spironolactone shed


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Hello. New on this forum.
After trying some homemade spironolactone solution (max solubility in alcohol is around 1.5%; but I allowed some more, in suspension) I added 5% homemade spironolactone cream. This was last june. An awful shed ensued. Along the three following months, my shedding rate "grew" from an average 100 hairs a day to 150, 200 and finally around 240 hairs a day before I decided to stop. Within 2 - 3 weeks, the shed was back to 120 hairs a day, making me believe that the said spironolactone was the actual culprit.
Is this possible?
Should I have carried the treatment on, in other words, is such an prolonged and massive shed sustainable and compatible with the notion of a possible subsequent regrowth and overall benefit?
The incredible thing is:
1°) spironolactone solution does not have this harmful effect on me (or does it have any effect at all?)
2°) Doctor Lee claims on his site that spironolactone is harmless in this respect and does not induce any shed since it does not reshape the hairshaft...

I'll add that I have been on high finasteride doses for 2 years (3 - 4 mg) and on strong minoxidil (15%twice a day) for 9 months.

Thank you.