Starting Finasteride. Contains Lactose, Any One Have Issues


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Okay, I have been using Rogaine 5% for 3 months, not sure whether I am noticing much of a difference. However, I feel I have let Google and myth rule my decision on Propecia and may have let it go too long, but I have faith and hope and potentially may get restoration some time in the future, so I took the plunge and ordered a months dose and intend to start tomorrow morning. I got the generic Finasteride...

However, I noticed that they contain 'lactose monohydrate' - I haven't had dairy in over 4 years, although I can handle lactose, to an extent, I don't want too. Is the branded Propecia the same? I live a very clean diet these days and I don't want to add any aspect of dairy back in to my diet. My rear is clean as whistle and regular. I don't want to change that.

Anyone notice any change in stool who may have an irritation to lactose?