Starting With Ru: Questions To Users


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Hi all,

26 years old, long curly hair an a Norwood 2. My hairline started to change around 16 years old but has only gone back maybe half a norwood since then. To be honest I learned to live with my hairline because I had enough thick hair to cover it up but since 1,5 years it seems like my hair has lost some body/volume... Most people will definitely laugh in my face when I bring up hairloss when it is all styled and well but I can definitely see the difference in the reality check that is called the brighty let bathroom mirror after I take a shower

I started with finasteride in october of 2015, experienced really bad sides after 2 weeks, lowered dosage and most sides slowly went away. My EQ quality stayed the same (70% of what it used to be and no more morning wood) which made me decide to quit in July of 2016. EQ stayed the same for the next months (sometimes at 80% but sometimes at 60%). Only since a month or so I notice slight morning wood sometimes and when masturbating my erections seem to be at 90% of what they used to be. My hair has continued to thin out slowly though...

Now I wanted to give RU a shot since Brotzu will probably not come out this year.... I will not touch finasteride again unless I know that I am 100% back to normal and then max at a dosage of 0.2 mg 2-3 times a week.

I had some questions about RU to the people that have experience with it:).

1 Is it really that much cheaper to mix it yourself?
2 How is the quality of the premixed lotion?
3 Would it maybe best to start with premixed 3% and see how I respond to that or is 3% not even worth trying?
4 How long would 5 gram of raw powder last me vs how long would a premixed 5% solution last me if I would use the same amount daily?
5 How long does it usually take from placing the order till actually receiving it?
6 What would you recommend me in general based on my sides history, the degree of my hairloss (slow loss, just need maintainence and some thickening on top?)

Questions that probably have been asked a lot here but I always feel that 110 experiences still say more than 100 experiences:):
1 What did RU do for you hairwise?
2 Did you experience any sides?

Any help would be appreciated a lot:).