Stopped Minoxidil and started using Q-Sera (Past history - Very thick hair)


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Till last January, I had very very thick hair. You can see my first image. I don't know why all of sudden I started loosing tons of hair and now if I wet my hair then my maximum scalp is getting visible.

Note: Since childhood I'm suffering from heavy dandruff, itchy scalp probably seborrhea dermatitis. But it never created any problem with hair loss.

Long story with medication:
3 years ago somewhere in 2011 when I changed my location for job I started loosing my hair. Could be change in water, weather and food. Then I have visited a well known dermatologist. He gave me MX - 5% and Tugain - 5% (Minoxidil 1ml in night and 1ml in morning) plus bottle of Antioxidant tablet. Without knowing the side effect of Minoxidil I started using it. I wasn't regular with minoxidil I was skipping it regularly. Till 1-1/2 year I used minoxidil just like a hair serum. I wasn't aware of what is minoxidil and how it can be dependent on my hair. I wasn't regular because my hair was thick and never cared about hair fall.

All of a sudden in April 2014 I have started thinning drastically. And then took another appointment with doctor and she said that be regular with Minoxidil. Since then I started reading more about hair loss and treatments.

My treatment for next 2months:
1. New Hair4u 5% solution
2. Natrol Biotin 1mg
3. Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar for final hair rinse
4. Extra Virgin Coconut/Olive oil.

As minoxidil side effect I started getting pain in chest occasionally and my face also started bloating. I was looking dude earlier and getting worst day by day. One day chest pain was major I thought its a heart attack.

I got frustrated due to all of this and then I shaved my head. I thought all problems would be solved and I can stop minoxidil slowly.

My treatment for next 3 months on shaved head:
1. Daily hair oil on shaved head
2. Alternate day hair4u 5% - as I wanted to stop
3. Natrol Biotin 1mg two times
4. Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar for final hair rinse

After 4 months I saw nice growth but density was less as compared to my original pic but still I was happy and no further shedding. After that I started feeling minoxidil making me some kind of erect problem so I discontinued further use of Minoxidil as I was no longer seeing any shedding after new growth of shaved head. But i continued with Biotin and other stuffs.

Now its almost 3.5months without Minoxidil and I have got long hairs but less density. Now Problem is that I have started shedding again from past several weeks. I don't know whether it is related to Minoxidil ? I have very itchy scalp now may be due to winter. I have tried everything but flaky scalp is too much with noticeable hairfall.

Current treatment:
1. Natrol Biotin 10mg (10,000 mcg)
2. Nizoral A-D shampoo
3. Olive Oil + Tea tree oil + Argan Oil mix 2hr before head wash

I have added Q-Sera recently in my current treatment because it claims it can treat hairloss and it doesn't contain minoxidil. I have tried a week and I started notice less shedding in 2 days. 5 days went fine. I loved Q-Sera as I started feeling hair bit stronger but from past 2 days my hair shedding got increased drastically.

Experts: I need your opinion on above. I don't know what is the reason of my shedding and loss of sudden density. Also please answer to my doubts below:

1. Is it a sign that Q-Sera working ? Or it is due I'm not using Minoxidil anymore.
2. Should I also start with Minoxidil. I really loved my hair how it was but also scared with chest pain and sexual sideffects.
3. Nizoral A-D shampoo is good but not really helpful in itchy scalp and also not recommended as a regular shampoo. Can I use this for hairloss treatment and regular shampoo ?
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