Stopping minoxidil while on finasteride


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I've been using both finasteride and minoxidil for about 5 months and I'm really happy with the results so far.

I've read that you shed all of your minoxidil grown hair quite quickly when you stop using it.

Will that rapid shed still occur if you are still using finasteride and its doing its job. I have another 3 months worth of minoxidil left and i was wondering whether it can be ditched once it runs out. Just taking a pill with my bed time water is so much easier.


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You'll lose the hair you grew with minoxidil...being on finasteride won't help that. But I'd dump it's a b**ch to use.


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Its a pain to use minoxidil but I wouldn't stop using it especially if you had good success.


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It's not a good idea to stop using minoxidil once you start it bec, you'le lose all the hair you gained while on minoxidil. I wish I knew that before, bec minoxidil hasn't done that much (at least visible) for me. It's also not that effective on the front areas which is where im diffuse thinning the most. What you can do if it isnt doing much, is cut it down to once a day; this way at least you won't lose all the hair you gained on it.