Starting propecia at 40


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I'm a 40 year old diffuse thinner and have noticed gradual thinning over the last 3's gotten worse the last 8 months and I've started using toppik to conceal thin spots. Dr confirmed I was a diffuse thinner and recommended getting on propecia 0.5mgs EOD for 6 months and then increase to 1mg EOD. He said this will help body adjust to the meds which he said would have to be for the long haul.

To all those who started propecia in thier late 30's to early 40's is it true that starting later in life results in more side effects? Is it also less effective in people over 40? Will propecia even work for diffuse thinners like me? Thanks.


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I started at a similar time and I'm now getting off it for a while as sides have really started to effect me badly. I would say its important not to look at it as a lifetime option like the drug co's say as it strikes me it will do more harm than good. I plan to use finasteride probably for the next few years or perhaps never as I'm tapering off it now but I don't like the idea of losing hair. If I can get through the next decade or so relatively unscathed I plan to consider a hair transplant then. A UK celebrity called Duncan Bannatyne was mid 50's and had one done and I think it looks worthwhile as he had that hair island thing going on before. Mind you I haven't done a buzz cut yet and plan on this just to see what my nut looks like if I did get a skinhead.


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Thanks sjbuk. Did you see an actual improvement after starting? How long did it take? If you don't mind me asking, what kind of sides are you experiencing?


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Sides, you name it. ED low libido, ball ache, less sex sensation, brain fog, Morning tiredness, looks like ball shrinkage and dick hangs smaller soft. I wouldn't count on gaining hair just minimising losing more. Been on it for must be 5 - 7 years now. I had a number of sides early on like ball pain but kept taking it. I hadn't heard of permanent sides before having only recently read about this and I doubt many get this but it needs careful consideration.


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More anecdotal evidence to help prove how guys worry about their state of hair at just about any age. Hello Hash, when you decide to start finasteride( good Doctor btw)I think the forum would benefit if you documented your experience with b/a photos. You sound like an ideal recipient. Remember that maintaining your existing hair is a gigantic triumph. All my best.


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Who needs evidence ? Most people have some kind of interest in their appearance at all ages I suspect.


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Only the guy(s) who assume any male pattern baldness sufferers over 35+ yrs. is probably too old to care any longer about their hair loss situation. Your suspicions are right. It usually depends on each persons level of self-interest in maintaining their appearance. Naturally the older we grow the greater effort it'll will takes for us to carry on undetected.


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Consider many, many veteran "hat prisoners" for starters.


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Not all who wear hats is out of shame. I wear a hat when I can't be bothered to wash or tidy up my hair and others wear one when their heads get cold.

Not sure what was meant by 'undetected'. Is the one with loss trying to go undetected ? I took this to mean efforts to manage hair loss go undetected. Who cares if efforts are detected ? Big deal you use hair fibres ? so what, loads use hair gel or whatever. Big deal I styled my hair to minimise the effect of hair loss. You wear a piece barf my *** off, men should not care about their appearance.


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Never said ALL men, I said, "many, many hat prisoners..,". Good for you if that doesn't apply to you and WTFs up with your comment, " men should not care about their appearance."? You gotta be kidding. I think before you go barf your *** off again, it might be wise to wipe the **** from your eyes.


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Never said ALL men, I said, "many, many hat prisoners..,". Good for you if that doesn't apply to you and WTFs up with your comment, " men should not care about their appearance."? You gotta be kidding. I think before you go barf your *** off again, it might be wise to wipe the **** from your eyes.

Bit of misinterpreting going on here I suspect. I was being ironic and responding to what was written about being 'undetected' as if there's something to hide.


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I care about my hair now and will care just as much at 50 or 60. Your dont wake up one day and just not care at all about what you look like unless of course you gave up at life. So age is pretty irrelevant actually. Your personality for what others think of you is probably more critical than age


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I'm 45 now .. started 1mg Finpecia when I was 38
I have maintained well and it still seems to be working for me.

I have a twin brother who does not use finasteride so I can see what I would be like without it - he has noticeably more hairloss than I do


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Inadvertance, I read the same thing too but if I recall correctly the study talked about adding 0.5 dutasteride a week to a regimen that included 1mg of finasteride per day. I haven't read about a study on 0.5 dutasteride as a stand alone treatment for hair loss. I would love to hear from anyone who's taking just 0.5 dutasteride a week to see what kind of results they are seeing.


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Interesting that you can analyse your brother and interpret what you'd be like without finasteride. Did you hop on finasteride as soon as you noticed your loss?