Still Suffering. It Doesn't Get Better.


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I was born missing a muscle in my chest, and was tortured by kids in school for that. Just when I got good at hiding that, in my teenage years, my hair started to fall out in clumps. The only thing available at the time was Rogain. I didn't read the fine print that said, "in some cases this product may cause total irreversible hair loss." So wouldn't you know it, I was one of the lucky ones. My "friends" took turns humiliating me to the point that I tried to kill myself, and I ended up in the hospital several times. On my 21st birthday I decided that I wanted to get drunk. So I waited until midnight, the only time i left the house much, and went to Kroger, the only place open at the time, to purchase a bunch of alcohol. There was a line at the only checkout. The cashier asked for my I.D., but she didn't believe it was me, so she made me take off my hat. She said, 'OMG, I am so sorry, it must be so hard to lose your hair so young." Trying to salvage some sort of dignity with everyone in line looking at me, I said "My girlfriend doesn't seem to mind".... to which the cashier responded, "You are so lucky that you found someone who understands." I left the alcohol sitting at the register, walked out the door, and drove my car off the nearest cliff. Lucky me, a tree stopped me from going clear over, and I only ended up with a totaled car, some lacerations, a concussion, and a few years in counseling. I spent the next 10 years living out in the wilderness areas. Then i decided I was lonely and went looking for someone who might understand me. The women that didn't say up front that they didn't date bald guys, usually turned out to be users, or worse. People kept on humiliating me, and others kept on telling me, "by the time you are 40, no one will know the difference. I'm almost 40 now, and nothing has changed. I'm taking a trip out to the Grand Canyon next summer to finish what I started. I'm glad there is more help out there today for some of you. My advice to the rest of you who can't be helped is to make as much money as you can so that you can afford to buy love when you get older. There are all kinds of single women with children that are looking for guys to support them. I personally don't think that's the kind of love i want, but it may be right for you. Good luck! I hope life is kinder to you.


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women with children thx no

story is interesting tho