sprouting new hairs


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hello just a question re : sprouting of new hairs : recently I have begun to see some new growth ocuring with several small lines or clusters of hair growth appearing in various areas that have been bald for the last seven to eight years . the hairs are very fine and are roughly 1 - 2mm in length and in other areas they are close to 5mm in length . the main concentration of new growth is in the temporal area both left and right which seems to be filling up with coarser wispy type of hair which is about 1cm in length but in between this coarser hair are pockets or lines of new hair sprouting ( the 1 - 2mm fine hairs )
The question I have is roughly how long does it take once a small hair follicle becomes visible on the scalp to begin to develop into a stronger coarser hair : I dont have any pics as yet although I will let it grow for another few weeks and try and get a few photos up because i usually crop my hair quite often . over the last few months over different periods of time certain sections have been experiencing slow steady growth with patches of fine hair appearing then a month later another line of small hairs will start to fill in and then another few weeks later i can see several individual or two or three news hairs beginning to sprout through in my frontal region which has been bald for eight years or so - so it appears that new growth is occuring over different ranges of time . after about four or five months the sides started to slowly develop - then the mid section of the scalp had a few small pockets of growth after about six months and now seven months in i can see some small areas of growth extending down past my mid hairline but its a slow process . any advice appreciated thanks


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Hello Teerak,
Would you mind informing us your treatment plan. I peeped at your regimen box, but hare didn't look right.
Maybe you were just trying to be bunny?


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I have got diffuse style hair which has been miniaturizing and thinning over time . Estimate to have been using tonics on and off over the last four years with limited success 5% tonics sometimes accompanied with regular doses of propecia where I used to cut the tablet into four quarters and take approx 1mg per day . basically tried this approach periodically over a four year period with minimal growth so at the beginning of this year decided to put another plan together that incorporated several approaches which I commenced ( seriously ) at the beginning of march so have been doing this routine for approx seven months to date making gradual progress which encourages me to stay with the routine and continue on . initially around march i purchased some 15% minoxidil tonic and applied 1.5ml twice a day and then after doing some research prepared a castor oil based tonic mixed with part olive oil and other enhancers and used that twice a day in conjunction with my routine .
the best part was the fish oil tablets where i purchased a large container of 500 capsules . this was applied directly to my scalp two to three times a day - initially the smell was quite strong and if you want to repulse people this is the way to do it . I usually applied the tablets at certain times during the day when I was alone allowing the oil to penetrate my follicles over a three or four hour period . Whilst applying tonics and other hair regrowth formulas is an important element for trying to nourish and strengthen the follicle and create a pattern of regrowth I think other factors should be included and an example that I include in my routine is a morning scalp massage either with rosemary oil or another type of oil mix that will allow you to firmly and vigorously massage your scalp or the targeted area which can loosen up your scalp region and enhance blood flow and direct it to the follicles assisting with regeneration and new growth . this month I am trying a different approach in relation to the tonics : I have purchased some provillus which I believe is 5% minoxidil and also purchased three months supply of propecia at 1mg per day so perhaps altering and adjusting my topical side of the routine might provide my hair with a few more nutrients essential oils and amino acids . for the last four months have been using dualglen 15% and a combination of herbal tonics but I guess the provillus looks a bit better as the ingredients appear to be scientifically oriented towards enriching and strengthening the follicle and whilst I believe the regular application and correct selection of tonics is important there are other elements in my routine such as regular scalp massages and some other exercises and when these elements are combined and practised on a regular basis may make a difference . here are some photos below and I will try and attach some notes to each photo and at the end of this month will put up another picture . My camera is very basic and my photos are not of high quality but I guess they document each stage I am going through and as time progresses they can be used to measure any progress .

this photo was from beginning of feb 2015 at this point i was putting togethor a plan . diffuse thinner miniaturizing hair

overhead shot feb 2015 not much happening

top of crown photo taken in august : Started the routine in march so six month in

photo taken around same time in august but a bit clearer - looks like some new hairs are sprouting around the frontal and temporal regions . slow progress

photo taken at same time not very clear but you might be able to see the ( small lines ) of hair that are slowly filling in this is where new hair lines are beginning to sprout so i think it could continue to grow over next three to four months

photo a few weeks later let my hair grow out for a while
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Thanks for putting that all together. FYI the pic attachments can't be opened yet (at least for me anyway).
Can you share what Norwood stage you are? Also to be clear are you presently using min.15% along with Provillus (min.)?
Your experimental regimen is fascinating however maybe somewhat sporadic for my singular task wired mind to completely follow.
It's difficult to say this to someone who shares my still running enthusiastic hope for nature and manual nurture(eg;massage)to finally prove they are THE pieces that fit the male pattern baldness puzzle. Sadly my enduring experience with "alternative" therapy has ended disappointingly SO FAR.

Frankly (you've been ready for this all along lol) I suspect you're achieving gains and/or maintaining ground ultimately because of the pharmaceutical parts you're applying I'm just uncertain as I've already expressed which one deserves the credit.

If I had to deduce what works, then minoxidil. shows up most consistently.
You do what is most comfortable for you as long as you are aware(and I think you are) that any method for treating male pattern baldness/Androgenetic Alopecia outside the Church of Commercial Pharmacology remains today an exercise in futility.

Try to be more patient with each item you're trialing. Ideally I personally would trial one at a time if I wanted to identify the missing peace.Nonetheless it must be encouraging for you to notice apparent positive changes with your hair. That's all we want after all.
GoodLuck and thanx for continuing to share.


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I am in similar boat as you, I started too late in Feb 2015 with big 3. Have diffuse growth all over now with some very thin and small hair at temples and crown. They are pigmented so not vellus but it is taking ages for them to become anything significant.

My theory is as follows:
The hair miniaturise in steps, 5-4-3-2-1 and reversing it will also happen in steps 1-2-3-4-5. These hair at temples and crown are at 1 or 2 so have a long journey ahead. Also I think journey from 1-2 is longer than 4-5, say if you see what I am saying.

Can I ask you a few questions:
- Is your castor oil topically or orally?
- Why did you decide to add fish oil topically, i.e. did you read/find something?



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thanks for the detailed reply will read closely after work tonight . here are some pics hopefully they turn out ok .

Picture 081.jpg

this picture was from late january : I started applying tonics around this time but developed and started a more inclusive routine at the beginning of march . diffuse thinner miniaturizing hair .

blurry shot of crown

Picture 084.jpg

next shots from around mid august roughly 6 1/2 to 7 months from commencement

Picture 132.jpg

Picture 185.jpg

still photos from around aug

Picture 222.jpg

Picture 169.jpg


Senior Member
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Again good of you to post pics (almost a requirement by now.)
I could be seeing some regrowth particularly closer to the crown region.
I must say due to the lighting and hair length variance I can't be sure.
Also have you established yet a routine regimen?


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was just wondering about this combination : have ordered some more dualglen 15 and thought it would be an important factor to continue with this product as i have been using it for the last seven months with fair progress . Recently have also ordered the provillus pack which i believe contains approx 5% minoxidol in conjunction with other nutrients such as amino acids and palmetto extract . also ordered 3 months worth of propecia at 1m per day .
The routine i was planning was 1.5ml of dualglen twice a day morning and evening - and use the provillus product once a day in the afternoon ( i have never used this product before so will have a close look at it when it arrives in the mail next week ) and the next plan is to continue with my regular scalp massages three or four times a day . for this i prepare a lotion containing part castor oil - part olive oil - part fish oil containing crushed crushed zinc - biotin - and iron tablets so usually when i massage the scalp this is applied as a lubricant .
dualglen 1.5ml morning
dualglen 1.5m evening
provillus product afternoon application
castor oil tonic accompanied with scalp massage three times a day
propecia 1mg per day


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Picture 476.jpgafter almost ten months of treatment there are ( sporadic clusters of very fine hairs appearing that are approx 4mm in length ) and have just become noticeable - in the frontal region that has been dormant for approx ten years . as you can see from earlier photos there are some existing hairs at the front but what is interesting is over the last two weeks It has just become visible ( sprouting several clusters of fine hair around this frontal region which is a good sign . after such a long period of the hairs being dormant it appears it has taken ten months of treatment just for these dormant hairs to penetrate the surface and begin a new cycle . does anyone have a rough timeline on how long it might take for these new sprouting hairs to grow and transform into stronger hairs . they are very fine and beginning to pop up slowly just becoming visible to my eyes as they start to grow in . thanks for your help