Stopped Using Minoxidil And My Hair Has Gone To sh*t


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Hi guys. I started minoxidil last year in may, August of this year I stopped using minoxidil as there wasn’t any in stock, after a month I got the minoxidil back but I didn’t apply it as I should have been, I can be once a day sometime I skip a day, and some I’d put it twice. Now my hair has gotten thinner than before. Is there any chance it could get thicker if I applied it religiously?


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I made the same mistake though I can't really tell if it made it worse or not because my hair strands were always so thin w/ low density. I'm one month back in it but that is too early for me to see a difference. I would get back on it.


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Is minoxidil hair as strong and pliable as native, healthy hair?? Can it be maintained by finasteride once it becomes strong and thick enough?


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Is minoxidil hair as strong and pliable as native, healthy hair?? Can it be maintained by finasteride once it becomes strong and thick enough?

From my understanding, the finasteride helps prevent the DHT from miniaturizing the hair again that minoxidil helped to restore. Without finasteride, the DHT will eventually just make you lose that hair again.