Strange "bruised" sensation on scalp


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Hey forumers I have a question for those in the know. I have noticed my hairline receeding since I was about 17. When I was 18 I no longer thought I was receeding but KNEW it. It was still thick and not very noticable up until about last year. I'm 21 now BTW. At that point I noticed that not only were the temples receeding(the left worst than the right, the right side just has minor recession with miniaturation) but the middle was looking thinner. I tried minnox but after 3 months it made my head so ichy i couldn't take it anymore. I then ordered finasteride. Was on it for 6 months with no results. I then realized that it was not that the drug wasn't working but because it was FAKE.

Well now I'm going to do it right. I finally have enough money to get the real stuff(I'm in college). I made an appointment for monday. I can't wait to get started!!! After reading so many success stories I am stoked.

Now to my question. Sometimes for a few days I have this weird feeling on different parts on my scalp. Sometimes it's in the temples, sometimes the crown, sometimes the top...etc. It's at the base of the hair. A bruised type feeling is the best way to describe it. I've noticed it since the early start of my hairloss. What is it? Why does it happen? Is it because of hairloss? Just curious. Thanks
