Spectral DNC-L first use, not bad


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Some background info for those who don't remember me as "FairTaxNow":
My regimen since 11/06 has been using Spectral DNC in the front half of my scalp and the Rogaine foam on the rear half. I've been a diffuse thinner but I've had regrowth/thickening for sure with the Spectral DNC portion of my scalp and it appears just maintenance where the foam is. Started with finasteride in Feb. '07 (started at 0.25mg EOD, ramped up to the 0.625mg EOD I'm taking now which is prescribed generic proscar 1/6th'd), and replaced Nizoral with alternating Revita and NANO shampoos. Now onto the DNC-L review.

Smell:The smell that some people are calling the Vitamin B smell IS in fact there, but it's not Vitamin B it is Saw Palmetto. It is definitely not as strong as pure Saw Palmetto extract but this is the scent. I can only smell it when I put the lotion right up to my nose so I highly doubt that anybody else can smell it unless they do the same. My wife put her nose up to my hair afterwards and couldn't really even smell it.

Consistency/Application: I'm a diffuse thinner that's had some regrowth since starting treatments in 11/06 and the cream certainly does not spread through hair very well but it is doable. People don't seem to think that the liquid does either but the trick for the liquid is that you have to keep rubbing the stuff into your scalp until your hair is completely dry. This rubs the liquid out of your hair into your scalp instead of having it dry in your hair. I tried this with the DNC-L cream too and you finally get it "dry" but it's not as good as the DNC liquid, which actually leaves your hair feeling thicker (yes, thicker, per the rubbing trick only) after you're done rubbing it in.

After application Scalp Sensations: I CAN feel a slight tingling so I am very pleased with this. Nowhere near as bad as some people have made it seem. I had a very strong tingling the first couple of weeks I started back in November of '06 but even that felt good since I figured it had to be working (I had a horrible itch for about a 4-6 weeks after that which I was able to reduce with topical treatments and waiting it out and that itch went away).

If I can style my hair after application with my Got2B Chaotic Putty than I will probably stick with it for the added benefits from the extra ingredients. If not I will probably stick with this stuff as an evening treatment and the DNC in the morning.


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I just looked around a bit, and found it for about 45 dollars at a few sites- how long is it supposed to last? I mean, one can of foam = 1 month, usually. If I was to buy this new DNC, I'd use it in the evenings and continue to foam it in the mornings. Any thoughts on that?


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Dr. Nick,

I bought mine at dermstore.com for $38 total with a coupon code (google it).

Since I made this post I've been using it nightly during the week, and in the mornings and evenings on the weekend. I have about 80-85% of the bottle left still though I'm only using two pumps to cover the front half of my scalp. I also skip a day or two every 3-4 weeks or so and sometimes extend my application to every 16-20 hours instead of strictly every 12 hours.

They really do need to formulate this in a liquid version because it's hard to style after putting this stuff in your hair. It leaves it slightly creamy no matter how long I try rubbing it into my scalp whereas the DNC liquid completely disappears and actually leaves your hair easy to manage.