starting a routine


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Hi guys,

My hairline has been receding slowly for 5 years (I'm 28), and I've noticed in the past 2 years that I'm also thinning on top. At first I tried to deny it by just saying to myself that I always had a widow's peak and that I was getting a maturity hairline. As the thinning got more and more noticeable on top, I couldn't deny it anymore. Other people had noticed too.

I'd say that I am between a Norwood 2-3 with thinning on top.

Last month, I decided to start a fight to try to do something about my hair loss. I've been on finasteride 1 mg/day for 2 weeks now. I've noticed mild versions of some side effects, but I'm hoping, from what I've read, that these will subside in time.

I've been reading these boards since I started taking finasteride to try to get as much information as possible. This has been a great resource.

Learning all about the big 3 and other options has been really informative. I had never heard of Nizoral before, so I've decided to add nizoral 2% to my finasteride routine 2-3 times a week.

Reading through past posts, it seems like finasteride and nizoral are the way to start a routine. My question is: should I add min too? Or should I wait a while (if so, how long?) trying finasteride/nizoral to see what they do for me?

I know I've got to put a year commitment into any routine before evaluating results, so I'm going to be patient. I also have decided to take some pics now and every 3 months for a year so I can try to judge if things are working. I'm hoping to maintain--and it would be great to see some regrowth.

Thanks for this resource and for any comments on my initial routine.

too bald too furious

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hubjoe said:
Hi guys,
My question is: should I add min too? Or should I wait a while (if so, how long?) trying finasteride/nizoral to see what they do for me?

If you want regrowth..YES.
If you are happy with what you have on your head right now and would like to maintain/thicken it and perhaps grow a little bit back...stick to finasteride and nizoral.
I also suggest starting with 1% Nizoral rather than 2%.


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thanks for the feedback

thanks. couple of more questions:

is 2% nizoral rougher on your scalp? I guess I fell into the trap of thinking that more (higher percentage) would be better.

regrowth would be great, but i thought i might be going overboard right away with the triple attack.

plus, a pill a day + shampoo a few times a week also seems like it will be easy to stick with.

the directions say to apply min twice a day. i noticed some guys only have it once a day in their routines on here. do you start with twice and then cut back to once a day when you're ready to maintain?

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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Re: thanks for the feedback

hubjoe said:
is 2% nizoral rougher on your scalp? I guess I fell into the trap of thinking that more (higher percentage) would be better.

2% Nizoral has twice as much active ingredient "Ketoconazole" than the 1%.
Ketoconazole is used to treat Seborrea Dermatitis, but the point in using 1% Nizoral in your regimen is to remove any inflammation/itch. This happens when DHT attacks the hair follicles. Unless you have a severe case of dandruff and terrible itching, 1% is sufficient.

Regarding minoxidil, have to apply it 2 times a day, every day for rest of your life.

Keeping regimen of just Finasteride and Nizoral is the best to start. You can add minoxidil after 1 year if you are not happy with your results or you want more regrowth.