spironolactone 5% and watery semen?


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I've been using using 5% spironolactone for about 2 months now and I got really thin watery semen....? I stopped using it 4 days ago and it seems to be back to normal today. I also think I got less morning erections while on it. What the deuce?


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I've noticed a softness in my erections recently and was thinking it might be due to spironolactone. It's advertised as having no-side effects but maybe there is systemic absorption. I would also be interested in the views and experiences of existing and former spironolactone users. Maybe I'm using too much on my bald patch!


Senior Member
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Interesting. Some RU users have complained about "watery semen" as well. I guess it's a typical sign of anti-androgenic activity when it comes to systemic absorption. You don't have any brain fog? Very large doses of RU causes ED, apparently by temporary weakening the penile muscles.


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Yup, I got the whole package of sides from spironolactone too.

I don't trust a word anybody says about "no systematic absorption" the mechanics of the anti-androgen mean it will give you sides sooner or later even if they are lesser sides than say finasteride or dutasteride.


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i can somewhat believe this...

im getting my bloodwork done and after i start taking spironolactone..so i'll be able to see exactly whats going on.