Stress Related Hair Loss - Anyone With Experience??


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Hi guys,

I am going through a stressful period of time right now. Came off Xanax about 5 months ago after taking as prescribed for about 10 years for anxiety. Been feeling fairly stressed out 80% of the time, at this time. Certainly working on things to “beat” this beast but I am wondering how much damage I’m doing to myself in the process (specifically to my hair). It’s kind of a vicious cycle in that I have stress about hairloss and in turn have stress about doing damage. In other words “stress over the stress”. I know nobody has a cut and dry answer for me but just wanted to see if anyone has at least similar experience. The things that make me feel good are that I stay in shape, get decent cardio exercise, sleep well, drink and adequate amount of water, eat healthy, take vitamins as well as (nutrafol-hair specific). Also I’m 26 with no real visible signs of mbp, at least a derm at Columbia university tells me I have no miniturization. Hoping the things I’m doing right are at least counteracting or balancing out the stress. Let me know your thoughts guys..thanks.

FYI it’s not like I’m losing 200 hairs in the shower, probably more in the range of 30-50. So I don’t think I have telogen effluvium.