Started shedding hair, male pattern baldness???


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25 years, shedding hair, male pattern baldness???

Hi, Im gonna make a long story short.

I'm 25 year male and have brown thick(really thick hair).
Normal body, non smoker and havent been stressed or had som illness/operations during the last 12 months.
My father and mother also have very thick hair and so does my grandparents except from my 85yo grandfather.
I have 2 brothers and they also have very thick hair.
The only one with thin hair, is one of my cousins. He is 29 and still have normal hair, but more thin than the rest of the family.

So here's what happened. 3 months ago I started shedding hair, noticed some hair on my pillow and in the shower drain. Since then I'm shedding approx 300-500 hair a day. Maybe more.
When I put shampo in my hair and wash it I can pick upp 150-200 hairs in the drain, if I shampo it again the same thing happen.
When I put gel in my hair my hands get full of hair. And my appartment is full of hair everywhere.

My hairline havent changed but the only thing Ive noticed is some small hairs along my hairline, same color as the rest of the hair, dunno if I had them there before or not..

Ive been to the doctor 2 times and he says its normal to lose more hair during some parts of life. I doubt him.

So to the people here at hairlosstalk I ask you what is this??
Is it male pattern baldness or something else?? What can I do??

Im worried, my hair is the only thing in my apperence im proud over...

Kind Regards,
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