Still losing


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Hi there

Been a reader of this forum for the last few months and it has helped to keep me going and have used it to formulate my regime. To start I should note that I do have hairloss on my father's side. It started around 30 (my current age) although it was certainly not has heavy as mine, which at this current rate looks like it'll be gone in the next year. he lost his temples around then but the rest of his head was very thick until his 40s or 50s.

I think I started losing hair about a year ago - not entirely sure as that was when I first noticed it and pictures before then show seriously thick hair. A few months before I had a bit of a major event in my life which kept me stressed for about a year (although I don't usually show it, it was affecting me). I also started using anti-dandruff shampoo for the first time as I had a bit of a problem. Now of course these are probably both coincidences but thought I'd mention them. Anyway, shedding has, up until very recently, been concentrated on the temple followed by major thinning, but no "visible" thinning (definitely exists, but you can't see it), on the crown.

In May last year I decided to switch to Nizoral as I had heard it might help and still needed the anti-dandruff shampoo. Did wonders for the dandruff, but didn't stop the shedding. So a couple of months later I added 5% liquid Minixidol to the mix. Kept to the regime very well but noticed nothing but continuous shedding. Mainly on the temples but a little on the back crown. Everywhere else was fine. Eventually I noticed the top was starting to thin a lot more and the temples seemed to become far more aggressive.

Just under 3 months ago I added Propecia into the mix. Hair continued to shed and now my temples are completely gone leaving me with the widows peak. It's been a pain, but I sort of thought of all of this was part of shedding phase. Kept on with the regime hoping that eventually it'd get better despite losing large amounts of hair.

However this brings me to today. I'm close to the 3 month mark and not only has the top significantly thinned (not enough to reveal the scalp yet, but certainly enough if you feel it) but the last week and a half I've seen the front, which was perfectly okay throughout everything, turn that ominous blond and start to thin. I know exactly what's going to happen next, having witnessed it on my sides.

My shedding doesn't seem to be THAT big. It's more than before the hairloss, but not 100s per day. Hairs are always all dark brown and various lengths. I'm definitely losing more hair despite shedding less than I did a few months ago. The sides do shed and do seem to be thinner, but not enough for me to have any concern over them.

I've no intention of stopping this regime, but should I really be losing loads more hair, particularly in new places? I've read the forums and I know shedding is part of it all, but now the front has suddenly, almost over night decided to go down that typical hairloss path I'm really not sure.

Any comments would be welcome.


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Well 20 days on and it's still getting worse... a lot worse. Losing a ton more at the top back, sides are still going away and the front is now completely blond, thinning and no doubt will have disappeared in another couple of weeks. I've even added Revita into my daily routine in some faint hope I can lower the DHT even more. Is DHT really the main source of hairloss, cos I've seen not one iota of difference from my regime.

Also, why is it that my sides went way ahead of anything else, the back is shedding normal dark hairs, but the front is following the sides by going blond and falling out? If DHT is the issue shouldn't everything be just falling out at the same rate?

My crown is absolutely okay and thick as ever.


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im going through the same thing, i had a very stressfull time (this was around august) andim still shedding :sobbing: can somene help me out with some knowledge of when this should stop an possibly regrow, its been just over 5 months as it started shedding around september time.


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I've been going for about 13 months and had the same pattern. A little temple recession (NW1.5ish), essentially thick hair which had maybe diffused a tiny amount (though I did used to put my hair through a lot of heat stress so thats kind of unsurprising and might not strictly be due to male pattern baldness), but I've lost more in my year on finasteride than I did the 3 years previous. I think I've given it long enough, so I'm going to stop and hope for the best, might use some topical spironolactone for a while to try and decrease shedding from what may or may not be upregulation of DHT synthesis in response to finasteride. Have you guys also had thinning in the permanent areas on the sides of your head?


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I started taking propecia when I noticed thinning in the frontal area abt 2 years ago. At the 1 year mark, I was quite happy as I saw some regrowth.

But now into my 2nd year, not only did I notice the front has thinned, even the sides and areas that used to be thick look horribly thin. When I run my fingers through my hair, it feels very thin and dry and not what it used to be.

I'm thinking if propecia had something to do with this. I'm not sure if it's due to upregulation of dht but I noticed more acne especially in my jaw line.

Should I stop propecia now?


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I've seen no one replying on these forums to problems like this. I've had nothing but increased loss since using the regimes on here and am becoming more and more convinced I've done more harm than good. I can't see how my loss could actually be any worse without the regime. If it was then I would have lost all my hair in the space of a few months.

I've added spironolactone to the mix, but also, nada. In fact I'm now losing even more than usual. Having a massive shed now... all perfectly healthy hairs and the front is now super blond and thin. I don't recall losing so much hair during all my problems. I've also got massive shedding on the sides and they are definitely getting thinner too. I'm not convinced that shedding is part of the "healing" process. None of the success stories on here have it.

No one in my family has had such hairloss problems. The only positive thing I can say so far is that I haven't hid a hint of side effects... yet (such wood).


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Noah89 said:
Have you guys also had thinning in the permanent areas on the sides of your head?

Yep. And this really kicked in after started propecia. It's pretty bad now and the sides are visibly thinner.


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No idea. Nobody seems to answer questions. Just once in a blue moon a "success story" pops up. I find it a bit suspicious.

And reading through all those stories they all seem to have one thing in common... some sense of results in the first four months. I'm not convinced of this shedding=it's working. As I said in my previous posts, if my regime is slowing things down, then my "natural" loss must be so vicious that I'd be bald in a month. I've had nothing but further loss, in fact, accelerated loss. Whether this is the male pattern baldness getting stronger or the treatment, I don't know.

My loss pattern is bizarre too. Everything going (including the sides) except the top crown, which also happens to be the only place I have never applied minoxidil.


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I hope you experience some massive regrowth soon....Having said that I reckon you should consult your Doctor about this.You should never self medicate and should give a drug at least 4-5 months before adding something else to your regimen.

This could be due to male pattern baldness getting more aggressive or might be shedding due to minoxidil which means that you will get regrowth and decreased shedding in the next few months.


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Thanks, mpbsux20. I have gone through the process with my doctor's knowledge - I would never buy something requiring a prescription (as it does in the UK) without it. Although how much my doctor knows about this kind of problem is anyone's guess. I used to have the world's thickest hair.... seriously. Constant comments about how heavy it was. In the space of eight months it's been devastated. Totally. I've been losing easily 100+ hairs in the shower every morning and god knows how many during the rest of the day/night for the last two months. Temples completely gone, back of head now has a bald spot, sides are seriously thin and front definitely going. I am certain that shedding increased the moment I started on each of these regimes. I've been taking pictures and I am really really shocked as to how much I've losing every two weeks. The rate is astonishing.

I do regret starting on minoxidil. Another doctor recommended it, but having read up I guess he didn't understand how it works. I really want to remove it from the regime, as I've a feeling it's been a major source of the shedding, but then everyone here says that's a big no-no.

What was your own experience with all of this?


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Hello Spickle.I apply minoxidil only to the temples and my hairline.I can totally relate with you as I too had really thick hair till I was about 16.Although my right temple had that receded look throughout my life,I really didn't worry too much as I had super thick everywhere else.Then at 16 my left temple started receding as well and I have had plenty of bad hair days since then as I have been forced to stick with the same hair style i.e. long hair or medium long hair parted from the middle to cover my temples.

I haven't really had a major shed since 18 which took away a fair bit of my hair from the sides and top.At the moment I dont have any bald spots and my hair looks pretty acceptable apart from the receded hairline.

Its been nearly 3 months since I started Minoxidil[liquid] and I have just started to notice some shedding[about 30-40 hairs everyday].I hope that the area I apply it to thickens up in the next few months which seems possible as some of the miniaturized hairs on my temples are growing in size and appear darker.

My Doctor is a little concerned about putting me on finasteride inspite of interest from my side.He wants me to try Minoxidil first and if it works well I must stick with it if not I will get on finasteride and maintain whatever I have till something better comes along.

I advice you to keep your hair short till the shedding stops.If you think the minoxidil isn't doing you any good then slowly taper it off and stick with finasteride.It is quite odd as shedding generally shouldn't exceed beyond the 6th month and you seem to have been using it for nearly a year.Did your derm offer you any advice at all ?


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I've yet to visit a dermatologist, just a doctor. I guess I should. I'm half way through my fifth month of finasteride, so I'm wondering if I have to wait it out just a bit longer. What I just found particularly bizarre is my sides going... and I mean REALLY going, to the extent that you can really see the scalp. Nothing is thickening up, in fact quite the opposite. It's getting lighter and weaker.

The hair I lose also seems to be very healthy.

I notice you're taking a lot of supplements. Are they really that useful?


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Biotin initially had a cosmetic effect and makes my hair and nails grow faster.Zinc is supposed to be a mild DHT inhibitor according to certain studies.I also take saw palmetto which is capable of blocking DHT as well.

There aren't any solid studies to prove how effective they really are but I just take them for my overall well being hoping that they have some positive effect in controlling male pattern baldness.

Saw Palmetto has increased my libido levels and at one point it was totally out of control. :) They seemed to have some effect in controlling my hair fall prior to the minoxidil induced shed.MSM is something that would be a part of my regimen soon just to speed up the growth of Minoxidised hairs.

You can give these supplements a shot especially Biotin.I strongly recommend you consult a derm regarding your continuous shedding.


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Cheers. Will get an appointment.

My loss started just as I was under a lot of stress and started using a dandruff shampoo. I've not stopped the latter and as for the former... well the hairloss naturally causes more stress. I'm always wondered if either could be the main cause to be honest.


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Spickle said:
Cheers. Will get an appointment.

My loss started just as I was under a lot of stress and started using a dandruff shampoo. I've not stopped the latter and as for the former... well the hairloss naturally causes more stress. I'm always wondered if either could be the main cause to be honest.

your accelerated shed could be Telogen Effluvium (telogen effluvium) its when you shed like crazy from traumatic stress, if you have been very stressed im thinking this may be whats happening to you as your shed sounds very aggressive, im thinking ths is maybe what happened to me as i lost my job in august and been shedding like razy since november, the hair should regrow though after 6 months, so lets hope :innocent:


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Well who knows. Would my regime then be doing more good than bad? The incident was about 18months ago, but I know it still affects me to this day. That coupled with the hairloss (not to mention a huge workload back in May last year) just pile(d)s on more stress. I never show it though, but I know it bothers me as I haven't been able to sleep since then.


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Stress causes a different form of hair loss-Telogen Effluvium and this in combination with male pattern baldness can be brutal.Try to take it easy,find some activities that make you feel relaxed and even try taking a break from work.Good luck and I hope everything turns out great for you in the future :)


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mpbsux20 said:
Stress causes a different form of hair loss-Telogen Effluvium and this in combination with male pattern baldness can be brutal.Try to take it easy,find some activities that make you feel relaxed and even try taking a break from work.Good luck and I hope everything turns out great for you in the future :)

So Telogen Effluvium is different combined with male pattern baldness? a normal form of Telogen Effluvium your hair should grow back right, so maybe your hair don't grow back the same thickness as before? this isn't good news


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Yes Telogen Effluvium along withe male pattern baldness can make the whole balding process a lot faster.However when it occurs in individuals without male pattern baldness,your hair will grow back just the way it was before once things return to normalcy.