Strange case + photos


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Need advice from people around world who fough hairloss about my condition and is it time to start dht blockers like finasteride. Story in short, at 19 i made huge mistake using steroids to power-up my lifting gains. An year later my testosterone levels fell very low as result and i started seeing hairs on keybord and pillow. When i rubbed my hair for some time i was seeing around 20 hairs falling each time. Now with naturally thin hair, my hair thinned even more on the sides. But it stopped about year later. Now almost 25 my hair seems the same as 4 years ago. I think it may be very little worse but i am not sure since i didn't care back than. Recently out of nowhere i started to get paranoid about hair loss. Now i almost dont see hairs on keybord and pillow these days, when i rub my hair for like half a minute i only see a few hairs falling, usually shorter. I am sure the steroids caused that thinning. However there is some history of hairloss in my father's side which makes me want to start finasteride as prevention. My dermatologist advices me not to, she says that thinning doesnt look like male pattern baldness to her, but in my country hair loss is not treated at all, its very common and most doctors dont even know that finasteide has been used about hair loss, so i need people from outisde to give advices. Here are some photos of my current state of hair. Before giving your advice, take in mind that my hair is naturally lighter on top. i have some blond patches that blinds in the photos and i am not sure it will give you clear look of whats going on, but the hair on sides is deffinetly thiner than the front and the crown. Also i think the loss is stopped for now, since no progession is seen in last 4 years. I fear finasteride may restart hair loss in some werid way. But i am not sure how bad is it and what pattern is that. Anyone who can advice me is welcome. Thanks in advance.



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IMO I think finasteride would fill it. But it's up to you on using it, off course.


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Yes i do belive it will too, i've read a lot about dht effects and stuff last few weeks i feel like i am naturally less androgenic, since before the anabolics i even had no facial hair, i only started growing some beard after the use. It didn't gave me and body hair ot stuff, but i am sure it caused the thinning. Only thing that stops me taking finasteride is that some people claim abouts some contra effect that the body can make in attempt to compensate the lowering of dht. I only fear if i would be one of the few unlucky ones that finasteride didn't helped rather made it worse. Thanks for you opinion though :)


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My Regimen
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Stop delaying finasteride...I can already see a nice NW4 pattern starting to occur. Plz get on the meds or you will regret it


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Yes transam thanks for you response too. I know that its the first signs. But again the only thing that still makes me delay finasteride is that this occured 4-5 years ago during huge amounts of androgens that i had in my body while using both testosterone and DHT-deliverete steroids.If that pattern had happened in the last 1-2 years i would have been on finasteride already for sure. I am monitoring my hair by taking photos like once a month and keep cheking for any hair shedding but i dont see any. As i mentioned, when i rub my hair hard for a minute i only see very few hairs, which are a lot shorter, probably they are dying but i almost dont see any long normal hairs falling,while i was seeing a lot hairs falling 5 years ago. Also i have very low testosterone now after the stupid mistrake i done- my levels are at the bottom of the charts- my sex drive is not as high as it should be. So i belive that right now dht in my system is pretty low and hairloss is not progressing, fearing finasteride may trigger some reflex andgorenism and worsen the situation. There aren't any real specialists here that i can rely on so thats why i ask you, and it's bit of unusual case. If i am currently keeping losing hair, would i not see hair shedding like when i run the hair or on the pillow and stuff, or it can keep getting worse silently. I am ready to start finasteride at any moment anyway :) I am sure that i probably have the gene because other friends of mine that used the same steroids some did thinned out but some didnt noticed any hair changes, but if it's the mothers gene that carries hairloss, her family only has similar thinnings, no futher hair loss. Thanks for reading the long posts, just i am really torn. Probably gonna start it just to stop being paranoid