Still No Answer From HairLossTalk


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I sent an email to hairlosstalk shop, I actually replied to an email sent to me awhile ago so I know it's the right email. What's going on I feel like I'm being ignored. My question was will they send Rogaine 5% to Canada and will customs look in the box, because in Canada you need a prescription for 5% Rogaine. Anyone know about this or how to contact them? I will phone them, but I'm getting annoyed they don't answer emails.


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Just had a thought, maybe they don't ask for prescriptions and they think I'm the police! haha


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relax! This site had a glitch and a lot of stuff got reset.

And I am looking at the page right now and it clearly says it ships to even has a image that clearly states that.

ship-icon4.jpg ... month.html ... month.html

And how in the world would you expect a business to answer if a countries customs will look inside a package? How would they know that?

You can't reasonably expect a business to answer such a question...its not realistic.


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I had no idea Cassin, I'm new to shipping I've only bought from the internet a few times. thanks for your help.


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Mr_Reeses said:
I had no idea Cassin, I'm new to shipping I've only bought from the internet a few times. thanks for your help.

Its ok...most product pages will cover this issue. Maybe thats why you didn't get a reply since they were confused why you were asking.

But seriously...I wouldn't expect a company to ever answer a question about customs.

I would make a thread and ask other users what happened when they ordered 5% into Canada and don't worry about who they ordered it from.


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cassin said:
Mr_Reeses said:
I had no idea Cassin, I'm new to shipping I've only bought from the internet a few times. thanks for your help.

Its ok...most product pages will cover this issue. Maybe thats why you didn't get a reply since they were confused why you were asking.

But seriously...I wouldn't expect a company to ever answer a question about customs.

I would make a thread and ask other users what happened when they ordered 5% into Canada and don't worry about who they ordered it from.

I will make a better effort to read the entire product page next time. I'm going to order the Rogaine 5%, I'll make a post later on if/when I receive the Rogaine letting people know how the shipment went. Thanks again Cassin


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Mr_Reeses said:
My question was will they send Rogaine 5% to Canada and will customs look in the box, because in Canada you need a prescription for 5% Rogaine.

If you're having trouble getting a presecription for 5% Rogaine, why not just use 2 1/2 time the amount (2.5 mL, in other words) of 2% Rogaine? It'll be more expensive than 5% Rogaine, but at least you'll have no trouble obtaining it. It'll work the same way.


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I have a prescription for Minoxidil 5%, and I've tried 2% and it didn't work. I moved up to 5% and I've been using it for 6 months but I'm trying to buy it from the US because it's $80 a bottle in Canada


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Mr_Reeses said:
I have a prescription for Minoxidil 5%, and I've tried 2% and it didn't work.

Price's 1999 study has shown that even at the same dosage level (1 mL per application), 2% works about 2/3 or 3/4 as well as 5%. And if you adjust the dosage upwards like I suggested in my previous post (2.5 mL per application), the 2% will have the same effectiveness as the 5%.


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I will do that if shipping to Canada doesn't turn out. Until then I'm going to use the 5% because it's cheaper. Thanks for that fact though, that's really good to know, I hadn't thought about that.


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Bryan said:
Mr_Reeses said:
I have a prescription for Minoxidil 5%, and I've tried 2% and it didn't work.

Price's 1999 study has shown that even at the same dosage level (1 mL per application), 2% works about 2/3 or 3/4 as well as 5%. And if you adjust the dosage upwards like I suggested in my previous post (2.5 mL per application), the 2% will have the same effectiveness as the 5%.

Meant to ask you, does mean that 5% at 2ml will act as 10% minoxidil?


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Mr_Reeses said:
Meant to ask you, does mean that 5% at 2ml will act as 10% minoxidil?

I don't know for sure, simply because "10% minoxidil" is an undefined substance. To get much higher than a 7.5% solution (the highest amount which will normally dissolve in pure propylene glycol), you'd have to start using chemical tricks which would result in a higher percentage; unfortunately, I have no idea at all how well such tricks (like different carrier vehicles, for example) would work at getting topical minoxidil into hair follicles. They might work great, or they might not work well at all. I've never ever seen any studies using these other altered carrier vehicles for minoxidil application, so your guess is as good as mine, as to how well such an experimental vehicle would work.


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Mr_Reeses said:
I will do that if shipping to Canada doesn't turn out. Until then I'm going to use the 5% because it's cheaper. Thanks for that fact though, that's really good to know, I hadn't thought about that.

Dumb question here...

You can use the American version of amazon or some other site to ship to Canada cheaper?


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cassin said:
Mr_Reeses said:
I will do that if shipping to Canada doesn't turn out. Until then I'm going to use the 5% because it's cheaper. Thanks for that fact though, that's really good to know, I hadn't thought about that.

Dumb question here...

You can use the American version of amazon or some other site to ship to Canada cheaper?

I've ordered a 3 month supply of Rogaine 5% for $60 + $17 for shipping & handling online. At my local pharmacy here in Canada a 1 month supply (1 bottle) of Rogaine 5% is $85, they're insane! My pharmacy doesn't even carry 5% I have to purchase the 2% and have them add minoxidil powder to that to make a 5% solution, and even then I need a prescription and a doctor visit costs money as well! :shock: I'm so glad that I found a cheaper source! :) I've been getting screwed :thumbdown2:


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How much does a bottle of 2% cost you there at your local pharmacy?


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Bryan said:
How much does a bottle of 2% cost you there at your local pharmacy?

Roughly $35 + tax for one 60ml bottle


Same here. I sent out at least three emails, like two weeks ago, asking about the spironolactone S5 cream. I really want to buy it, but I do have questions about the product and the shipping. I really want to buy the product, but I'm not sure why the support staff isn't answering me.


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Mr_Reeses said:
Bryan said:
How much does a bottle of 2% cost you there at your local pharmacy?

Roughly $35 + tax for one 60ml bottle

Wow. So the price is about the same as 5%, per milligram of minoxidil, which is all that matters. Bummer!

Do you live near the US border, so that you can drive over to a US pharmacy and stock-up on cheap Rogaine every now and then?


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Bryan said:
Mr_Reeses said:
Meant to ask you, does mean that 5% at 2ml will act as 10% minoxidil?

I don't know for sure, simply because "10% minoxidil" is an undefined substance. To get much higher than a 7.5% solution (the highest amount which will normally dissolve in pure propylene glycol), you'd have to start using chemical tricks which would result in a higher percentage; unfortunately, I have no idea at all how well such tricks (like different carrier vehicles, for example) would work at getting topical minoxidil into hair follicles. They might work great, or they might not work well at all. I've never ever seen any studies using these other altered carrier vehicles for minoxidil application, so your guess is as good as mine, as to how well such an experimental vehicle would work.

There's the one that shows less minoxidil in liposomes works just as well...compared to more minoxidil in a regular vehicle.