spironolactone with finasteride


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I've been on finasteride for over 5 years, and it has slowed what was/is aggressive male pattern baldness, but not stopped it completely. I've developed slow diffuse loss over most of my head, and it seems to me to be getting much more noticeable of late. I've heard some people on this forum talk about increased sensitivity of the androgen receptors caused by long-term finasteride use. In light of this, I was thinking of adding topical spironolactone to my regimen.

Do finasteride and topical spironolactone work in different ways? I always thought finasteride reduces the amount of dht, while topical spironolactone competes with the remaining dht for the receptor sites. Is this correct?

Has anyone had any luck adding spironolactone to the finasteride mix? i can post some pics too if it would be useful

damn male pattern baldness!!! grrrr


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mooman80 said:
Do finasteride and topical spironolactone work in different ways? I always thought finasteride reduces the amount of dht, while topical spironolactone competes with the remaining dht for the receptor sites. Is this correct?

Yes, that is correct. Finasteride inhibits the 5ar ezyme (Type II) where as the spironolactone blocks the androgen receptors (ARs) preventing androgens from binding to them. They work very synergistically together :)


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Like Socks said, they work synergistically and are probably the best regime for maintenance. (apart from dutasteride & spironolactone).


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thanks for the info guys, i put in an order with dr. lee, so we'll see how it goes. that consultation fee is a crock :-x


New Member
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thanks for the info guys, i put in an order with dr. lee, so we'll see how it goes. that consultation fee is a crock :-x