Started Rogain 8 days ago & hairloss got worst!Freaking


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OK, I'm new and I know shedding is to be expected with Rogaine, but 6 days in?
I started noticing my hairline & temples receding about 18 months ago. It has slowly gotten worst and my once very thick and dense hair has started thinning out from the front between my temples to my crown.

I bought Rogaine 8 months ago but never used it (fear of shedding) but a week ago when my girlfriend told me my hair looked thinner I freaked out and started using.
Now, 8 days later the area I spoke of looks less dense and I'm really scared now! Went online today and ordered Tricomin and Nizoral shampoos, MSM, Green Tea,SDG Flax, & Neetle Root!
Pics below. I know it’s in the early stages and I hope I get taken seriously because I don't want to wait.

Initially I thought it was stress related since it coincided with a considerable raise in my stress/anxiety levels & there is really no family history of early balding. I'm 32 now.
What should I do?

1 year ago



pics aren't very good.


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Although many people will disagree, I have found from experience that people who have large shedding from minoxidil always end up with the best results. The earlier the shed the better as it means your folliciles are responding extremely well to the solution.

I myself never shed from minoxidil, and have had no real regrowth to speak of.

look up success story of SE-Freak, he had the same problem and then great results I'm sure you'll be inspired.


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PS, I re-read your post, I wouldn't start taking too many things at once as you won't know what's working and what's not, plus you'll end up spending so much time on it.

I would reccomend dropping everything and getting on Propecia 1mg or .5mg a day and continue with your Rogaine treatment.

Don't go too overboard with unproven methods as they are just that - unproven.


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Are you covering you hair loss with your hair. I dont see any receding temples and you hariline sure hasnt gone high, looks pretty normal. What are you worrying about ?


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his center receeded almost an inch, or rather that much thinned.

congrats on starting this early. many people on this board did not start until they lost a lot. that makes you a much better candidate for meds. apply minoxidil on your whole scalp if it is not a pain in the butt. strong hairs respond best, and it is easier to maintain that to regrow. you can loose 50% of your hair and not notice it when it is dry. better to apply it now just so it does not sneak up on you.


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hairhaircomeagain said:
Are you covering you hair loss with your hair. I dont see any receding temples and you hariline sure hasnt gone high, looks pretty normal. What are you worrying about ?

I've been wearing my hair long for almost ten years now so on that first pic from over a year ago I didn't even notice it was thinning and receeding. My bangs where still dense and thick. It wasn't till reacently that I went back and zoomed in to some old pics that I saw those early signs.

The pics from yesterday I have my hair brushed back and the thinning and recesion is quite apperant. Your right about the temples though, the pic doesn't show well the degree of recesion. I'll try taking a better pic, but to be honest, its an almost traumatic expierence documenting the initial stages of what I fear is going to get worst. :x


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hellohello said:
PS, I re-read your post, I wouldn't start taking too many things at once as you won't know what's working and what's not, plus you'll end up spending so much time on it.

I would reccomend dropping everything and getting on Propecia 1mg or .5mg a day and continue with your Rogaine treatment.

Don't go too overboard with unproven methods as they are just that - unproven.

So its a foregone conclusion that DHT is the culprit? How do I know? I've read alot but no one tells you how to truly identify the root cause. Blood test.

The other stuff I ordered is just MSM and IM's top three.


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Yes, the root problem is DHT. Get on Propecia as soon as possible, since it is by far the best prevention treatment (that´s safe!) available today.