Strip scar after surgery


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Hi guys.

I had a small strip procedure (900 grafts or so) for my frontal hairline. It was performed 15 days ago by a VERY reputable doctor. I had the staples out this past Saturday (5 days ago) by a different doctor in my home state. I'm starting to panic slightly at the condition of the donor scar at this time. The ends seem to be healing nicely, but toward the middle it widens slightly, and an actual slight "ditch" can be felt with the finger. It also feels "lumpy" in this area. This area is about 3" long. I realize that it is too early to tell what the final result will be, but if the "ditch" stays - it will be completely unacceptable. Am I panicing unnecessarily? Is this normal at this stage? Will this thing flatten out in time so that it can't be felt by the touch? Please tell me me I'm over-analyzing at this point.


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I had my transplant in Feb 2005
Felt quite weird for a long time, still feels a touch tender / numb
better each day though....

You can have your Doctor check; but chances are all will be fine as time
still quite early in the game for you


Samson i have had 2 procedures now.The last being only 5 months ago.I on both occasiuons have healed up nicley with no lumps at all or sitches sounds very suss.I would go back to your surgeon and get there opinion.



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Thanks for the replys so far.

Damien and Fnoltish,

Its only been a week sine the staples are out. How did your donor area feel to the touch at this interval? Also what did it look like at this point? I don't really have the luxury of going back to the surgeon for his opinion because we are not located in the same state.

Anyone else have any experiences like this?


Samson the donor area was obviously tender after only a week.Mine didnt feel better until about a month.It really took about 6 months for it to really start to disappear the scar and leave a faint white line.




Since you are not able to get to your hair transplant surgeon at the moment, try this. Get a "digital" camera for sure. Get someone to assist you in taking the pics with adequate magnification and lighting. If necessary, have someone use a flashlight to help illuminate the donor scar and some one else to snap the photos. Then e-mail them to your surgeon.

Yes it does take time for the sutured area's bumps and even valleys or what you referred to as ditches to smooth out and for a high percent of patients, it takes six months or sometimes even longer. You may even experience a few in-grown hairs at the suture line when re-growth begins.

IF your situation gets any worse meaning any oozing, abnormal inflamation, things like that, go back to the Doctor or even another cosmetic surgeon in your area for an examination. Best wishes to you man!


Sampson its only early days yet with your scar, give it over 6 months and see how it feels then as i had the same worries you did in the first month.
