experience any adverse effects.

Jimmy Jackson

My Regimen
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Definitely worth a try man, if your hair means anything to you, there's a strong possibility you can get on this drug, keep yournhair and not experience any adverse effects.

I have been reading up on it and I'm a little worried for two reasons: 1. The potential side effects of low libido and 2. some people claim that it made their hairline worse.

Have you had any experience with it on your frontal hairline?


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I have been reading up on it and I'm a little worried for two reasons: 1. The potential side effects of low libido and 2. some people claim that it made their hairline worse.

Have you had any experience with it on your frontal hairline?

A word of warning: finasteride can accelerate hairloss/miniaturization in some men. That's what happened to me and many others. Hair follicles can become more sensitive to DHT when it's inhibited, a process known as AR upregulation. Remember, from your hair follicles point of view, DHT is a hormone that it 'wants' and will try to compensate when it's not as available. This can be a disaster for some and since there is no way to predict this kind of adverse reaction it is better to start at a lower dose, like 0.25 mg. I would strongly recommend staying within the 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg range. The 'flat dose response curve' shows almost no benefit beyond 0.5 mg anyways. 0.25 mg is a dose that many people use with success and is actually available like this in Japan. I am absolutely convinced that there is a dosage sweet spot for everyone and more can lead to increased hairloss.

finasteride so sensitized my 'safe' areas to DHT that I have hairloss in my donor area and sides. The hair in my nape area is basically gone. These were areas that were very thick and healthy prior to finasteride. It seems like it is a rare reaction but if finasteride backfires on you it is an absolute nightmare because once hair follicles become super sensitized to DHT, there probably is no reversing it, even if you quit the drug.
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g.i joey

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I have been reading up on it and I'm a little worried for two reasons: 1. The potential side effects of low libido and 2. some people claim that it made their hairline worse.

Have you had any experience with it on your frontal hairline?

Lower libido can happen temporarily or for as long as you take the drug. I know the first month or 2 I was wayy less horny but at 5 months I think I got even hornier than pre finasteride tbh at this point my libido feels regular, still fap 1-2 times daily.

I honestly haven't seen any results with it on my hairline but I have reason to believe it's def slowed down the loss and maybe even is maintaining. Overall I'm not satisfied with the results as I was expecting there to be a cosmetic difference by the time I hit 7.5 months.


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This is what hair can look like, when we don't take our full hair medications.

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It's funny how i almost fell for the fear mongering about severe sides and especially the "finasteride destroyed my hairline" thing, but in fact my hair hasn't changed since the recovery of my last minoxidil shed. What i wanna tell you with that is, you are the only one able to find out if it will work for you.


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You should be worried about sides. And by that, I mean be aware that they are possible and try to keep track of any changes. Unfortunately, people seems to react differently. finasteride hasn't had much of an impact on hair loss for me and I've continued to be sexually active without any problems, but it has only been a little over four months.


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. 0.25 mg is a dose that many people use with success and is actually available like this in Japan

I browsed a ton of japanese forums and could hardly find anyone who took 0.20mg. Most people there are complaining that the west gets 1mg standard so they take multiple pills, or opt for an 1mg version. The few who took 0.20mg had no success at that point in time.

@Jimmy Jackson

Look at the studies, sides are possible, but you most likely get out free. Asking for personal stories is not really useful in my opinion, it does not have any statistical value. It only tells you if more people with bad or good stories noticed your post.

Jimmy Jackson

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Thanks for the responses guys, I know it is entirely individual so I'd have to either try it or not. I'm still on the fence, some days I think my hair looks fine and other days I feel really insecure about it.


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A word of warning: finasteride can accelerate hairloss/miniaturization in some men. That's what happened to me and many others. Hair follicles can become more sensitive to DHT when it's inhibited, a process known as AR upregulation. Remember, from your hair follicles point of view, DHT is a hormone that it 'wants' and will try to compensate when it's not as available. This can be a disaster for some and since there is no way to predict this kind of adverse reaction it is better to start at a lower dose, like 0.25 mg. I would strongly recommend staying within the 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg range. The 'flat dose response curve' shows almost no benefit beyond 0.5 mg anyways. 0.25 mg is a dose that many people use with success and is actually available like this in Japan. I am absolutely convinced that there is a dosage sweet spot for everyone and more can lead to increased hairloss.

finasteride so sensitized my 'safe' areas to DHT that I have hairloss in my donor area and sides. The hair in my nape area is basically gone. These were areas that were very thick and healthy prior to finasteride. It seems like it is a rare reaction but if finasteride backfires on you it is an absolute nightmare because once hair follicles become super sensitized to DHT, there probably is no reversing it, even if you quit the drug.

source pls? why isnt this mentioned in any scientific study?


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Good luck with either choice u will make. Personally i would try it, the left temple is prolly gonna catch up with the right. Also there is no thing as a natural older hairline, it is all male pattern baldness. Therefore it is likely you are gonna recede further without treatment.


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Thanks for the responses guys, I know it is entirely individual so I'd have to either try it or not. I'm still on the fence, some days I think my hair looks fine and other days I feel really insecure about it.

You're worried enough to let it bother you daily and joined this site like us so you're ready. Now go to a dermatologist, get a script. Buy some legit ( works for me/cheap.. or go elsewhere) but purchase 5mg dose. Generic is fine don't be a tin foil hat person. Split em into 4 or 5ths with a pill cutter. Forget about worrying about your hair and enjoy the confidence. Takes 6 mo-1yr to see anything materially new like regrowth but who cares as long as you halt it as you have a great set on your head to keep. Check back in 5 years and thank us.

g.i joey

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Are you saying I have a lot of hair loss?

No rclark seems to be a 50 year old man with the mentality of a 5 year old and thought posting a hairy vagina would've been funny. Pretty sure that post is exactly what got him banned, aside from all the other stupid useless sh*t he's been posting.

just cause you try finasteride out doesn't mean you have to take it forever, you can stop the drug if ever you feel sides are kicking in and/or you rather bald gracefully.

Jimmy Jackson

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No rclark seems to be a 50 year old man with the mentality of a 5 year old and thought posting a hairy vagina would've been funny. Pretty sure that post is exactly what got him banned, aside from all the other stupid useless sh*t he's been posting.

just cause you try finasteride out doesn't mean you have to take it forever, you can stop the drug if ever you feel sides are kicking in and/or you rather bald gracefully.

Oh I couldn't see a picture, just the text..hence why I asked what he meant, never mind haha.

I've read some stuff about sides still persisting after the use though once ended? This is probably what is scaring me the most.


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You will never know unless you try. Best chance you got besides acceptance.
Ah doctors. Everyone thins with age they tell us. I guess the Norwood 7s just thinned a bit faster than everyone else so why even have male pattern baldness if its all normal thinning.
My doctor would tell me try more diet and exercise that should fix your male pattern baldness
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